

作者: 气泡_2e06 | 来源:发表于2018-08-27 14:57 被阅读0次


More patients are getting to read their doctors' scribblings


  A DOCTOR who sees a child with an odd appearance might write “FLK” in his

notes. Short for “funny-looking kid”, it is meant not as an insult, but as a

reminder to watch for slow growth and mental retardation, which can accompany

physical abnormalities. Later he may add “FLD”: funny-looking dads tend to have

funnylooking offspring. But such candour may become a thing of the past as more

hospitals and clinics make doctors' notes available to patients and their



  The trailblazers see open notes as a way to engage patients in their

treatment, and to keep their other carers informed. A study in 2012 in the

Annals of Internal Medicine of 105 American doctors who shared their notes with

20,000 patients backs this position. Over four-fifths of the patients who

visited their doctors in the following year had looked at their notes. In a

survey, about three-quarters said they felt more in control of their care. Few

said the notes were confusing, offensive or worrisome; nearly all wanted access

to continue.


  The doctors who took part reported little change in their behaviour and

little extra work, though some did alter the way they wrote about charged topics

such as cancer, mental health, substance abuse and obesity. As for FLK and other

medics' slang, Tom Delbanco, one of the study's authors, says: “Good doctors

don't label things; good doctors describe things.”


  Some 3m American patients now have easy access to their doctors' notes,

including those at leading institutions such as the Cleveland and Mayo clinics,

and 1m of those cared for by the Department of Veterans Affairs. This is good

business as well as good medicine. Patients with Kaiser Permanente Northwest

must register on its website in order to read their doctors' notes, which makes

their care easier to manage and lowers the chance that they will switch to a


  如今,300万名美国病人能够轻松读懂医生的字迹,其中包括像Cleveland 和 Mayo


  Health administrators elsewhere are watching with interest. Some British

doctors have already opened their notes and more are likely to follow suit if

the National Health Service keeps its promise to give all patients online access

to their records by next year. The next step, says Dr Delbanco, is getting

patients to contribute to their records. Funny-looking doctors take note.





