

作者: 一个非典型英语老师的碎碎念 | 来源:发表于2019-04-06 17:16 被阅读0次

    I’d like to share a story with you. The other day, an Australian friend of mine came to China for a trip, and I was to pick him up at the airport. Since we’re not that close to each other and Asian faces can be confusing to some westerners, I told him I would be wearing blue jeans, a yellow hat, and a red hoodie with my English name on it, so that he would easily spot me in the crowd! And that red hoodie, of course, I got it DIYed from a 淘宝 shop : )

    Some of you might wonder, you are just picking up a guest at the airport, why so much trouble?!? Isn't there an easier way for you to meet without dressing yourself up like some dramatically colorful, I don’t know, person?

    Well, the reason is… LISTEN at my WeChat article! 

    And you'll see how this surprising (笑) reason brought me the idea of this episode: In Writing Task 1 of 高考, there is always this note “可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯”. So, how do we add extra details to make our writing better?




    如果我的节目有幸在茫茫人海中被你听到,欢迎留言分享你的想法!They are much appreciated.


    Hi there! I’m a novice English teacher at a senior high. Being a newcomer, I wonder at many happenings in my teaching life. And I actually cherish those “Oh my, why is that???” moments, for it sometimes gives you brand new perspectives on things in English learning that is usually taken for granted. And that is what I’m sharing with you : ) 

    Hopefully, you also get to practice your English listening by listening to my waffling, which, as the nature of “waffling” suggests, is easy language!






