

作者: 山猪打不过家猪 | 来源:发表于2021-12-13 17:38 被阅读0次



    • 句型一:X(描述对象:比例,数字等等)+ 动词 (上升或下降)+ 副词(平稳,急速)+ 数字变化(from 2 to 5)+时间(in 2019)
      The price of textbooks fell sharply in 2019.

    • 句型二:There was a + 形容词(平稳,缓慢) + 名词(上升) + in X(描述对象)
      There was a sharp fall in the price of textbooks in 2019.

    • 句型三:时间或者地点(the years between 1991 and 2009) + saw/witnessed a + 形容词(平稳,急速,缓慢) + 名词(上升,下降)+ 描述对象
      The year 2019 witnessed a dramatic drop in the price of textbooks.

    • 句型四:A + 形容词 + 名词 + took place/ occurred.
      A sharp fall in the price of textbooks took place in 2019.

    • 句型五:X(描述对象)+ showed/ took +an upward/ downward trend+时间
      The price of textbooks showed a downward trend in 2019.




    分段4断,复述数题目, 上升的分一段,下降的分一段,最后总结


    1. 结婚人数从1970年的250万减少到2000年的200万,虽然在前十年保持稳定。
      The number of marriages decreased from 2.5 million in 1970 to 2 million in 2000, although it remained stable in the first decade.

    分开描述(and then/before doing/after which)

    1. 结婚人数在1970年和1980年稳定在250万,然后在2000年下降到200万。
      The number of marriages remained stable at 2.5 million in 1970 and 1980, and then it declined to 2 million in 2000.
    2. The number of marriages remained stable at 2.5 million in 1970 and 1980, before declining to 2 million in 2000.
    3. The number of marriages remained stable at 2.5 million in 1970 and 1980, after which it declined to 2 million.


    1. 尽管保险的这一数字增长了四倍至8%,但仍然是最低的。
      Although the figure for insurance rose fourfold to 8%, it remained the lowest.


    • there be +an opposite trend + in +描述词
      There was an opposite trend in the figure for resources, rising steadily to 20% in 1991 and then declining rapidly to 9% in 2001.
    • 时间或地点+undergo two contrasting trends+时间
      Sweden underwent two contrasting trends over the period in question.


    1. from...to..
    2. between...and...
    3. by
    4. at the beginning of/by the middle of/at the end of
    5. in the first/second decade
    6. over
    7. start off at


    持平:remain stable/steady,stay at the same/level out ,have the same trend with
    波动:fluctuate, go up and down

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    1. 该折线图展示了四个国家在过去四十年(1967-2007年)中人均二氧化碳排放量的变化。
      The line chart demonstrates the changes in CO2 emissions per person in four countries over four decades(1967-2007).

    2. 意大利从4开始,30年来一直上升到7.6,然后在2007年持平
      Italy started off at 4, kept rising for 30 years to 7.6, and then levelled out till 2007

    Uses of petrol and oil and coal see a dramatic increase of about 15 quadrillion unites during the span of the fifty years, while the other four energies rise slightly with the unites of no more than five quadrillion.

    1. 具体来说,1980年最高的消费比例是汽油和石油,约为36千万亿单位,尽管在前15年直到1995年左右经历了一些波动。
      To be specific, in 1980 the highest proportion of consumption was occupied by petrol and oil at approximately 36 quadrillion unites, though it experienced some fluctuations during first 15 years until around 1995.

    Furthermore, uses of coal and natural gas remain the middle level on the whole, standing at a little more than 15 and exactly 20 quadrillion units respectively in 1980.

    1. 很明显,在1900年到2000年之间,全球的水需求显著增加,农业需求也显著增加
      It is clear that global water needs rose significantly between 1900 and 2000, and that agriculture
      accounted for the largest proportion of water used.

    2. 1979年,牛肉是这些食物中最受欢迎的,每人每周大约食用225克牛肉。
      In 1979 beef was by far the most popular of these foods, with about 225 grams consumed per person per week.

    3. 公路一直是最受欢迎的交通工具。
      Road was always the most popular kind of transport.


    句型一:A is X times more than B.(主系表结构)
    The amount of CO2 emitted from cars in 1999 was three times more than that in 2000.
    In 2000, the average amount of time spent on watching TV on a daily basis by adults in US was ten minutes higher than that by children.
    句型二:主语 + 谓语 + X times more + 宾语A + than + 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语B(主谓宾结构)
    In 1999, cars produced three times more CO2 than (they did) in 2000.
    In 2000, adults in US spent ten minutes more on watching TV every day on average than children (did).
    句型三:There be X times more A than B.(There be结构)
    There was three times more CO2 emitted by cars in 1999 than in 2000.
    In 2000, there were ten minutes more time spent on watching TV every day on average by adults in US than by children.



    句型一:大比例或小比例 + 主语 + 谓语,with + 数字
    The majority of sales in Bob's store come from DVDs, with exactly 60%.
    句型二:主语 +(表示“组成”的动词)+ 数字
    DVDs account for three fifths of the total sales.
    句型三:单位 of 主语 + which/ who... + is + 数字
    The percentage of PC games sold is exactly 20%.
    句型四:数字 + 主语 + 谓语
    Fifteen percent of items sold in the store are CDs.
    句型五:There be + 数字 + 主语 + which/ who...
    There is merely 5% of the total revenue generated by selling posters.
    句型六:For + 主题,数字 + 主语 + 谓语
    For the sales of posters, only 5% contributes to the turnover



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    1)The two charts give information about
    2)The bar chart compares figures for
    3)the pie chart shows data about the number of
    4)made up a higher proportion of
    5)By contrast
    6)The tables show the amount of money spent on Fairtrade coffee and bananas in two separate years in the UK, Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium and Sweden
    7)and this was over three times higher than Switzerland’s sales figure for Fairtrade coffee in that year.
    8) The year 2004 also saw dramatic increases in the money spent on Fairtrade bananas in the UK and Switzerland,
    9) Small increases in sales of Fairtrade coffee can be seen,
    10)The two charts compare the populations of France and India in terms of age distribution by gender in the year 1984.
    11)It is clear that the
    12)had a significantly larger percentage of elderly inhabitants
    13)France’s population, by contrast, was more evenly distributed across the age ranges, with similar figures (around 7% to 8% of all people) for each five-year cohort between the ages of 0 and 40.
    14)Between 1980 and 2000, waste production in the US rose from 131 to 192 million tonnes, and rising trends were also seen in Japan, Poland and Portugal.
    15)The table compares the numbers of people who cycled to work in twelve areas of the UK in the years 2001 and 2011.
    16)and this figure rose to more than 106 thousand in 2011, an increase of 144%.


    • 例1








