

作者: Joan一忆稀薄凉 | 来源:发表于2018-04-02 12:20 被阅读0次

You will do foolish things,do them with enthusiasm.这个世界上的最可怕的事情永远不是失败,而是經歷了失敗,卻找不回奮鬥的勇氣的熱情。最寶貴的東西,從來不是什麼金銀珠寶,而且對生活的熱情。有了熱情,你會想去做一切你想要做的事。甚至為了你想要的東西,你能耐住寂寞做一切你不想做的事。而一旦沒有了熱情,所有的一切都對你沒有任何意義了。你就什麼也不想做了。那才是最大的失敗。


Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening.在別人不想再聽之前把話說完。1206(圖書館水管壞了廁所不能用,於是準備去教室看書。剛好昨天把筆忘在寢室了,於是決定抱著書找回來拿筆,走到門口準備開門了才發現自己今天居然忘了帶鑰匙。只好站在門外面背扇貝,等小夥伴午睡起床了跟她借一支筆。悲傷的故事。。


Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.在你走出自己舒適區的那一刻,你的生命才真正開始。20171115

Love truth,pardon error.热爱真理,但也要原谅错误。for all sorts of truth born from errors.没有错误,就没有尝试,没有尝试,哪里来的发现,哪里来的真理。


Light travels faster than sound.This is why some people appear bright until they speak.(第一次去了樓下的通宵自習室,都十一點半了還有滿滿半教室的女生。各種考研書籍。各種考研筆記。瞬間覺得自己恐怕真的是個渣哦。如果不更加努力,你恐怕也是無顏見江東父老了。)1028

Depend not on fortune,but on conduct.要靠行动,而不是靠运气。1019

Enjoy when you can,and endure when you must.有花堪折直须折,有难需受只需受。1016

Absorb what is useful,discard what is not.Add what is uniquely your own.取其精华,弃其糟粕。再加一点点自己的东西。(这就是学习与创新了。)——李小龙

Never trouble another for what you can do for yourself.1015

What people say you cannot do,you try and find that you can.1014

The reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another.完成一件任务的奖励就是去完成另一件任务的动力。1011

Be a first rate version of yourself,not a second rate version of someone else.宁愿做一流的自己,也不做別人的盜版。——Judy Garland

If a writer wrote merely for his time,I would break my pen and throw it away.如果身为一个作家只能写关于身处时代的作品,我定会折了我的钢笔扔得远远的。——雨果

One should count each day a separate life.每一天都是生活。1008

A minute's success pays for the failure of the years.即刻的成功抵得過經年的挫敗。1007

If you want to know what Children can do,you must stop giving them things.

A man can do all things if he but wills them.有志者事竟成。1002

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the Experience wisely.0929努力呀奮鬥呀加油呀不要後退不要後悔

The good or ill of a man lies within his own will.一个人的善恶全由他自身的意志决定。0922

Experience is the only thing that brings knowledge.0911

The mediocre treacher tells.The good teacher explains.The good teacher demonstrates.The great teacher inspires.平庸的老师照本宣科,一般的好的试着解释。好老师举例演示。伟大的老师给人以启迪。(先努力成为第二类吧,毕竟为人老师不容易。)0910

The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid.真正的勇气是在恐惧中仍然直面危险。(就像现在这样,逃避不能解决任何问题,只有直面危险,才能度过危难。0909)

Spend more time smiling than frowning,and more time praising than criticizing.多多微笑少皱眉,多多表扬少批评。0908

I shall take the heart,for brains do not make one happy,and happiness is the best thing is the world.我要心,因为大脑并不能让人感到幸福,而幸福是世界上最重要的事。【绿野仙踪 the Wizard if oz 0907】

Laugh at yourself first,before anyone else can.在其他人嘲笑你之前,先学会自嘲吧。【Don't mind those people who laugh at you,they Don't know what you really are and can't possibly kown what you can become in the future.

Set a goal ,see for yourself and go for it.0905】

Everything's got a moral,if  only you can find it.只要你会去发现,就会发现每件事都是有道理的。  爱丽丝漫游仙境0904

You  become responsible ,forever,for what you  have tamed.一旦你驯服了什么,你就要对其负起责任来,永远地。(the little prince)0903time is  flying by.

If you love a flower on a star,it is sweet at night to gaze at the sky.如果你爱上一颗星球上的一朵花,仰望星空也会变得甜蜜起来。0902(今天开学,小弟弟小妹妹充斥了整个校园。。)

The eyes are blind.One must look with the heart.用心去看,永远会比用眼睛看看到的多。(The little prince)0901jiayoua

What lies behind us and,what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.比起我们的内心世界,外界的影响总是不值一提。如果你不先提高自己,总挑环境的错处是不会帮助到你的。0831

Do something everyday that you don't want to do,this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.每天都盡量強迫自己去做好自己不願意做但是卻必須要做的事情,這是培養自己養成做好自己本職工作的黃金準則。

(So I wanna know what will happen if we do something that we love everyday,will that makes us better selves?)0826

The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer someone else up.让自己高兴的最好方法就是试着去让别人高兴起来。(这就是这什么大家说,高兴的人总是也能让别人高兴。心地柔软的人让人温柔以待,心地灰暗的人也让人心灰意冷。)0823

‌Don't consider painful what is good for you.对你有益的东西,不要觉得痛苦。(世界以痛吻我,我要回之以歌。)0815

Victory belongs to the most persevering.

A ship in port is safe,but that's not what  ships are built for.船在码头上总是安全无虞的。但那并不是船的使命。(insist JIANCHI)0727

I've never known any trouble that an hour's reading didn't assuage.一个小时的阅读,帮你解决这世上一切的烦恼。(听起来像是给人洗脑一样。Sounds like a brainwashing statement.Hoping reading to solve your problems for you is not realistic,it's jus a way to try to avoid them.

Reading is a good habit,but when you have issues,you should settle them.

When you have problems,you ought to solve them.

And when you meet some very tough Enemies,you have to conquer them.If you do not have companies,you must do it all by yourself.)0725

[cp]Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.


Helen Keller

pocket watch  n. 怀表; 挂表; 表袋;0718

I'm not smart,but I like to observe.Millions saw the apple fall,but Newton was the one who asked why.我不聪明,但是我喜欢观察。那么多人看到了苹果掉落,但是牛顿是唯一一个问为什么的人。



Opera is when a guy get stabbed in the back and,instead of bleeding,he sings.


A person who trusts no one can be trusted.一个不信任任何人的人根本就不值得被信任。


The secret of staying young is to live honestly,eat slowly and lie about your age.永葆年轻的秘诀就是诚实地面对生活,吃饭时细嚼慢咽,然后别忘了永远要谎报年龄。(Nothing's perfect,right?You want to stay young,then you even have a tell a lie about it?Hope that will worth all the troubles.)0713

Never,never, never give up.绝不,绝不,绝不放弃。–丘吉尔0712

The  only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.想要发现可能得极限吗?那就挑战不可能的极限,变之为可能。0711

Marriage is a great institution,but I'm not ready for an institution yet.婚姻是所很好的大学,但是我还没准备去读呢。(Hahaha,婚姻不是围城吗?里面的人想不想出来我是不知道了,外面的人想不想进去我也是不知道了。但是总有人知道自己在外面而且还没准备好进去的吧?It seems like a worldwide problem to human beings.Get married,or not.Just like the Shakespeare style query:to be,or not to be.不是存在,就是灭亡。Aw,sounds too scary.)0710

Man invented language to satisfy his deepest need to complain.人类发明语言只是为了满足自己想要抱怨的需要。(Haha,the linguisticians will kill you when they know you said this.Because the languages are the signs of the cultures of human beings.)0709

A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.如果你能证明你不需要钱,银行才会借你钱。(It is rediculous,how will I still lend money if I Actually don't need any?The world is full of contradiction. )0708

The public is wonderfully tolerate.It forgives everything except genius.大众什么都能接受,就是受不了天才的存在。(Judge the genius because you can't be as smart as they are.)0707

Even if you are on the right track,you will get run over if you just sit there.0703即使你在正轨上,如果你静止不动还是被别人碾过去。

The best way to predict the future is  to  invent it.0702

Everyone is born with genius,but most people just keep it for a few minutes.0626

June 22,2017 learning notes

Only two things are infinite,the universe and human stupidity.And I'm not about the former.世界上只有两种东西是没有极限的,宇宙和人类的愚蠢。我唯一不能确定的,只是前者而已。0622

June 20,2017learning notes

Whlie we try to teach out Children all about life,our Children teach us what life is all about.我们试图告诉我们的孩子什么才是生活。而孩子们去告诉了我们,到底什么才是生活。0620

June 19,2017 learning notes

One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men,but no machine can do the work of an extraordinary man.人若普通,一群也敌不过一台机器。人若杰出,再顶尖的机器也不过是台机器。0619(Don't be ordinary,if we have to,still try to be the one and only.Because in that way,we are still extraordinary.)0619

Only the mediocre are always at their best.


Truth  is  more a stranger than  fiction.真相比小说更不可思议。0513


I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific.


Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.生活就是那些让你失眠的事?0511

I think part of my gift,or if i have one,is that i love listening.


Imagination is  the  one weapon in  the war  agaist reality.想象力是对抗现实的一种武器。0509

Knowledge speaks,but wisdom listens.半罐水,响叮当。


ALL I can do is follow my instincts,because I'll never please anyone.依心而行。0507

I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.


If you do not believe you can do it, then you have no chance at all.


I believe the target of anything in life should be to do it  so well that it becomes an art.不管做什么,都要将它做到像艺术品一样完美。0504

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of live.That ward is love.爱,抵过一生中所有的负担和伤痛。0503

You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it.


If you think you can do it, you can.



Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.



A day without laughter is a day wasted.


Charlie Chaplin

By giving people the power to share, we're making the world more transparent.


Mark Zuckerberg

Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.懒惰就是一种根本还没有累,却一心只想着休息的撇Pie习惯。0427

Be kind,for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.要与人为善,因为每个人都有自己的艰苦卓绝的战斗。0426

If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.


You  are  remembered for  the  rules you  break.打破规则,然后被铭记。0424

‌Love all,trust a few,do wrong to no one.爱所有人,信任少数人,不负任何人。——莎士比亚0423

‌You'll  never be  alone if you've got a book.爱书的人从不孤独。0422

Difficult times often bring best of people.困难造就最好的你。0421

Don't quit.Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.别放弃。现在辛苦一点,余生都成为英雄。(带着冠军的荣耀度过余生。)0420

You think you know someone.But mostly you just know what you want to know.你觉得自己了解其他人。但实际上你不过只是看到了你愿意看到的东西而已。0418

You will find that it is necessary to let things go,simply for the reason that they are heavy.你终会明白一定要学会放手,因为往事总是太过沉重。0417

Tomorrow belongs those who can hear it coming.明天属于那些有远见的人。0416

Talent without  working hard is nothing.没有勤奋的天赋毫无意义。0415

Changes and progress very rarely are gifts from above. They come out of struggles from below.


Fame does fullfil you.It warms you a bit,but the warmth is temporary.名誉不能满足你。它能温暖你,但那也只是暂时的。0413

No matter what people tell you,words and ideas can change the world.不管别人怎么说,言语和想法能改变这个世界。0412

There's no such thing as simple.Simple is hard.世界上根本就没有简单这种东西。就连"简单"本身也是复杂的。0411

The secret to happiness is freedom.And the secret to freedom is courage.快乐的秘诀是自由。而自由的秘诀,是勇气。有勇气,即快乐。0410

All life is an experiment.The more experiments you make the better.生活就像做实验。你做的越多,效果就越好。——爱默生0409

jury's still out on …  仍然是未知数

Jury's still on whether it also make you healthy.

Be not simply good—be good for something.别做滥好人,做个有原则的好人。0408

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood,but of respect and joy in each other's life.家人之间的联系并不仅仅只是血脉,而是尊重彼此的生活,并为其喜悦。0407

State Council国务院

With self-discipline most anything is possible.只要能自律,基本就一切皆有可能了。0406

People are smarter than you think. Give them a chance to prove themselves.


We must cut our pricesorbeforced out of the market. It's a matter ofsinkorswim.


It's not your circumstances that shape you,it's how you react to your circumstances.真正塑造你的不是你所处的环境,而且你对周遭环境的反应。

It's never how life treated you,it's how you treated life.掌握命运的钥匙,从来都只在我们自己手里。(Joan)0404

You are stronger than your challenges and your challenges are making you stronger.你高于你所遇到的困难,并且它们永远会使你不断提高。0403

Respect other people's feelings.It might mean nothing to you,but it could mean everything to them.尊重他人的感受,可能对你来说这根本无关紧要,但是对他们来说这却十分重要。0402

I hope life isn't a big joke,because I don't get it.我希望生活不是一个大笑话,因为我没有抓住笑点。


To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.爱自己,是一个人浪漫一生开始。——王尔德

Life is too short to waste your time on people who don't respect,appreciate,and value you.生命宝贵又短暂。就不要为那些不尊重你、不欣赏你、不珍惜你的人而浪费光阴了。

Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.艺术就是一种谎言,只不过这种谎言让我们能去看清事实的真相。——毕加索

Instead of worrying what you can't control,shift your energy to what you can create.与其担心根本无力控制的东西,不如想想自己能够创造出什么。

A random act of kindness,no matter how small,can make a tremendous impact on someone else's life.一次无心的善举,无论多么地微不足道,都可以为其他人生活带去巨大的影响。

A good start is half the battle.好的开始是成功的一半。

Life is one fool thing after another whereas love is two fool things after each other.




