2018-01-11 | 日结

2018-01-11 | 日结

作者: 地耳 | 来源:发表于2018-01-12 01:49 被阅读10次

    # 70 # | 100

    # 生活 #:今天起早吃了学校的早餐,每天都能起这么早就好了,很幸福的一件事

    # 工作 #:晨会,MKT实际需求导向统计;


    帮另外一只童鞋梳理的Timeline还在进行中;涉及到的因素复杂【Got话 :what is the best result? what is the worst result? and how to get the Goal 】、【Failed话:second time test , what is the best result?  what is the worst result ? ; fixed , what is the best result? what is the worst result ; Study Abroad, what is the best result ? what is the worst result ? ; Go to work, what is the best result ? what is the worst result ?; Networking, 推荐的程度,由不得自己挑,自己未知情况的直接影响下一步】




    # 英语段落听写&翻译 #: 投资银行与股价

    For years Snapchat was seen as David to Facebook's Goliath, it looks as though the underdog has lost its swagger. Shares in the messaging app's parent company Snap fell sharply this week after one of the investment banks that helped to take the company to public downgraded its stock. Morgan Stanley had initially been bullish about Snap's stock price, suggesting it would be worth $28 per share within 12 months, but five months on, and with concerns over Instagram, it has revised the price to just $16---sending ripples of concern through the market.

    多年来, Snapchat 被认为是脸谱网的以小博大的对象, 看起来似乎弱者已经失去了它的张狂的样子。该消息应用程序的母公司股价本周大幅下跌, 此前有一家投行帮助该公司上市, 使其股票降级。摩根士丹利最初一直看好 Snap 的股票价格, 暗示它在12月内每股价值28美元, 但五月后, 随着对 Instagram 的担忧, 它已经将价格调整到仅16美元,---通过市场泛出担忧的涟漪(波动)



          本文标题:2018-01-11 | 日结
