Source of thinking
最近的状态,最近在家除了工作就是看书,做饭,早晨起来后会冥想静坐一下。出于一些学习目的,每天会保持看书5个小时以上,其中包含学习英语2个小时左右。但是突然发现所谓的埋头苦干的努力有时候只是瞎**搞。古人说“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。” 一味读书而不思考,就会因为不能深刻理解书本的意义而不能合理有效利用书本的知识,甚至会陷入迷茫。而如果一味空想而不去进行实实在在地学习和钻研,则终究是沙上建碉堡,必是“沙碉”。告诫我们只有把学习和思考结合起来,才能学到切实有用的知识,否则就会收效甚微。
Recently, As with most Chinese guys, I just stay at home. Most of the time when I stay at home is used to work, read, cook and with a daily 30-min meditation.For the purpose of Lifelong Learning Plan , I will spend 5 hour each day on reading books ,which includes 2hours English learning.All of a moment, I just find out some we called making great efforts is just idle work. As a Chinese saying "Learning without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without learning ends in danger " tells us that we must combine thinking and learning, from which we can learn some practical knowledge instead of ineffectual without effect.
So this is a narration of my minds, to explain how to learn more effective and resultful.
第一步 做好自我认知和心理建设
Step 1: construction of cognitive and psychological ability
I treat the construction of cognitive and psychological ability as the first step because it is a premise of the fundamental recognition of the world's all kinds of everything.
Firstly , what we have to realized that the limitation and falseness of some individual and group recognition towards the world. We will easily find out some problems come from the cognition perspective :In ancient times , people think they live in a world looks like a orbicular sky with rectangular earth; some Chinese parents believe in that physical punishment is a good educational concept. Some online article spread the social prejudice that university education is not so important because of some successful story of low academic qualification people.
1. 已知的已知:知道自己知道
There are four quadrant of our cognition towards this huge world:
1 our consciousness towards the things we have already known.
2 our consciousness towards the the things we don't know.
3 our unconsciousness toward the things we have already known.
4 our unconsciousness toward the the things we don't know.
The life of Man, viewed outwardly, is but a small thing in comparison with the forces of Nature. To expand my own consciousness zone, I decide to set the mind that: realizing the self-limitation of my cognition and self consciousness toward this world and keeping remind myself that my consciousness towards the world can be refresh and expand only if I stay in the progressive on knowledge.Everybody starts from zero when they are born. You can get close to the person you want to be with some kinds of method. Just like in calculus world , try to get limit towards 0. lol
怎么突破自己的认知? 我决定这样做:
how to take a breakthrough of my cognition :
- reading more books and contacting with more interesting people is a way of refresh my own world outlook. keep my lifelong learning plan and lay emphasis on the quality of the information I get.
- Always be critical when I decide to accept new things. Refresh my minds with self experience, trial and error , observation and introspection towards all of the things.
第二步 构建自己的知识架构体系
step 2 architecture of your knowledge
If we choose to read the main body of the book before the content when we are reading books, sometimes we will find out that this book is totally full of nonsense with details copy from other book, sometimes we will find out it is not as good as we write, sometimes we will find out it's just for writer’s making a profit purpose. All of these situation , maybe can be settled to read the content before the main body of the books.From the content ,we can get the framework and skeleton of the book .When this method is applied to all of the knowledge we try to learn ,we can draw a picture of mind map in our head or on the notes, from which we can easily take a look of all of the perspectives and take advantage of using it quickly when necessary.
Whatever knowledge, if we only learn from one point is not enough ,we have to learn it from the knowledge structure graph which we called systematical learning, which need us to summarize and conclude the knowledge tree and knowledge graph. Every perspective of knowledge graph will be combined by multiple knowledge units, in which we can find different knowledge points from which we can deduce other points. The crossing and overlapping of all kinds of knowledge points is so complex if learn from detail firstly , so the systematical learning can help us a lot.
The understanding of the context , present and previous of knowledge , rather than using the method of memory only,is a very powerful way to comprehend and master it. The people who understanding the cause and effect of everything definately can perform better than those only get the surface of everything.
第三步 掌握正确有效的方法
step 3 effective methods
I would like to take some wrong methods I have ever used to be a paradigm.
When I try to memorize the vocabulary , I firstly took a method of memorizing it with a whole blocks of two hours. However when I open the book next day , I cannot get the meaning. After some practical experiences ,I finally find out that I can study at odd moments like after morning getting up , before the lunch , after the lunch , before the non-break, when waiting for the bus or train, before going to sleep, from which I save my block time to do other things. By the way Ebbinghaus curve is really an amazing invention we can use to memorize all of the things.
When I am cooking the Stewed ribs with potatoes before my mom and cookbook tell me the right way of cooking is to put the different ingredients and elements into the pot , I throw all of them into the pot at the same time ,of course , awful taste although fully cooked.
For physical exercising perspective, Are there some other methods of losing weight except for physical exercising and eating less ? For example ,taking weight-loss pills and just stay in bed. The Fact is that there are no other ways for losing weight . I treat the weight-loss pills as a blind consumption and the price paid for one's foolish behavior. Some meal replacement may help us feeling full and in some kinds of way reducing the intaking of calories. But only take a moment to think that if there are any losing weight pills in the world。 that company will surely make a million fortune than Alibaba.
Just like learning math, what you are learning is the method , solution and routine , the people who can use equation perform better than those who do not. these methods dwarf In comparision with the calculus. As you can see , those who master advanced method take more advantages than other people. To purpose of learning is to master advanced methods and ideas of solving a problem.
1 站在巨人的肩膀上。听网课,只听大牛的,看书,只看名作。
2 进行主题阅读,深度阅读,扩展纬度和深度。如要学习算法,就得吃透钻透。如要做一顿美味红烧肉,就得仔仔细细研究红烧肉的不同做法。
3 分类思维,对自己的知识架构进行树立,采用思维导图。
4 查漏补缺,利用费曼学习法,将自己学到的东西展示出去。这篇文章之后简书写作应该有30万字了。不过还差得远,我把写作当作一种学习方法。
5 行动思维,动态学习,可以练习。
6 不要舍近求远,直奔目标和主题就好。
7 学习区介于舒适区和痛苦区之间,只有不断的跳出舒适区,接近痛苦区,才能不断的扩展自己的舒适区,不断的扩大自己的人生半径。
I have concluded some effective method :
1 take advantage of giant's power: when listening to network curriculum , I will choose the best. when reading books , I will only read the masterpiece or well known writer's books.
2 theme-based reading with depth and rough reading with breadth. If we wanna study algorithm better, we have to make a deliberate study of it. If we wanna cook a meal of stewed pork with brown sauce, we have to study it under tight scrutiny .
3 Categorical thought, building the knowledge map or graph with MindManager(software online)
4 check what you are missing, Feynman Study method is what I am using, demonstrating what we already learn to others. After this article I have already wrote 300,000 words. Although far away from the goals I set.
5 quick in thought and movement and learn from actions, learn from practicing
6 Don't seek far and neglect what lies close at hand, just move to the target and topic you want.
第四步 制定计划
step 4 plan making
It's my view that as an adult we should work and do things with target oriented. Before we are doing somethings, we should carefully thinking:
Are the goals distinct and clear? Are there some points we didn't get from which we can get better outcome? Are there some architectural graph set in our mind which is practical and clear?
To make a good plan for studying , I think we should set a "GPS" plan :
G(Goal)—what do you want
P(Points)—what's the key points to achieve the goals
S(Steps)—Follow what kinds of steps, can we achieve the goals
第五步 采取脚踏实地的行动
step5 take firmly grounded/practical actions
真的是每天都会发现自己的各种方法的不足,当然这些对自我方法的不足的认知,也是不断做事的情况下, 而不仅仅只是来自形而上学的思考中可以获取的。既要天马行空的思考,也要脚踏实地的做事。
Every day you will discover the disadvantage of your own methods , these kind of self awareness can be only concluded when you are taking actions everyday, not only from metaphysical thinkings. Sometimes we make unrestrained thinking , but most of the time , we have to take firmly grounded/practical actions.
If you wanna get some professional skills , what you have to do is repeat it again and again with great effort. From every time of repeating training you will surprisingly discover new methods and concluded your own experiences to perform it more beautifully and effectively . If not, with the same repeat without any conclusion , what you are doing is hard labour work.
Making mistakes in the process of grow up and strong is necessary. It's a good time to rethink and make a retrospection towards ourselves when we making mistakes ,from which I have to say , it's good for us. Better methods, better scheme, lesson learning, better process, and better skill is what we can get from making mistakes.Especially when you are disdained by others ,mocked by others when you making mistakes, which is the source power, you will get more impetus to improve yourself. without doubt ,Don't make the same mistake again!
第六步 持之以恒,时间见证努力
step6 persistence, time proves all
在前面几个步骤采取后,既然已经有了前面那些步骤铺垫了,怎么用文字描述都有心灵鸡汤的嫌疑。那就一个字 “干”。
with the steps set before ,the last step can be just concluded into "just do it"
自由人的信仰 罗素
A Freeman's Worship
The life of Man, viewed outwardly, is but a small thing in comparison with the forces of Nature. The slave is doomed to worship Time and Fate and Death, because they are greater than anything he finds in himself, and because all his thoughts are of things which they devour. But, great as they are, to think of them greatly, to feel their passionless splendor, is greater still. And such thought makes us free men; we no longer bow before the inevitable in Oriental subjection, but we absorb it, and make it a part of ourselves. To abandon the struggle for private happiness, to expel all eagerness of temporary desire, to burn with passion for eternal things--this is emancipation, and this is the free man's worship. And this liberation is effected by a contemplation of Fate; for Fate itself is subdued by the mind which leaves nothing to be purged by the purifying fire of Time.
United with his fellow-men by the strongest of all ties, the tie of a common doom, the free man finds that a new vision is with him always, shedding over every daily task the light of love. The life of Man is a long march through the night, surrounded by invisible foes, tortured by weariness and pain, towards a goal that few can hope to reach, and where none may tarry long. One by one, as they march, our comrades vanish from our sight, seized by the silent orders of omnipotent Death. Very brief is the time in which we can help them, in which their happiness or misery is decided. Be it ours to shed sunshine on their path, to lighten their sorrows by the balm of sympathy, to give them the pure joy of a never-tiring affection, to strengthen failing courage, to instil faith in hours of despair. Let us not weigh in grudging scales their merits and demerits, but let us think only of their need--of the sorrows, the difficulties, perhaps the blindnesses, that make the misery of their lives; let us remember that they are fellow-sufferers in the same darkness, actors in the same tragedy as ourselves. And so, when their day is over, when their good and their evil have become eternal by the immortality of the past, be it ours to feel that, where they suffered, where they failed, no deed of ours was the cause; but wherever a spark of the divine fire kindled in their hearts, we were ready with encouragement, with sympathy, with brave words in which high courage glowed.
Brief and powerless is Man's life; on him and all his race the slow, sure doom falls pitiless and dark. Blind to good and evil, reckless of destruction, omnipotent matter rolls on its relentless way; for Man, condemned today to lose his dearest, to-morrow himself to pass through the gate of darkness, it remains only to cherish, ere yet the blow falls, the lofty thoughts that ennoble his little day; disdaining the coward terrors of the slave of Fate, to worship at the shrine that his own hands have built; undismayed by the empire of chance, to preserve a mind free from the wanton tyranny that rules his outward life; proudly defiant of the irresistible forces that tolerate, for a moment, his knowledge and his condemnation, to sustain alone, a weary but unyielding Atlas, the world that his own ideals have fashioned despite the trampling march of unconscious power.