1】 A language teacher's personal opinion(Will Pidcroft)
2) .认为快速学会英语是荒谬的。When l see advertisements in the newspaper and on the buses claiming that it is easy to learn English in fact it is ridiculous claim .
3) 没有一种方法适用于任何人,要因人而异。 There is not a perfect way that is used to learn English for anyone .
4) 两个极端 two opposite extreme
5) A great deal of teaching is still based on behaviorist psychology
6) 兴趣是最好的老师 Interest is the best teacher.
7) 团体的力量是最大的。 We need other people to talk to and listen to when we communicate.
2,我在本片文章/音频/视频中学到的怦然心动的单词: claim 宣称 主张
ridiculous 荒谬的 可笑的 stiation 情况 局面 precise 精确的 equivalent 等同物 intonation 语调
3,在本片文章/音频/视频中我最喜欢的一句话:In my opinion ,no one can ever learn to speek English or any other language unless he is interested in it .
4,我在学习今天材料中遇到的困难: 对于虚拟语气的掌握不太熟练。阅读时间太长,
5,语伴给我的建议(语伴的意思就是找一个和你一起学英语的小伙伴) :对于读文章时要用眼过不要默读。每次要落实单词