

作者: 应数二班田玉峰 | 来源:发表于2017-12-21 16:35 被阅读0次


TITLE    Strive for our bright future

Sub topic1:We just graduated from high school,we want to relax.So,a lot of freshman neglect study.

Sub topic2:We should estabilish a goal for ourself.

Conclusion:We have infinite vigor,we should  struggle for our fulture.


TITLE    Speak fluent English and travel the world

Sup topic1:English is an interesting subject.

Sup topic2:Enhlish is more and more important in the world.

Conclusion:We should try our best to learn better.


TITLE  The difference of  parent's love

Suptopic1:father's love is as great as a Mountain and  mother's love is as great as water.

Suptopic2:They expect our's growth.

Conclusion:We are parent's  hope,we should not let them down.


TITLE  To be a better person

Sup topic1:Describle two personality traits l want to have.

Sup topic2:Illustrate the reason.

Conclusion:Correct shortcomings and to be better person.


TITLE Two reasons of moral decline

Sup topic1:People's consiciousness of morality has not been strengthened.

Sup topic2:Small punishment cause  moral decline.

Conclusion:Increase our moral consiciousness,let our world to be better.


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