

作者: 王正磊01 | 来源:发表于2016-07-14 22:02 被阅读8次
    Watching movie, Learning movie and Applying movie

    Scene 09

    ONE Phrases

    1. be blood relatives 血缘亲戚
    2. half-sisters 同父异母姐妹
    3. never speak on my behalf 不要再以我的名义谈
    4. proud product 引以为傲的产品
    5. he's not available 他没空
    6. come on in 请进
    7. he makes pricing decisions 他定价格
    8. to say the least 对我来说
    9. she had no authority to do that 她没权去做
    10. it's down the hall 走廊走到底
    11. i want all of these boxed up 我要这些都打包
    12. you're trespassing 你在非法入侵
    13. you're racking up quite a steep bill 你欠了一大笔债
    14. bail you out 保释你
    15. declare bankruptcy 宣布破产
    16. blood money 血汗钱
    17. I'll give you 50000 dollars on top of paying you back the 50. 除了你付的五万,我再付你五万
    18. initial 初始的,签字(动词)
    19. that means so much to me. 这对我意义重大

    TWO Lines

    1. i so hated to leave her that day, i had so much i wanted to say to her, and to my great granddaughter. i said i wanted to stay near her and watched over her.


    2. mimi said you were the one born to help carry the family to success. no, christy, mimi was wrong. the world doesn't give you opportunities, the world destroy your opportunity and it breaks your heart. i should have listened to my mother when i was ten years old. i should have spend the rest of my life watching TV and hiding from the world like my mother.

    3. she put up with just about anything, until when she had to bring the hammer down. she brought the hammer down. 他一直在忍耐,直到忍无可忍,她重拳出击。



          本文标题:MOVIE NOTE 影志09-《JOY》
