造句:It seems my career stalls.
场景:职场发展停滞不前。 造句:It seems my career stalls.
1. 认识这个词(基础篇) 词:stall 英英释义:to stop making progress or dev...
AR1 Q: 哪些因素可以引发pipeline stall? A: Pipeline Stall是指流水线操作因为...
meaning: to stop making progress or developing stall: 是动词...
Stall Japan's economic growth has stalled.
参考来源:Why does my program stall in “Downloading…” or “Prep...
For the next two days Boxer remained in his stall. The pi...
96-Year-Old Grandma Runs Night Snack Stall for 30 Years, ...
1.As talks stall, both sides are in a dilemma. 2. He had ...