近两年 CVPR ICCV ECCV 相机位姿估计、视觉定位、S

近两年 CVPR ICCV ECCV 相机位姿估计、视觉定位、S

作者: 变胖是梦想2014 | 来源:发表于2019-01-18 08:52 被阅读0次


    12.DeLS-3D:多传感器融合算法,GPS/IMU给定粗略的相机位姿,投影出一个3D语义地图,label map和图像送到CNN网络得到粗略的Pose,再利用RNN算法得到精确的Pose,最后把Pose和图像送到segment CNN生成像素级别的语义分割


    [1]Bloesch M, Czarnowski J, Clark R, et al. CodeSLAM-Learning a Compact, Optimisable Representation for Dense Visual SLAM[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.00874, 2018.
    [2]Henriques J F, Vedaldi A. Mapnet: An allocentric spatial memory for mapping environments[C]//proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 8476-8484.
    [3]Lan Z, Hsu D, Lee G H. Solving the Perspective-2-Point Problem for Flying-Camera Photo Composition[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 4588-4596.
    [4]Larsson V, Kukelova Z, Zheng Y. Camera Pose Estimation With Unknown Principal Point[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 2984-2992.
    [5]Yin Z, Shi J. GeoNet: Unsupervised Learning of Dense Depth, Optical Flow and Camera Pose[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2018, 2.
    [6]Briales J, Kneip L, Gonzalez-Jimenez J. A Certifiably Globally Optimal Solution to the Non-Minimal Relative Pose Problem[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 145-154.
    [7]Camposeco F, Cohen A, Pollefeys M, et al. Hybrid Camera Pose Estimation[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 136-144.
    [8]Yang L, Tan F, Li A, et al. Polarimetric Dense Monocular SLAM[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 3857-3866.
    [9]Liu H, Chen M, Zhang G, et al. ICE-BA: Incremental, Consistent and Efficient Bundle Adjustment for Visual-Inertial SLAM[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 1974-1982.
    [10]Brahmbhatt S, Gu J, Kim K, et al. Geometry-Aware Learning of Maps for Camera Localization[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 2616-2625.
    [11]Brachmann E, Rother C. Learning less is more-6d camera localization via 3d surface regression[C]//Proc. CVPR. 2018, 8.
    [12]Wang P, Yang R, Cao B, et al. Dels-3d: Deep localization and segmentation with a 3d semantic map[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 5860-5869.
    [13]Schönberger J L, Pollefeys M, Geiger A, et al. Semantic Visual Localization[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (JPRS), 2018.
    [14]Taira H, Okutomi M, Sattler T, et al. InLoc: Indoor Visual Localization with Dense Matching and View Synthesis[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 7199-7209.
    [15]Sattler T, Maddern W, Toft C, et al. Benchmarking 6dof outdoor visual localization in changing conditions[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 8601-8610.


    1.NID-SLAM:使用Normalised information distance度量的单目slam算法,避免了photometric度量的诸如光照、天气、环境结构变化带来的影响。
    4.RegressionForests:使用一个预训练的regression forests做camera relocalization。
    5.RankConstraintFMatrix:Multi-view中秩约束的基础矩阵,并将其应用到camera location恢复。
    6.GeometricLossLocalization:深度学习,利用几何冲投影误差的损失函数,用于camera pose regression
    8.3D-ModelsAreNotNecessary:相机的定位不依赖高精度的3D模型,只需要图像数据库和局部的三维重建即可实现visual localization。
    9.ContextualFeatureReweight:图像的Geo-localization,知道图像拍摄的地理位置(和位姿不一样),使用contextual reweight network预测图像中的哪个部分更重要。
    10.Cross-View-ImageMatching:不同视角的图像匹配,用于image geo-localization。
    11.TwoPointsLocalization:在一个3D场景中定位一个query image,2D-3D的匹配问题,两对对应点可以将相机的位置约束在一个圆环面上,增加一个direction of triangulation就可以近似得到相机的位置。
    12.DSAC:camera localization,将RANSAC中的deterministic hypothesis selection替换为 probabilistic selection,这种方法被称为RANSAC的可微副本,应用该方法解决camera localization的问题。


    [1]Pascoe G, Maddern W, Tanner M, et al. NID-SLAM: Robust Monocular SLAM Using Normalised Information Distance[C]//Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017.
    [2]Tateno K, Tombari F, Laina I, et al. CNN-SLAM: Real-time dense monocular SLAM with learned depth prediction[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2017, 2.
    [3]Palmér T, Astrom K, Frahm J M. The Misty Three Point Algorithm for Relative Pose[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017: 2786-2794.
    [4]Cavallari T, Golodetz S, Lord N A, et al. On-the-fly adaptation of regression forests for online camera relocalisation[C]//CVPR. 2017, 2(4): 7.
    [5]Sengupta S, Amir T, Galun M, et al. A New Rank Constraint on Multi-view Fundamental Matrices, and Its Application to Camera Location Recovery[C]//CVPR. 2017: 2413-2421.
    [6]Kendall A, Cipolla R. Geometric loss functions for camera pose regression with deep learning[C]//2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). IEEE, 2017: 6555-6564.
    [7]Zhu A Z, Atanasov N, Daniilidis K. Event-Based Visual Inertial Odometry[C]//CVPR. 2017: 5816-5824.
    [8]Sattler T, Torii A, Sivic J, et al. Are large-scale 3D models really necessary for accurate visual localization?[C]//2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). IEEE, 2017: 6175-6184.
    [9]Kim H J, Dunn E, Frahm J M. Learned Contextual Feature Reweighting for Image Geo-Localization[C]//CVPR. 2017: 3251-3260.
    [10]Tian Y, Chen C, Shah M. Cross-view image matching for geo-localization in urban environments[C]//IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2017: 1998-2006.
    [11]Camposeco F, Sattler T, Cohen A, et al. Toroidal constraints for two-point localization under high outlier ratios[C]//2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). IEEE, 2017: 6700-6708.
    [12]Brachmann E, Krull A, Nowozin S, et al. DSAC—Differentiable RANSAC for camera localization[C]//2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). IEEE, 2017: 2492-2500.


    3.ScaleRecovery:利用deep Convolutional Neural Fields估计深度,并实现单目VO中的尺度恢复
    6.InlierSetMaximization:单帧图像与3D场景的对应,提出了一个全局最优的inlier set cardinality maximisation联合估计最优相机位姿和最优的点对应。另外还利用了BnB搜索6D空间,这个和发表在T-PAMI上的Go-ICP算法类似。
    8.P4PfrMinimalSolvers:一个P4Pfr的minimal solvers。
    9.EdgeSLAM:检测图像中的Edge点并使用光流法跟踪,并利用three views的几何关系去优化点的对应
    10.DepthPredictions:CNN深度预测,sparse 点跟踪的单目slam,使用3D mesh的地图表示方法使得尽可能刚性地更新变换。
    11.IntegerArithmetic:在EKF SfM的基础上提出了平方根滤波算法,能够用整数运算替代浮点型运算。


    [1]Wang R, Schworer M, Cremers D. Stereo dso: Large-scale direct sparse visual odometry with stereo cameras[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2017: 3903-3911.
    [2]Bose L, Chen J, Carey S J, et al. Visual Odometry for Pixel Processor Arrays[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2017: 4604-4612.
    [3]Yin X, Wang X, Du X, et al. Scale Recovery for Monocular Visual Odometry Using Depth Estimated with Deep Convolutional Neural Fields[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2017: 5870-5878.
    [4]Lee M, Fowlkes C C. Space-Time Localization and Mapping[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2017: 3912-3921.
    [5]Liu L, Li H, Dai Y. Efficient global 2d-3d matching for camera localization in a large-scale 3d map[C]//Computer Vision (ICCV), 2017 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2017: 2391-2400.
    [6]Campbell D, Petersson L, Kneip L, et al. Globally-optimal inlier set maximisation for simultaneous camera pose and feature correspondence[C]//The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). 2017, 1(3).
    [7]Zhang R, Zhu S, Fang T, et al. Distributed very large scale bundle adjustment by global camera consensus[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2017: 29-38.
    [8]Larsson V, Kukelova Z, Zheng Y. Making minimal solvers for absolute pose estimation compact and robust[C]//2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). IEEE, 2017: 2335-2343.
    [9]Maity S, Saha A, Bhowmick B. Edge SLAM: Edge Points Based Monocular Visual SLAM[C]//ICCV Workshops. 2017: 2408-2417.
    [10]Mukasa T, Xu J, Bjorn S. 3D Scene Mesh from CNN Depth Predictions and Sparse Monocular SLAM[C]//Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW), 2017 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2017: 912-919.
    [11]Ahuja N A, Subedar M, Tickoo O, et al. A Factorization Approach for Enabling Structure-from-Motion/SLAM Using Integer Arithmetic[C]//Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW), 2017 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2017: 554-562.


    1.SemanticMatch:visual localization的问题,用语义信息来匹配
    4.GoodLineCutting:提出了一种提取most-informative子线段的方法,主要研究在基于之间的最小二乘问题中,line cutting对位姿估计中信息增益的影响
    5.Shape-from-Template:Rolling Shutter的畸变可以被解释为Global shutter相机采集模板的虚拟畸变。类似于Shape-from-Template,提出使用局部微分约束
    6.PointsLinesMinimalSolution:使用点和线的minimal solver问题,提出了闭合形式的解
    7.VSO:使用语义信息实现medium-term的点的tracking。帧与帧之间的trackin是short-term,loop closure是long-term。
    8.RollingShutterDSO:Rolling shutter 相机的DSO算法
    10.DeepDSO:深度学习的方法depth prediction,DSO算法
    12.LinearRGBDSLAM:基于线性EKF框架的RGBD slam算法,旋转是非线性的,利用曼哈顿世界的structural regularity可以实现线性化


    [1]Toft C, Stenborg E, Hammarstrand L, et al. Semantic match consistency for long-term visual localization[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham, 2018: 391-408.
    [2]Zhou Y, Gallego G, Rebecq H, et al. Semi-dense 3d reconstruction with a stereo event camera[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham, 2018: 242-258.
    [3]Ling Y, Bao L, Jie Z, et al. Modeling Varying Camera-IMU Time Offset in Optimization-Based Visual-Inertial Odometry[C]//Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). 2018: 484-500.
    [4]Zhao Y, Vela P A. Good Line Cutting: Towards Accurate Pose Tracking of Line-Assisted VO/VSLAM[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham, 2018: 527-543.
    [5]Lao Y, Ait-Aider O, Bartoli A. Rolling Shutter Pose and Ego-motion Estimation using Shape-from-Template[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham, 2018: 477-492.
    [6]Miraldo P, Dias T, Ramalingam S. A Minimal Closed-Form Solution for Multi-Perspective Pose Estimation using Points and Lines[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham, 2018: 490-507.
    [7]Lianos K N, Schonberger J L, Pollefeys M, et al. VSO: Visual Semantic Odometry[C]//Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). 2018: 234-250.
    [8]Schubert D, Demmel N, Usenko V, et al. Direct Sparse Odometry with Rolling Shutter[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham, 2018: 699-714.
    [9]Zhou H, Ummenhofer B, Brox T. Deeptam: Deep tracking and mapping[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham, 2018: 851-868.
    [10]Yang N, Wang R, Stückler J, et al. Deep virtual stereo odometry: Leveraging deep depth prediction for monocular direct sparse odometry[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham, 2018: 835-852.
    [11]Cortés S, Solin A, Rahtu E, et al. ADVIO: An authentic dataset for visual-inertial odometry[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham, 2018: 425-440.
    [12]Kim P, Coltin B, Jin Kim H. Linear RGB-D SLAM for Planar Environments[C]//Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). 2018: 333-348.



          本文标题:近两年 CVPR ICCV ECCV 相机位姿估计、视觉定位、S
