诗篇 75:4-10 CUNPSS-神
“我对狂傲人说:不要行事狂傲! 对凶恶人说:不要举角! 不要把你们的角高举; 不要挺着颈项说话。 因为高举非从东,非从西, 也非从南而来。 惟有 神断定; 他使这人降卑,使那人升高。 耶和华手里有杯, 其中的酒起沫,杯内满了搀杂的酒; 他倒出来, 地上的恶人必都喝这酒的渣滓,而且喝尽。 但我要宣扬,直到永远! 我要歌颂 雅各 的 神! 恶人一切的角,我要砍断; 惟有义人的角必被高举。”
诗篇, 骄傲
God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble
Psalms 75:1, 2, 4, 7 NLT
We thank you, O God! We give thanks because you are near. People everywhere tell of your wonderful deeds. God says, “At the time I have planned, I will bring justice against the wicked.
“I warned the proud, ‘Stop your boasting!’ I told the wicked, ‘Don’t raise your fists!
It is God alone who judges; he decides who will rise and who will fall.
The proud loves to boast and talk arrogantly about what they have and how defiant they have been. The wicked raised their fists to heaven and mocks the godly. Yet a time will come when such boasting will come to an end. For God will judge and he decides who rise and falls. Pride can also fester in the hearts of the godly. For it can breed un-noticed and unchecked. Pride rebels and reacts. Pride refused wisdom and choose to be in control.
Lord, govern my heart and keep me close to You. Let me remember that You are sovereign over all situations. Let me give thanks and keep singing about Your wonderful deeds! Teach me to love unconditionally and not fret when people listen to truth but do not change. Indeed, I have learnt that the only one that I have control of changing is myself. Change me, mould me, use me. Take away pride in my heart , let me not be anxious about anything. Teach me to wait upon You more especially in a busy schedule. Bless my bros n sis not to become proud but serve God with humility. In Jesus’ Name, amen.