懂你英语流利说Level3-Unit3 4/4 Vocabula

懂你英语流利说Level3-Unit3 4/4 Vocabula

作者: 杨杨杨_da48 | 来源:发表于2017-12-19 22:38 被阅读0次

    Waste water and carbon gases from farm animals are bad for the environment

    Animal wastes and other chemicals flow into the ground and pollute water supplies.

    Exhaust gases from automobiles are major cause of air pollution  and global warming.

    As a result ,many company trying to produce more efficient and cleaner cars.

    Past scientists to grow crab 

    The camel 

    Factories like this one allow harmful chemicals to get into the air or water.

    Companies need to try harder to protect the environment and our health.

    Nuclear waste products are radio active in can pollute  for thousand of years.

    They need to be  safely transported  and stored in a safe place.

    The brush rader was born in England.

    She wrote some of the most popular love storied of all time.

    One of the ...

    Her family ruled Egypt for more than 100 years before she was born.

    She was known for her great beauty and charming voice.

    Born in 37 Mozart composed  

    He was a youngest the server chirden and by he age five he was already composing music.

    The of the king,Alexander great .

    As a youth,Alexander was taught by the Greek phiosopher Aristotle.

    Gandhi was ...

    Gandhi dedicated his life to the pursuit of truth.



          本文标题:懂你英语流利说Level3-Unit3 4/4 Vocabula
