Apache Superset 安装和配置

Apache Superset 安装和配置

作者: adeng2016 | 来源:发表于2018-08-08 19:01 被阅读1298次



    Superset is tested against Python 2.7 and Python 3.4. Airbnb currently uses 2.7.* in production. We do not plan on supporting Python 2.6.

    云原生 Cloud-native

    Superset is designed to be highly available. It is “cloud-native” as it has been designed scale out in large, distributed environments, and works well inside containers. While you can easily test drive Superset on a modest setup or simply on your laptop, there’s virtually no limit around scaling out the platform. Superset is also cloud-native in the sense that it is flexible and lets you choose your web server (Gunicorn, Nginx, Apache), your metadata database engine (MySQL, Postgres, MariaDB, …), your message queue (Redis, RabbitMQ, SQS, …), your results backend (S3, Redis, Memcached, …), your caching layer (memcached, Redis, …), works well with services like NewRelic, StatsD and DataDog, and has the ability to run analytic workloads against most popular database technologies.

    Superset is battle tested in large environments with hundreds of concurrent users. Airbnb’s production environment runs inside Kubernetes and serves 600+ daily active users viewing over 100K charts a day.

    The Superset web server and the Superset Celery workers (optional) are stateless, so you can scale out by running on as many servers as needed.


    采用 镜像 amancevice/superset 进行安装。
    注意容器内的两个路径,/var/lib/superset是元数据的数据库地址,/etc/superset or /home/superset是配置文件的地址。

    The image defines two data volumes: one for mounting configuration into the container, and one for data (logs, SQLite DBs, &c).
    The configuration volume is located alternatively at /etc/superset or /home/superset; either is acceptable. Both of these directories are included in the PYTHONPATH of the image. Mount any configuration (specifically the superset_config.py file) here to have it read by the app on startup.
    The data volume is located at /var/lib/superset and it is where you would mount your SQLite file (if you are using that as your backend), or a volume to collect any logs that are routed there. This location is used as the value of the SUPERSET_HOME environmental variable.

    ➜  ~ docker search superset
    NAME                               DESCRIPTION                                     STARS               OFFICIAL            AUTOMATED
    amancevice/superset                [0.26.3] Superset on Debian+Python3             129                                     [OK]
    tylerfowler/superset               An extendable Docker image for Airbnb's Supe…   3
    ➜  ~ docker pull amancevice/superset
    Using default tag: latest
    latest: Pulling from amancevice/superset
    0bd44ff9c2cf: Pull complete
    2576b77b8a87: Pull complete
    4d2fed87d171: Pull complete
    Digest: sha256:d85229d3bae54cc5281e52d615a0c4752bfefa0ae62c754c598411b4f8e529cd
    Status: Downloaded newer image for amancevice/superset:latest
    ➜  ~ mkdir /opt/docker/superset/conf & mkdir /opt/docker/superset/data
    ➜  ~ docker run --name superset -u 0 -d -p 8088:8088 -v /opt/docker/superset/conf:/etc/superset -v /opt/docker/superset/data:/var/lib/superset amancevice/superset
    ➜  ~ docker exec -it superset superset-init
    Username [admin]: admin
    User first name [admin]: admin
    User last name [user]: admin
    Email [admin@fab.org]: admin@qq.com
    Repeat for confirmation:
    Recognized Database Authentications.
    Admin User admin created.

    访问本机 http://localhost:8088/ 即可看到登录页面:



    # Superset specific config
    ROW_LIMIT = 5000
    # Flask App Builder configuration
    # Your App secret key
    SECRET_KEY = '\2\1thisismyscretkey\1\2\e\y\y\h'
    # The SQLAlchemy connection string to your database backend
    # This connection defines the path to the database that stores your
    # superset metadata (slices, connections, tables, dashboards, ...).
    # Note that the connection information to connect to the datasources
    # you want to explore are managed directly in the web UI
    SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:////var/lib/superset/superset.db'
    # Flask-WTF flag for CSRF
    # Add endpoints that need to be exempt from CSRF protection
    # A CSRF token that expires in 1 year
    WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
    # Set this API key to enable Mapbox visualizations




    执行命令superset load_examples可加载样例数据。

    [root@VM_41_21_centos ~]# docker exec -it superset superset load_examples
    /usr/lib/python3.5/importlib/_bootstrap.py:222: RuntimeWarning: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 96, got 88
      return f(*args, **kwds)
    Loading examples into <SQLA engine='sqlite:////var/lib/superset/superset.db'>
    Creating default CSS templates
    Loading energy related dataset
    Creating table [wb_health_population] reference
    2018-08-09 06:37:26,001:INFO:root:Creating database reference
    2018-08-09 06:37:26,056:INFO:root:Database.get_sqla_engine(). Masked URL: sqlite:////var/lib/superset/superset.db
    Loading [World Bank's Health Nutrition and Population Stats]
    Creating table [wb_health_population] reference
    2018-08-09 06:37:37,091:INFO:root:Creating database reference
    Creating slices
    Creating a World's Health Bank dashboard
    Loading [Birth names]
    Done loading table!
    Creating table [birth_names] reference
    2018-08-09 06:37:40,139:INFO:root:Creating database reference
    Creating some slices
    Creating a dashboard
    Loading [Random time series data]
    Done loading table!
    Creating table [random_time_series] reference
    2018-08-09 06:37:41,208:INFO:root:Creating database reference
    Creating a slice
    Loading [Random long/lat data]
    Done loading table!
    Creating table reference
    2018-08-09 06:37:57,368:INFO:root:Creating database reference
    Creating a slice
    Loading [Country Map data]
    Done loading table!
    Creating table reference
    2018-08-09 06:37:57,790:INFO:root:Creating database reference
    Creating a slice
    Loading [Multiformat time series]
    Done loading table!
    Creating table [multiformat_time_series] reference
    2018-08-09 06:37:58,072:INFO:root:Creating database reference
    Creating Heatmap charts
    Loading [Misc Charts] dashboard
    Creating the dashboard
    Loading [Paris GeoJson]
    Creating table paris_iris_mapping reference
    2018-08-09 06:38:00,659:INFO:root:Creating database reference
    2018-08-09 06:38:00,704:INFO:root:Database.get_sqla_engine(). Masked URL: sqlite:////var/lib/superset/superset.db
    Loading [San Francisco population polygons]
    Creating table sf_population_polygons reference
    2018-08-09 06:38:00,877:INFO:root:Creating database reference
    Loading [Flights data]
    2018-08-09 06:38:05,662:INFO:root:Creating database reference
    Done loading table!
    Loading [BART lines]
    Creating table bart_lines reference
    2018-08-09 06:38:05,965:INFO:root:Creating database reference
    Loading [Multi Line]
    Creating table [wb_health_population] reference
    2018-08-09 06:38:17,894:INFO:root:Creating database reference
    Creating slices
    Creating a World's Health Bank dashboard
    Done loading table!
    Creating table [birth_names] reference
    2018-08-09 06:38:20,453:INFO:root:Creating database reference
    Creating some slices
    Creating a dashboard
    Loading DECK.gl demo
    Loading deck.gl dashboard
    Creating Scatterplot slice
    Creating Screen Grid slice
    Creating Hex slice
    Creating Grid slice
    Creating Polygon slice
    Creating Arc slice
    Creating Path slice
    Creating a dashboard






    1. superset-init 报错

    ➜  ~ docker exec -it superset superset-init
    Username [admin]: admin
    User first name [admin]: admin
    User last name [user]: admin
    Email [admin@fab.org]: admin@qq.com
    Repeat for confirmation:
    2018-07-20 00:37:13,146:ERROR:flask_appbuilder.base:'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/flask_appbuilder/base.py", line 469, in _add_permission
        self.sm.add_permissions_view(baseview.base_permissions, baseview.__class__.__name__)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/flask_appbuilder/security/manager.py", line 819, in add_permissions_view
        if perm_view.permission.name not in base_permissions:
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
    2018-07-20 00:37:13,151:ERROR:flask_appbuilder.base:Add Permission on View Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
    2018-07-20 00:37:13,395:ERROR:flask_appbuilder.base:'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/flask_appbuilder/base.py", line 469, in _add_permission
        self.sm.add_permissions_view(baseview.base_permissions, baseview.__class__.__name__)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/flask_appbuilder/security/manager.py", line 819, in add_permissions_view
        if perm_view.permission.name not in base_permissions:
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
    2018-07-20 00:37:13,395:ERROR:flask_appbuilder.base:Add Permission on View Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
    2018-07-20 00:37:13,745:ERROR:flask_appbuilder.base:'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/flask_appbuilder/base.py", line 469, in _add_permission
        self.sm.add_permissions_view(baseview.base_permissions, baseview.__class__.__name__)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/flask_appbuilder/security/manager.py", line 819, in add_permissions_view
        if perm_view.permission.name not in base_permissions:
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
    2018-07-20 00:37:13,746:ERROR:flask_appbuilder.base:Add Permission on View Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
    Recognized Database Authentications.
    Admin User admin created.

    参考了 这个issue 重新执行了命令 superset init 即可。

    ➜  ~ docker exec -it superset superset init
    2018-07-20 00:41:47,708:INFO:root:Creating database reference
    2018-07-20 00:41:47,717:INFO:root:Syncing role definition
    2018-07-20 00:41:47,724:INFO:root:Syncing Admin perms
    2018-07-20 00:41:47,802:INFO:root:Syncing Alpha perms
    2018-07-20 00:41:47,882:INFO:root:Syncing Gamma perms
    2018-07-20 00:41:47,958:INFO:root:Syncing granter perms
    2018-07-20 00:41:48,033:INFO:root:Syncing sql_lab perms
    2018-07-20 00:41:48,108:INFO:root:Fetching a set of all perms to lookup which ones are missing
    2018-07-20 00:41:48,181:INFO:root:Creating missing datasource permissions.
    2018-07-20 00:41:48,252:INFO:root:Creating missing database permissions.
    2018-07-20 00:41:48,254:INFO:root:Creating missing metrics permissions
    2018-07-20 00:41:48,258:INFO:root:Cleaning faulty perms

    github源码 可以看出来 superset-init 命令是原来几个初始化命令的组合。

    2. localhost:8088无法访问

    期间参考其他文章手动执行了 superset runserver 命令,通过返回的日志信息可以看到这种启动方式已经被 gunicorn 方式替代。

    3. 打开数据源报错


    SECRET_KEY = '\2\1thisismyscretkey\1\2\e\y\y\h'





          本文标题:Apache Superset 安装和配置
