package dalvik.system;
public class PathClassLoader extends BaseDexClassLoader {
PathClassLoader(String dexPath, ClassLoader parent) {
super(dexPath, null, null, parent);
public PathClassLoader(String dexPath, String librarySearchPath, ClassLoader parent) {
super(dexPath, null, librarySearchPath, parent);
* Same as {@code createClassLoader} below, except that no associated namespace
* is created.
public static ClassLoader createClassLoader(String dexPath,
String librarySearchPath, ClassLoader parent, String classloaderName) {
if (isPathClassLoaderName(classloaderName)) {
return new PathClassLoader(dexPath, librarySearchPath, parent);
} else if (isDelegateLastClassLoaderName(classloaderName)) {
return new DelegateLastClassLoader(dexPath, librarySearchPath, parent);
throw new AssertionError("Invalid classLoaderName: " + classloaderName);
public Class<?> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return loadClass(name, false);
protected Class<?> loadClass(String name, boolean resolve)
throws ClassNotFoundException
// First, check if the class has already been loaded
Class<?> c = findLoadedClass(name);
if (c == null) {
try {
if (parent != null) {
c = parent.loadClass(name, false);
} else {
c = findBootstrapClassOrNull(name);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// ClassNotFoundException thrown if class not found
// from the non-null parent class loader
if (c == null) {
// If still not found, then invoke findClass in order
// to find the class.
c = findClass(name);
return c;
protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
List<Throwable> suppressedExceptions = new ArrayList<Throwable>();
Class c = pathList.findClass(name, suppressedExceptions);
if (c == null) {
ClassNotFoundException cnfe = new ClassNotFoundException(
"Didn't find class \"" + name + "\" on path: " + pathList);
for (Throwable t : suppressedExceptions) {
throw cnfe;
return c;
private final DexPathList pathList;
public Class<?> findClass(String name, List<Throwable> suppressed) {
for (Element element : dexElements) {
Class<?> clazz = element.findClass(name, definingContext, suppressed);
if (clazz != null) {
return clazz;
if (dexElementsSuppressedExceptions != null) {
return null;
* List of dex/resource (class path) elements.
* Should be called pathElements, but the Facebook app uses reflection
* to modify 'dexElements' (http://b/7726934).
private Element[] dexElements;
* Makes an array of dex/resource path elements, one per element of
* the given array.
private static Element[] makeDexElements(List<File> files, File optimizedDirectory,
List<IOException> suppressedExceptions, ClassLoader loader) {
Element[] elements = new Element[files.size()];
int elementsPos = 0;
* Open all files and load the (direct or contained) dex files up front.
for (File file : files) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
// We support directories for looking up resources. Looking up resources in
// directories is useful for running libcore tests.
elements[elementsPos++] = new Element(file);
} else if (file.isFile()) {
String name = file.getName();
if (name.endsWith(DEX_SUFFIX)) {
// Raw dex file (not inside a zip/jar).
try {
DexFile dex = loadDexFile(file, optimizedDirectory, loader, elements);
if (dex != null) {
elements[elementsPos++] = new Element(dex, null);
} catch (IOException suppressed) {
System.logE("Unable to load dex file: " + file, suppressed);
} else {
DexFile dex = null;
try {
dex = loadDexFile(file, optimizedDirectory, loader, elements);
} catch (IOException suppressed) {
* IOException might get thrown "legitimately" by the DexFile constructor if
* the zip file turns out to be resource-only (that is, no classes.dex file
* in it).
* Let dex == null and hang on to the exception to add to the tea-leaves for
* when findClass returns null.
if (dex == null) {
elements[elementsPos++] = new Element(file);
} else {
elements[elementsPos++] = new Element(dex, file);
} else {
System.logW("ClassLoader referenced unknown path: " + file);
if (elementsPos != elements.length) {
elements = Arrays.copyOf(elements, elementsPos);
return elements;