周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》

周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》

作者: 诗忆的猫 | 来源:发表于2018-09-27 20:45 被阅读0次


周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》

Oliver had just moved to the big city.It felt strange, and his old home in the countryside seemed far away.

“I miss the green fields,”Oliver sighed.

“I miss the wide open spaces.Most of all,l miss my friends.”

周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》

One morning,Oliver felt restless.Even though the rain was pouring down like silver needles,he wanted to be outside,to explore.People hurried by,un-looking.

Oliver glanced about,wondering which way to go,when suddenly he saw it,bright as a poppy in a cornfield...

周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》

...a small,soggy,white ball of a dog,trailing a streak of red leash.

He was all alone,just like Oliver.

“Hello!”said Oliver.

“Are you lost?”

He looked at the little dog’s collar tag.Patch,it read.Just Patch.

Oliver looked around.

No one was calling for their little lost dog.

“what shall I do with you?”Oliver said to Patch.

“I can’t leave you on your own.”

Before he knew it,Oliver had the lead in his hand and Patch was trotting along beside him.

周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》

Oliver and Patch had a wonderful day getting to know each other.

For the first time since moving to the city,Oliver felt happy.

周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》

But as dusk fell,Patch became sad.He sat on Oliver’s desk by the window and gazed out longingly.

Somewhere out there,in the rain twinkle of the city night lights,was his real home.

周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》

Oliver woke the next morning to scratchy,scuffling noise.

“Oh,Patch!”Oliver laughed.

They played all day long.

Hide and seek!

Tickle tummy!

Bury the biscuit!

Curl up and cuddle!(their favorite.)

Watering the garden-oops!

But at bedtime Patch seemed sad again.And even though it made him feel wobbly,Oliver knew he had to do The Rignt Thing.

周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》

So the next day he made some posters.

He secretly hoped no one would see them.

He stuck up the posters and asked at some shops and houses.

“No,never seen that dog before,” the shopkeepers said.

“No one I know is missing a dog,”said his neighbours.

周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》

Days slipped by and nobaby called.

Oliver began to believe that patch would be his dog forever.

He bought him a cosy red blanket and lots of toys.

It was as if they had always been friends.

周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》

One morning,it was gently drizzling.Oliver and Patch went exploring.they wandered down a narrow street,past tall iron railings by an ancient church.Suddenly,Patch barked.He tugged hard on the lead and broke free.

“Patch!”Oliver called.” “PATCH!”

Breathless,Oliver reached a tiny park,hidden away like a jewel.A girl was sitting on the swings,sad and alone.Oliver looked at her red coat and red boots-and he knew.

周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》

The little girl was hugging Patch.Hugging and hugging.Oliver tried to be brave,but his world had turned grey again. “Hello,I am Ruby,”the girl said,smiling at Oliver. “Have you been looking after Patch for me?”

“It’s been lovely,”said Oliver,trying hard to smile back. “But I’m really going to miss him.”

Then he had a thought.”Ruby,do you think-maybe-you and Patch would like to visit me one day?”

“We’d love to!”said Ruby. “But why don’t we go and do something together-right now?” “Woof!”barked Patch. “Woof woof!”

Oliver and Ruby laughed.

周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》

At that moment the sun burst out.The pavements shone as a million raindrops glistened like gold.The city looked beautiful.

And Oliver realised he hadn’t lost a friend...

周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》

...he had found another one!

周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》 周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》



      本文标题:周五绘本推荐《OLIVER & PATCH》
