Appium Desired Capabilities常用字段含

Appium Desired Capabilities常用字段含

作者: 进击的程序茗 | 来源:发表于2018-03-05 10:43 被阅读156次




简单说明or Google直译
IOS simlator未翻译,Android未翻译,IOS不确定功能未翻译


Capability Description Values
automationName 测试框架选择,一般IOS用XCUITest,Android用Uiautomator2 Appium (default) or Selendroid or UiAutomator2 or Espresso for Android or XCUITest for iOS or YouiEngine for application built with You.i Engine
platformName 被测试平台 iOS, Android, or FirefoxOS
platformVersion 被测试平台版本号 一般为android或ios手机版本号 e.g., 7.1, 4.4
deviceName 手机名称 iPhone Simulator, iPad Simulator, iPhone Retina 4-inch, Android Emulator, Galaxy S4, etc.... On iOS, this should be one of the valid devices returned by instruments with instruments -s devices. On Android this capability is currently ignored, though it remains required.
app 本地绝对路径或者是http连接的ipa包、zip包、apk包。Appium会尝试在机器上安装这个应用的二进制文件。Note that this capability is not required for Android if you specify appPackage and appActivity capabilities (see below). Incompatible with browserName. /abs/path/to/my.apk or http://myapp.com/app.ipa
browserName 移动web测试浏览器的名称,是字符串类型 'Safari' for iOS and 'Chrome', 'Chromium', or 'Browser' for Android
newCommandTimeout 假定客户端退出并结束会话之前,Appium将等待来自客户端的新命令(以秒为单位)多久,即appium在规定时间内未等到下一个指令,appium服务端会显示超时并断掉session,默认为60s e.g. 60
language (Sim/Emu-only) Language to set for the simulator / emulator. On Android, available only on API levels 22 and below e.g. fr
locale (Sim/Emu-only) Locale to set for the simulator / emulator. e.g. fr_CA
udid 设备标识 e.g. 1ae203187fc012g
orientation (Sim/Emu-only) start in a certain orientation LANDSCAPE or PORTRAIT
autoWebview 直接移到Webview上下文中 默认false true, false
noReset Don't reset app state before this session. See here for more details true, false
fullReset Perform a complete reset. See here for more details true, false
eventTimings 启用或禁用报告各种Appium内部事件的时间(例如,每个命令的开始和结束等)。默认为false。要启用,请使用true。然后将时间报告为事件属性,以响应查询当前会话。请参阅event timing docs 了解此响应的结构。[google直译] e.g., true
enablePerformanceLogging (Web and webview only) Enable Chromedriver's (on Android) or Safari's (on iOS) performance logging (default false) true, false
printPageSourceOnFindFailure 当一个查找操作失败时,是否打印出page source。默认为false e.g., true

Android Only

These Capabilities are available only on Android-based drivers (like UiAutomator2 for example).

Capability Description Values
appActivity Activity name for the Android activity you want to launch from your package. This often needs to be preceded by a . (e.g., .MainActivity instead of MainActivity) MainActivity, .Settings
appPackage Java package of the Android app you want to run com.example.android.myApp, com.android.settings
appWaitActivity Activity name/names, comma separated, for the Android activity you want to wait for SplashActivity, SplashActivity,OtherActivity, *, *.SplashActivity
appWaitPackage Java package of the Android app you want to wait for com.example.android.myApp, com.android.settings
appWaitDuration Timeout in milliseconds used to wait for the appWaitActivity to launch (default 20000) 30000
deviceReadyTimeout Timeout in seconds while waiting for device to become ready 5
androidCoverage Fully qualified instrumentation class. Passed to -w in adb shell am instrument -e coverage true -w com.my.Pkg/com.my.Pkg.instrumentation.MyInstrumentation
androidCoverageEndIntent A broadcast action implemented by yourself which is used to dump coverage into file system. Passed to -a in adb shell am broadcast -a com.example.pkg.END_EMMA
androidDeviceReadyTimeout Timeout in seconds used to wait for a device to become ready after booting e.g., 30
androidInstallTimeout Timeout in milliseconds used to wait for an apk to install to the device. Defaults to 90000 e.g., 90000
androidInstallPath The name of the directory on the device in which the apk will be push before install. Defaults to /data/local/tmp e.g. /sdcard/Downloads/
adbPort Port used to connect to the ADB server (default 5037) 5037
systemPort systemPort used to connect to appium-uiautomator2-server, default is 8200 in general and selects one port from 8200to 8299. When you run tests in parallel, you must adjust the port to avoid conflicts. Read Parallel Testing Setup Guide for more details. e.g., 8201
remoteAdbHost Optional remote ADB server host e.g.:
androidDeviceSocket Devtools socket name. Needed only when tested app is a Chromium embedding browser. The socket is open by the browser and Chromedriver connects to it as a devtools client. e.g., chrome_devtools_remote
avd Name of avd to launch e.g., api19
avdLaunchTimeout How long to wait in milliseconds for an avd to launch and connect to ADB (default 120000) 300000
avdReadyTimeout How long to wait in milliseconds for an avd to finish its boot animations (default 120000) 300000
avdArgs Additional emulator arguments used when launching an avd e.g., -netfast
useKeystore Use a custom keystore to sign apks, default false true or false
keystorePath Path to custom keystore, default ~/.android/debug.keystore e.g., /path/to.keystore
keystorePassword Password for custom keystore e.g., foo
keyAlias Alias for key e.g., androiddebugkey
keyPassword Password for key e.g., foo
chromedriverExecutable The absolute local path to webdriver executable (if Chromium embedder provides its own webdriver, it should be used instead of original chromedriver bundled with Appium) /abs/path/to/webdriver
autoWebviewTimeout Amount of time to wait for Webview context to become active, in ms. Defaults to 2000 e.g. 4
intentAction Intent action which will be used to start activity (default android.intent.action.MAIN) e.g.android.intent.action.MAIN, android.intent.action.VIEW
intentCategory Intent category which will be used to start activity (default android.intent.category.LAUNCHER) e.g. android.intent.category.LAUNCHER, android.intent.category.APP_CONTACTS
intentFlags Flags that will be used to start activity (default 0x10200000) e.g. 0x10200000
optionalIntentArguments Additional intent arguments that will be used to start activity. See Intent arguments e.g. --esn <EXTRA_KEY>, --ez <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_BOOLEAN_VALUE>, etc.
dontStopAppOnReset Doesn't stop the process of the app under test, before starting the app using adb. If the app under test is created by another anchor app, setting this false, allows the process of the anchor app to be still alive, during the start of the test app using adb. In other words, with dontStopAppOnReset set to true, we will not include the -S flag in the adb shell am start call. With this capability omitted or set to false, we include the -S flag. Default false true or false
unicodeKeyboard Enable Unicode input, default false true or false
resetKeyboard Reset keyboard to its original state, after running Unicode tests with unicodeKeyboard capability. Ignored if used alone. Default false true or false
noSign Skip checking and signing of app with debug keys, will work only with UiAutomator and not with selendroid, default false true or false
ignoreUnimportantViews Calls the setCompressedLayoutHierarchy()uiautomator function. This capability can speed up test execution, since Accessibility commands will run faster ignoring some elements. The ignored elements will not be findable, which is why this capability has also been implemented as a toggle-able setting as well as a capability. Defaults to false true or false
disableAndroidWatchers Disables android watchers that watch for application not responding and application crash, this will reduce cpu usage on android device/emulator. This capability will work only with UiAutomator and not with selendroid, default false true or false
chromeOptions Allows passing chromeOptions capability for ChromeDriver. For more information see chromeOptions chromeOptions: {args: ['--disable-popup-blocking']}
recreateChromeDriverSessions Kill ChromeDriver session when moving to a non-ChromeDriver webview. Defaults to false true or false
nativeWebScreenshot In a web context, use native (adb) method for taking a screenshot, rather than proxying to ChromeDriver. Defaults to false true or false
androidScreenshotPath The name of the directory on the device in which the screenshot will be put. Defaults to /data/local/tmp e.g. /sdcard/screenshots/
autoGrantPermissions Have Appium automatically determine which permissions your app requires and grant them to the app on install. Defaults to false true or false
networkSpeed Set the network speed emulation. Specify the maximum network upload and download speeds. Defaults to full ['full','gsm', 'edge', 'hscsd', 'gprs', 'umts', 'hsdpa', 'lte', 'evdo']Check -netspeed option more info about speed emulation for avds
gpsEnabled Toggle gps location provider for emulators before starting the session. By default the emulator will have this option enabled or not according to how it has been provisioned. true or false
isHeadless Set this capability to true to run the Emulator headless when device display is not needed to be visible. false is the default value. isHeadless is also support for iOS, check XCUITest-specific capabilities. e.g., true

iOS Only

These Capabilities are available only on the XCUITest Driver and the deprecated UIAutomation Driver.

Capability Description Values
calendarFormat (Sim-only) Calendar format to set for the iOS Simulator e.g. gregorian
bundleId 测试APP的Bundle ID,用于在真机上启动app,可以忽略前面所说的'app'字段,但是必须提供udid e.g. io.appium.TestApp
udid 设备标识 e.g. 1ae203187fc012g
launchTimeout 设备安装的等待时间,单位为毫秒【这个待确认】 e.g. 20000
locationServicesEnabled (Sim-only) Force location services to be either on or off. Default is to keep current sim setting. true or false
locationServicesAuthorized (Sim-only) Set location services to be authorized or not authorized for app via plist, so that location services alert doesn't pop up. Default is to keep current sim setting. Note that if you use this setting you MUST also use the bundleId capability to send in your app's bundle ID. true or false
autoAcceptAlerts Accept all iOS alerts automatically if they pop up. This includes privacy access permission alerts (e.g., location, contacts, photos). Default is false. Does not work on XCUITest-based tests. true or false
autoDismissAlerts Dismiss all iOS alerts automatically if they pop up. This includes privacy access permission alerts (e.g., location, contacts, photos). Default is false. Does not work on XCUITest-based tests. true or false
nativeInstrumentsLib 使用本机intruments库(即禁用仪器 - 无延迟)【这个待确定具体含义】 Use native intruments lib (ie disable instruments-without-delay). true or false
nativeWebTap (Sim-only) Enable "real", non-javascript-based web taps in Safari. Default: false. Warning: depending on viewport size/ratio this might not accurately tap an element true or false
safariInitialUrl (Sim-only) (>= 8.1) Initial safari url, default is a local welcome page e.g. https://www.github.com
safariAllowPopups (Sim-only) Allow javascript to open new windows in Safari. Default keeps current sim setting true or false
safariIgnoreFraudWarning (Sim-only) Prevent Safari from showing a fraudulent website warning. Default keeps current sim setting. true or false
safariOpenLinksInBackground (Sim-only) Whether Safari should allow links to open in new windows. Default keeps current sim setting. true or false
keepKeyChains (Sim-only) Whether to keep keychains (Library/Keychains) when appium session is started/finished true or false
localizableStringsDir Where to look for localizable strings. Default en.lproj en.lproj
processArguments Arguments to pass to the AUT using instruments e.g., -myflag
interKeyDelay 点击到发送之前的延迟时间 单位为毫秒【这个待确认】 e.g., 100
showIOSLog 是否在appium日志中显示来自于设备的日志 Default false true or false
sendKeyStrategy strategy to use to type test into a test field. Simulator default: oneByOne. Real device default: grouped oneByOne, grouped or setValue
screenshotWaitTimeout 生成屏幕截图的超时时间,以秒为单位 default: 10 e.g., 5
waitForAppScript The ios automation script used to determined if the app has been launched, by default the system wait for the page source not to be empty. The result must be a boolean e.g. true;, target.elements().length > 0;, $.delay(5000); true;
webviewConnectRetries Number of times to send connection message to remote debugger, to get webview. Default: 8 e.g., 12
appName 被测应用程序的显示名称。用于在iOS 9+中自动化背景应用。 e.g., UICatalog
customSSLCert (Sim only) Add an SSL certificate to IOS Simulator. e.g. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIFWjCCBEKg...``-----END CERTIFICATE-----
webkitResponseTimeout (Real device only) Set the time, in ms, to wait for a response from WebKit in a Safari session. Defaults to 5000 e.g., 10000



      本文标题:Appium Desired Capabilities常用字段含
