C08 特殊章节(8) 20 over

C08 特殊章节(8) 20 over

作者: 菩提树下醉逍遥 | 来源:发表于2020-12-10 15:57 被阅读0次

    C08 特殊章节(8) 20 over

    20 over


    ①downwards and away from a verticalposition

    ①downwards and away from a vertical position从直立位置向下或向外,落下,倒下

    .1.    try not to knock that vase over.  1.尽量不要把花瓶打翻

    .2.    the wind must have blown it over  2.一定是风把它吹翻了

    .3.    he  was so drunk that he fell over on the street.3.他喝醉了,在街上摔倒了

    .4.    engineers are working hard to prevent the building from topple【推翻】 over工程师们正在努力防止大楼倒塌

    .5.    push over



    ②from one side to another side从一侧到另一侧,翻转

    .1.    she turned over onto her front.1.她翻到前面

    .2.    the car skidded off the road and rolled over and over.2.汽车滑出路面,翻滚了一次又一次

    .3.    he rolled over and went back to sleep.3.他翻了个身又睡着了

    .4.    she turn the box over to see what is in it.4.她把盒子翻过来看看里面是什么

    .5.    the car hit a tree and flipped over.5.汽车撞到树上翻倒了

    .6.    the wind flipped several cars over.6.风把几辆汽车吹翻了】

    ③穿过(街道,开阔的空间等)across a street,an open space,etc


    .1.    I stopped and crossed over


    .2.    he rowed us over to the other side of the lake他把我们划到湖的另一边

    .3.    they have gone over to France.3.他们去了法国

    .4.    I went over there and asked her name.4.我过去问她的名字

    .5.    one of my friends is coming over from Beijing to see us.5.我的一个朋友从北京过来看我们

    .6.    he lives over on the other side of the city6.他住在城市的另一边

    .7.    move over so that I can sit here.7.让开我坐在这里

    .8.    put it downover there.8.把它放在那边

    .9.    we flew over to the US to visit one of my friends.9.我们飞到美国去拜访我的一个朋友

    .10.  I knew you would invite him over.10.我就知道你会邀请他过来【到家里】

    .11.  Let’s ask some friends over


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    ④so as to cover sb/sth completely完全覆盖


    .1.    the lake was frozen over.1.湖面结冰了

    .2.    cover her over with a blanket.2.给她盖上毯子

    .3.    the door has been painted over with red varnish这扇门已涂上了红色清漆

    4.    the book is wrapped over



    •      children of 14 and over

    •      people earning 10000 and over will pay the higher rate of tax



    ⑥remaining;not used or


    •      if there is any food left over,put it in the fridge

    •      there should be some money over afterI pay all the bills

    •      I still have money over




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    .1.    he repeated it several times over他重复了好几遍

    .2.    you have to do it over2.你必须重新来过

    .3.    the plan had gone wrong,so they had to start over


    .1.    after talking it over with my wife,I decided to


    .2.    I need time to read the contract over before I sign2.签合同前我需要时间仔细阅读一下

    .3.    think it over before you make a decision


    •      think over,look over,over and over,go over the lesson,talk over,read over


    ⑧ended结束over(and done)with

    .1.    by the time we arrived,the meeting was over1.我们到达时,会议结束了

    .2.    I was glad when it was over and done with2.我很高兴一切都结束了

    .3.    that is over.3.结束了

    .4.    I am glad the did-term exams are over and done with.4.我很高兴期末考试结束了

    5.    you'd better tell them the bad news now,get it over with


    .6.    beall over


    ⑨(表示位置变换)改变,掉换used to talk about sb/sthchanging position


    .1.    he has gone over to the enemy


    .2.    change the wheels over



    .3.    hand the money over


    .4.    most of the money has been signed over to his children.4.大部分钱都签给了他的孩子

    5.    try hard,you'll win them over to support you5.努力,你会赢得他们的支持

    .6.    the guards change over at night.6.警卫在晚上换班

    .7.    •      we switched the electricity over  to gas because        it was cheaper


    8.    give over,hand over,change over,win over,sign over


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    ⑩used when communicating by radio(用于无线电通话)完毕


    .1.    messagereceived Over

    .2.    messageunderstood. Over

    .3.    are you hearing me loud and clear?Over




    二、over 介词



    on the surface of sb/sth,and partly or completely coveringthem

    ①(部分或全部覆盖)在...上面resting on the surface of sb/sth,and partly orcompletely covering them

    1.    she put a blanketover the sleeping child


    2.    he wore an overcoat over his suit他在西装外面穿了一件大衣

    3.    she put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming


    4.    he was wearing a suit over the shirt他在衬衫外面穿了一套西装

    5.    mix the ingredients an pour them over the meat


    6.    over the body lay a thin white sheet6.在尸体上铺一层薄薄的白色床单

    7.    be careful,don't spill your coffee over the table



    ②悬在...上面;向...上方in or to a position higher than but not touching sb/sth;above sb/sth

    1.    they held an large umbrella over her


    2.    there is a lamp hanging over thetable


    3.    the sign over the door said ‘mind your head’


    4.    she leant over the desk to answer the phone


    ③从一边到另一边,穿越from one side of sth to the

    other;across sth


    1.    a bridge over the river


    2.    they ran over the grass他们从草地上跑过

    3.    they had a wonderful view over the park


    4.    he looked down over the street and saw nothing


    ④on the far opposite side of sth在...远端(或对面)

    •      he lives over the road•他住在马路对面

    ⑤so as to cross sth and be on the other


    1.    she climbed over the wall她爬过了墙

    2.    she stepped over the dirty floor


    3.    she ran over the lawn to the gate


    4.    somehow the sheep jumped over the fence


    5.    the road over the mountain is steep and dangerous


    ⑥falling from or down from a place从...落下

    •      the car had toppled over the cliff



    •      he didn't dare look overthe edge

    ⑦all- in or on all or most parts of sth 遍及

    1.    theyhave travelledall over the world1.他们周游世界

    2.    there were papers lying all over the place


    3.    he used to wander over the park,losing trackof time


    4.    scientists from all over the world gathered here


    ⑧多于(某时间,数量,话费等)more than a particular time,amount,cost,etc

    .1.    over 3 million copies sold


    .2.    shestayed at home for over a month2.她在家呆了一个多月

    .3.    he is over sixty


    .4.    the factory has produced over 100million tons of steel


    .5.    toy suitable for children over the age of three5.适合三岁以上儿童使用的玩具

    6.    drivers who go over the speed limit will get punished6.超速驾驶者将受到处罚

    7.    theover-30s


    ⑨used to show that sb has control orauthority

    ⑨used to show that sb has control or authority(表示能控制,有权威)

    .1.    shehas only the director over her

    [if !supportLists]1.    [endif]她只有主任控制她


    .2.    sheruled a great empire over她统治着一个伟大的帝国

    .3.    shehas great personal influence over her followers3.她对追随者有很大的个人影响力

    .4.    asa father,he has never had any positive influenceover



    ⑩during sth 在...期间

    .1.    over the next few days they got to know the town well


    .2.    shehas not changed muchover the years2.这些年来她变化不大

    .3.    hebuilt up the business over a period of ten years3.他在十年的时间里建立了这家公司

    .4.    weare away over the New Year4.我们过年了

    .5.    can you talk about this over dinner5.你能边吃晚饭边谈这个吗

    .6.will you be home over the summer vocation?6.你会在家过一个阳光明媚的假期吗

    ⑪渡过(困难阶段或局面)past aparticular difficult stage or situation


    .1.    we are over the worst of the recession我们已经度过了经济衰退最严重的时期

    .2.    it took her ages to get over her illness2.她花了很长时间才痊愈

    .3.    he had a fever last night,but he seems to be over it now他昨晚发烧了,但现在似乎已经好了

    .4.    he has never got over the shock of her mother's death他从未从她母亲去世的震惊中恢复过来

    .5.    I am over him now5.我现在已经超过他了

    【我现在已经度过他  【把他给忘了】】

    .6.    I am glad that you are over the flu 6.我很高兴你渡过了流感

    ⑫由于,关于because of or

    concerning sth;about sth由


    .1.    anargument over money1.关于钱的争论

    .2.    adisagreement over the thing2.在这件事上的分歧

    .3.    hehas problemsover his income tax他在所得税方面有问题

    .4.    there is concern over the bad image of the company


    ⑬using sth;by

    means of sth利用,通过

    .1.    we heard it over the radio1.我们从收音机里听到的

    ..2.  she wouldn't tell me over the phone她不愿在电话里告诉我

    .3.    I knew the news over TV3.我通过电视知道这个消息

    ⑭louder than sth 声音大于

    1.    I couldn't hear what he said over the noise of the traffic我听不见他在嘈杂的交通声中说的话

    2.    what?he yelled over the noise of the engine and the wind




    •      ①downwards

    and away from a vertical position从直立位置向下或向外,落下,倒下

    •      ②from one

    side to another side从一侧到另一侧,翻转

    •      ③across a

    street,an open space,etc穿过(街道,开阔的空间等)

    •      ④so as to

    cover sb/sth completely完全覆盖(某人或某物)

    •      ⑤above;more以上,大于,多于

    •      ⑥remaining;not used orneeded剩余的,未用的,不需要的

    •      ⑦again再,又

    •      ⑧ended结束over(and done)with

    •      ⑨used to talk about sb/sth changing position(表示位置变换)改变,掉 换

    •      ⑩used when communicating by radio(用于无线电通话)完毕

    .2. 介词over

    •      ①resting on the surface of sb/sth,and partly or

    completely covering them(部分或全部覆盖)


    •      ②in or to a position

    higher than but not touching sb/sth;above sb/sth悬在...上面;向...上 方

    •      ③from one side of sth

    to the other;across sth 从一边到另一边,穿越

    •      ④on the far opposite side

    of sth在...远端(或对面)

    •      ⑤so as to cross sth and be on the other side到另一边,翻越

    •      ⑥falling from

    or down from a place从...落下

    •      ⑦all- inor on all or most parts of sth 遍及

    •      ⑧more than a

    particular time,amount,cost,etc多于(某时间,数量,话费等)

    •      ⑨used to show that sb

    has control or authority(表示能控制,有权威)

    •      ⑩during sth 在...期间

    •      ⑪past a particular difficult stage or situation渡过(困难阶段或局面)

    •      ⑫because of or concerning sth;about sth由于,关于

    •      ⑬using sth;by means of sth利用,通过

    •      ⑭louder than sth 声音大于

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          本文标题:C08 特殊章节(8) 20 over
