Python学习笔记之【不定长参数 *args,**kwargs

Python学习笔记之【不定长参数 *args,**kwargs

作者: 平知 | 来源:发表于2019-08-08 12:33 被阅读0次

第一节 总览
Section I Overview

  It is well known that if a function defines a formal parameter, then the parameter must be passed when calling the function, otherwise the system will report an error.


#正确的传递参数方式 The right way of passing parameters
In [34]: def ad(a,b):
    ...:     print(a+b)
In [35]: ad(1,2)

#错误的传递参数方式  The wrong way to pass parameters
In [34]: def ad(a,b):
    ...:     print(a+b)
In [36]: ad(1)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-36-e6dd8e29e4b8> in <module>()
----> 1 ad(1)

TypeError: ad() missing 1 required positional argument: 'b'

   Look at the following two examples:

  We add a parameter in the form of * argsto the parameter of the function:

In [23]: def test(a,b,*args):
    ...:     print(a)
    ...:     print(b)
    ...:     print(args)
In [24]: test(1,2)
In [25]: def test(a,b,*args):
    ...:     print(a)
    ...:     print(b)
    ...:     print(args)
In [26]: test(1,2,3,4,5,6)
(3, 4, 5, 6)

  It can be seen that all the additional parameter functions are received and output in tuple mode. Since it is tuple, can we change the output mode?

In [37]: def test(a,b,*args):
    ...:     print(a)
    ...:     print(b)
    ...:     for t in args:
    ...:         print(t)
In [38]: test(1,2,3,4,5,6)

  Let's add another parameter called ** kwargs

In [39]: def test(a,b,*args,**kwargs):
    ...:     print(a)
    ...:     print(b)
    ...:     print(args)
    ...:     print(kwargs)
In [41]: test(1,2)

  With only two parameters passed, you can see that the type of the fourth parameter data is a dict.

  Let's try calling it the way we did just now:

In [42]: test(1,2,3,4,5,6)
(3, 4, 5, 6)

  Now what we have to know is how to put the parameters into the dict?

  Look at the code below:

In [48]: test(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,a23=10,b8="1")
(3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
{'a23': 10, 'b8': '1'}

  Now you can see that in order to pass parameters to the dict, the parameters must satisfy the mode XX = XX.

第二节 *args 的解包
Section 2 * Args unpacking

  As mentioned in the previous section, as long as the parameters with key are not passed when the function is called, all the parameters will be stored in *args and returned as tuples.

  那我们在上面函数定义的代码中稍作改动,让函数在输出 *args 的同时,把 *args 中元素的个数打印出来。
  So let's make a slight change in the code defined by the function above so that the function prints out the number of elements in * args at the same time as it outputs * args.

In [81]: def test(a,b,*args,**kwargs):
    ...:     print(a)
    ...:     print(b)
    ...:     print(args,end='')
    ...:     print("-----*args中元素的个数为:"+str(len(args)))
    ...:     print(kwargs)

In [82]: test(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)-----*args中元素的个数为:7

  Let's make a little change to the code of the function call, and then look at the output.

In [83]: test(1,2,(3,4,5,6,7,8,9))
((3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),)-----*args中元素的个数为:1

  Notice what's different? Yes, just a pair of parentheses().

  Well, here we see two "corresponding" operations. We pass seven parameters when we call, seven parameters when we return, one parameter when we call, and one parameter when we return.

  But don't forget, we are human beings who are very lazy, so what we want to do is: I pass you a parameter just now, but you have to separate and back it to me, because you are a computer, you have to do more jobs.

  we will say we will do!

In [84]: test(1,2,*(3,4,5,6,7,8,9))
(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)-----*args中元素的个数为:7

In [85]: 

  How lazy we are!Only one *was added.Integral storage and zero fetch.


   That's what unpacking means!

  That's what unpacking means! So let's draw a gourd and see what dict's unpacking looks like. First, we need to simply modify the code and output the number of dictelements.

In [85]: def test(a,b,*args,**kwargs):
    ...:     print(a)
    ...:     print(b)
    ...:     print(args,end='')
    ...:     print("-----*args中元素的个数为:"+str(len(args)))
    ...:     print(kwargs,end='')
    ...:     print("-----**kwargs中元素的个数为:"+str(len(kwargs)))

In [86]: test(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a1=1,a2=2,a3=3)
(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)-----*args中元素的个数为:7
{'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}-----**kwargs中元素的个数为:3

  Now let's take a look at the three key pairs packaged together. Yes, it should be very simple. Just like what we did just now, we can wrap up the last three pairs of parameters with {},let's go!

In [87]: test(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,{a1=1,a2=2,a3=3})
  File "<ipython-input-87-879379c68e42>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

  Pay attention to the hints, invalid syntax... Look carefully, yeah, the format of the elements in the dict should be XX:XX. Change it immediately!

In [88]: test(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,{a1:1,a2:2,a3:3})
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-88-3cd0045c1bff> in <module>()
----> 1 test(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,{a1:1,a2:2,a3:3})

NameError: name 'a1' is not defined

  What's wrong? Look at the hint , a1 is not defined!

  Now let's take a closer look at the previous output that worked correctly, and find out what?

  对的!上上图的a1、a2、a3已经被解读为了字符串' ',而刚才的代码a1被识别为了变量,而且变量没有定义,自然就报错了。那么我们继续来更正这个错误好了,把a1、a2、a3全部改为字符串类型。
  Right! The a1、a2、a3of the above figure have been interpreted as strings ' ',while the code a1 just now is interpreted as a variable, and the variable is undefined, so the error will occur. So let's go ahead and correct this mistake. Changea1、a2、a3 all to string.

In [89]: test(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,{'a1':1,'a2':2,'a3':3})
(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, {'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3})-----*args中元素的个数为:8

  There seems to be no mistake in this result. Packing should have been successful. Gee, but it still seems a little out of expectations.

  Let's recall the tuple case just now. I encapsulated several parameters with () and the parameter package was received by *args. Then I encapsulated the key-value pairs with {}, which should be received by **kwargs.

  Does it make sense to feel good ?

  What is the type of **kwargs? It's dict. That's where keys and values appear in pairs.

  We compare the keys keyand value in the dictionary to the left and right of a pair of gloves, and then consider such an example:

  • 你是我的好朋友。
  • You are my best friend.
  • 有一天你被蜘蛛咬了,长出了六只手,结果到了冬天太冷了,你却不敢出门买手套,于是打发我去帮你买。
  • One day you were bitten by a spider and grew six hands. As a result, it was too cold in winter and you dared not go out to buy gloves. So you sent me to buy Gloves for you
  • 人生苦短,我用python。额不,我要和你开个玩笑。于是我把买来的三双手套,锁在了一个铁盒子里,交给了你。
  • Life is short. I use python. No, I'm kidding you. So I locked the three pairs of gloves I bought in an iron box and gave them to you.
  • 亲爱的蜘蛛侠你,瞬间满怒气,开启狂暴怒吼:“贱人!我要的是手套!”
  • Dear Spider-Man you, instantly full of anger, open the rage roar: "Bitch! I want gloves!"
  • 我:“亲爱的,这是手套lol 在盒子里呢lol”
  • Me: "Honey, this is glove in the box."
  • 你:“TMD 驼你是他可已经西去了,我马上就会火,打开快点的,以后跟哥混,妹子少不了”
  • Iron Man is dead, I will be famous soon.Open it now! If you work for me in the future, I will make you rich, rich and enjoyable. Wives and concubines will flock together.
    -我: 好嘞,客官您里屋请,立马开!(此处省略......BYTE)。咋样,合适不?
  • Okay, wait a moment. How's it going? Are you satisfied?
  • 你:好使!
  • Fucking good!


  • **kwargs是我的好朋友。
  • 有一天你被蜘蛛咬了,长出了六只手key:value,key:value,key:value,结果到了冬天太冷了,你却不敢出门买手套a1':1,'a2':2,'a3':3,于是打发我去帮你买。
  • 人生苦短,我用python。额不,我要和你开个玩笑。于是我把买来的三双手套a1':1,'a2':2,'a3':3,锁在了一个铁盒子里{a1':1,'a2':2,'a3':3},交给了你。
  • 亲爱的蜘蛛侠你,瞬间满怒气,开启狂暴怒吼:“贱人!我要的是手套a1':1,'a2':2,'a3':3!”
  • 我:“亲爱的,这是手套a1':1,'a2':2,'a3':3lol 在盒子里呢{a1':1,'a2':2,'a3':3}lol”
  • 你:“TMD 驼你是他可已经西去了,我马上就会火,打开快点的,以后跟哥混,妹子少不了”
  • 我: 好嘞,客官您里屋请,立马开**{a1':1,'a2':2,'a3':3}!(此处省略......BYTE)。咋样,合适不?
  • 你:好使!a1':1,'a2':2,'a3':3

In [85]: def test(a,b,*args,**kwargs):
    ...:     print(a)
    ...:     print(b)
    ...:     print(args,end='')
    ...:     print("-----*args中元素的个数为:"+str(len(args)))
    ...:     print(kwargs,end='')
    ...:     print("-----*kwargs中元素的个数为:"+str(len(kwargs)))
In [90]: test(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,**{'a1':1,'a2':2,'a3':3})
(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)-----*args中元素的个数为:7
{'a1': 1, 'a2': 2, 'a3': 3}-----*kwargs中元素的个数为:3

大招就是:**{ }




      本文标题:Python学习笔记之【不定长参数 *args,**kwargs
