查看回路信息~Viewing Loop Information

查看回路信息~Viewing Loop Information

作者: 橡果 | 来源:发表于2016-06-25 01:11 被阅读16次

注:截至PCTP 2009 Build 1,包括前缀、位号根、后缀分隔符和后缀在内,DCS位号名的最大长度已扩展至64字符。然而,描述字段仍仅限32字符。
点击树形结构上的Tag Suffixes(位号后缀)选项卡以打开默认位号后缀/前缀窗口。如果你还没有定义设置默认后缀/前缀,该字段将预填充先前保存的默认后缀/前缀集。你可以修改它们(如有必要)。
注:定义合适的位号后缀是很重要的,这样其它的SMOCPro屏幕,例如UAPC输出—变量,将正常工作。因此,建议在继续进一步自定义之前完成Tag Suffixes屏。
工作区只能保存一组默认位号后缀/前缀。您可以点击Export Suffix Set(导出后缀设定)按钮将默认位号后缀/前缀导出到一个单独的文件,以使其可以用在不同的工作区。Import Suffix Set(导入后缀设定)按钮用于在当前工作区中引入已保存的默认位号后缀/前缀。你可以为不同的控制器保存一个共同的位号后缀/前缀,或在不同的DCS环境下使用一个控制器。

字段 默认值 描述
Controller Tag Name(控制器位号名) 控制器名 控制器名。该参数不用于Yokogawa EXASMOC DB中(不可编辑的)
Watchdog Timer Tag [t](看门狗计时位号) 与控制器相关的看门狗计时器位号
Desired Status Tag [t](期望状态位号) 切换设定期望控制模式的位号,例如,Off,Standby,Control或Optimize。
Actual Status Tag [t](实际状态位号) 当前控制模式位号
Calculation Desired Status [t/v](计算所需状态) 0 前/后计算所需状态
Calculation Actual Status [t/v](计算实际状态) 0 前/后计算实际状态
Number of Debug Samples [v] (调试采样数) 10 调试日志文件中连续执行写EXASMOC的数目
Loop Description(回路描述) 控制回路描述
Active Index [t/v](活跃指数) 选中的经济函数名称(如果有的话)。默认值是“None”。你也可以为经济函数值选择一个位号
EF Tracking Filter (s) [t/v](EF跟踪滤波器) 经济最优跟踪滤波器时间常数(以秒为单位)
Speed Factor [t/v](速度因子) 跟踪经济优化的速度。该字段自PCTP 2008起已经过时。如果你打开一个早于PCTP 2008的工作区,速度因子将被自动转换为相应的EF跟踪滤波器值。
Optimum Value [t/v](最优值) 经济最优值
Actual Value [t/v](实际值) 经济函数当前值
Actual Status [t/v](实际状态) INACTIVE(非活动) 经济函数(内核输出参数)实际状态(ACTIVE/INACTIVE)
Number of MVs(MVs数目) 控制器中操作变量数目(不可编辑)
Number of DVs(DVs数目) 控制器中干扰变量数目(不可编辑)
Number of POVs(POVs数目) 控制器中过程输出变量数目(不可编辑)
Number of CVs(CVs数目) 控制器中被控变量数目(不可编辑)
Number of EFs(EFs数目) 控制器中经济函数数目(不可编辑)
Number of EFCoeffs(EFCoeffs数目) 控制器中经济函数系数数目(不可编辑)
Number of Sub-controllers(子控制器数目) 控制器中子控制器数目(不可编辑)
Number of Gains(增益数目) 控制器中可在线修改增益的数目(不可编辑)

NOTE: As of PCTP 2009 Build 1, the maximum length of the DCS tag name has been extended to 64 characters, which includes prefix, tag root, suffix separator and suffix. However, the description fields are still limited to 32 characters.
Clicking on Tag Suffixes tab on the tree structure opens the default tag suffixes/prefixes window. If you have not defined default suffix/prefix set yet, the fields are pre-filled with the previous saved default suffix/prefix set. You can modify them (if necessary).
NOTE: It is important that you define appropriate Tag Suffixes so that other SMOCPro screens, e.g. UAPC Output—Variables, work properly. Thus, it is recommended that Tag Suffixes screen be finalized before moving on to further customization.
The workspace can only save one set of default tag suffixes/prefixes. You can click the Export Suffix Set button to export the default tag suffixes/prefixes to a separate file, which can be used with different workspaces. The Import Suffix Set button lets you import the saved set of default tag suffixes/prefixes into the current workspace. You can save one common tag suffixes or prefixes for different controllers or use one controller for different DCS environments.
**Viewing Loop Information **
The Loop Information window displays the loop and economic function parameters.

Field Default Value Description
Controller Tag Name Name of the controller Name of the controller. This parameter is not used in the Yokogawa EXASMOC DB (not editable).
Watchdog Timer Tag [t] Tag of watchdog timer associated with the controller.
Desired Status Tag [t] Tag of the switch setting the desired control mode, for example, Off, Standby, Control or Optimize.
Actual Status Tag [t] Tag of the current control mode.
Calculation Desired Status [t/v] 0 The desired status of pre/post calculation.
Calculation Actual Status [t/v] 0 The actual status of pre/post calculation.
Number of Debug Samples [v] 10 Number of consecutive executions EXASMOC writes in the debug log file.
Loop Description Controller loop description
Active Index [t/v] None Name of the selected economic function (if any). The default is “None”. You can also choose a tag for the economic function value.
EF Tracking Filter (s) [t/v] Economic optimum Tracking Filter Time Constant in second.
Speed Factor [t/v] None Speed to track the economic optimum. This field is obsolete from PCTP 2008. If you open a workspace older than PCTP 2008, Speed Factor will be automatically converted to the corresponding EF Tracking Filter value.
Optimum Value [t/v] Value of the economic optimum.
Actual Value [t/v] Current value of the economic function.
Actual Status [t/v] INACTIVE The actual status (ACTIVE/INACTIVE) of Economic Function (Kernel output parameter).
Number of MVs Number of manipulated variables in the controller (not editable).
Number of DVs Number of disturbance variables in the controller (not editable).
Number of POVs Number of process output variables in the controller (not editable).
Number of CVs Number of controlled variables in the controller (not editable).
Number of EFs Number of economic functions in the controller (not editable).
Number of EFCoeffs Number of economic function coefficients in the controller (not editable).
Number of Sub-controllers Number of sub-controllers in the controller (not editable).
Number of Gains Number of online modifiable gains in the controller (not editable).




    本文标题:查看回路信息~Viewing Loop Information
