L81/82Stop to Smell the Flowers

L81/82Stop to Smell the Flowers

作者: Simin的快乐法杖 | 来源:发表于2021-01-29 08:48 被阅读0次


1. 在繁忙时候的现代生活中,

In the hustle and bustle of modern-day life

2. 光阴似箭,而人生短暂   Time flies and life is short

3. 真是让人遗憾, What a shame!   What a pity!

4. 在我们迫切谋生的同时,  in our eagerness to make a living

5. 笨的,愚蠢的    bird-brain

【语法 | 句子 | 仿写】

>>What is sth all about ?                   某事物是关于什么的?

>>What is sth all about anyway?      某事物究竟是关于什么的?5

What's bird-watching all about anyway ?

What on earth is bird-watching all about ?

What in the world is bird-watching all about ?

>> What's the fun in… ?  ……的乐趣在哪里?

吸毒的乐趣到底在哪里? What's the fun in taking drug anyway ?

【Simin 的转述】

We always say that I really want to do something but I've been busy recently and I'll do it after a while. The situation is quite familiar, isn't it ?  

And do you remember how many interesting things you missed? What you want to do is fewer and fewer as you get older and you have less and less time to yourself. It is horrible but inevitable that you find you seldom do something fun but working when you are about to die,

Time flies and life is short.  So don't forget to smell flowers.


12.人各有所好吧  to each one's own

3.  不久前谁会认为那种事情可能发生吗?

Who would have thought that possible not so very long ago?

4.  人们有各自的天地,没有人有权利强迫别人接受自己的价值观

People live in their own worlds and nobody has the right to force is their values on others.

8. 有……的想法  think + adj. +thoughts ,  laugh a/an + adj. + laugh 


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