chrome 插件开发 contextMenus[5]

chrome 插件开发 contextMenus[5]

作者: proud2008 | 来源:发表于2020-03-24 10:19 被阅读0次


//manifest.json代码如下 添加权限 代码
"permissions": ["contextMenus"],
"background": {
"scripts": ["sample.js"]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.  
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be  
// found in the LICENSE file.  

// A generic onclick callback function.  
function genericOnClick(info, tab) {
  console.log('item ' + info.menuItemId + ' was clicked');
  console.log('info: ' + JSON.stringify(info));
  console.log('tab: ' + JSON.stringify(tab));

// Create one test item for each context type.  
var contexts = ['page','selection','link','editable','image','video',
for (var i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) {
  var context = contexts[i];
  var title =`Test ${context}  menu item`;
  var id = chrome.contextMenus.create({'title': title, 'contexts':[context],
    'onclick': genericOnClick});
  console.log(`${context} : ${id}`);

// Create a parent item and two children.  
var parent = chrome.contextMenus.create({'title': 'Test parent item'});
var child1 = chrome.contextMenus.create(
  {'title': 'Child 1', 'parentId': parent, 'onclick': genericOnClick});
var child2 = chrome.contextMenus.create(
  {'title': 'Child 2', 'parentId': parent, 'onclick': genericOnClick});
console.log('parent:' + parent + ' child1:' + child1 + ' child2:' + child2);

// Create some radio items.  
function radioOnClick(info, tab) {
  console.log('radio item ' + info.menuItemId +
    ' was clicked (previous checked state was '  +
    info.wasChecked + ')');
var radio1 = chrome.contextMenus.create({'title': 'Radio 1', 'type': 'radio',
var radio2 = chrome.contextMenus.create({'title': 'Radio 2', 'type': 'radio',
console.log('radio1:' + radio1 + ' radio2:' + radio2);

'use strict';

// Create some checkbox items.  
function checkboxOnClick(info, tab) {
  console.log('checkbox item ' + info.menuItemId +
    ' was clicked, state is now: ' + info.checked +
    '(previous state was ' + info.wasChecked + ')');

var checkbox1 = chrome.contextMenus.create(
  {'title': 'Checkbox1', 'type': 'checkbox', 'onclick':checkboxOnClick});
var checkbox2 = chrome.contextMenus.create(
  {'title': 'Checkbox2', 'type': 'checkbox', 'onclick':checkboxOnClick});
console.log('checkbox1:' + checkbox1 + ' checkbox2:' + checkbox2);

// Intentionally create an invalid item, to show off error checking in the  
// create callback.  
console.log('About to try creating an invalid item - an error about ' +
  'item 999 should show up');
chrome.contextMenus.create({'title': 'Oops'}, function() {
  if (chrome.extension.lastError) {
    console.log('Got expected error: ' + chrome.extension.lastError.message);



      本文标题:chrome 插件开发 contextMenus[5]
