10 days after Jesus ascended into heaven, on the day of Pentecost , the Holy Spirit suddenly comes upon the Apostles and Mary, as Jesus promised.
The Apostles, led by St.Peter, go into the streets of Jerusalem and begin to speak to the crowds about Jesus.
Although there were people from all different nations there, each person heard the apostles in their own language.
There were also many healings. Sick people and crippled people were healed even by Peter's shadow! Thoudsands of people started to become Christian and follow the Apostles.
The Apostles became the first Bishops (Peter was the leader and the first Pope.)
Through the Apostles' and the first Christians' miracles and love, Christianity becomes the fastest-growing religion in the world.
This is the beginning of the Catholic Church and the Christian religion!
It is very surprising that the Church grew so fast, because the Romans and some Jews were threatening to kill followers of Jesus.
Many martyrs (someone who is killed for their beliefs) were killed for Jesus.
The Church is all of the people in the world who are baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity. Specifically, the Catholic Church is anyone who is baptized and follows the Pope.
Catholics believe that Jesus Chirst is truly present today spiritually in the Church.
When the Church first began, the Apostles began performing actions others that Jesus taught them.
This is includes:baptizing people, getting together and breaking bread(Mass), placing their hands on people and praying for the Holy Spirit to come, and forgiving peoples' sins in Jesus' name, etc.
These actions became the Seven Sacraments of the Church!
The church believes Jesus is perfectly present in all 7 sacraments.
This means they "work" no matter what!
Sacrament - an outer sign of a deep spiritual grace that a person's soul is receiving.
Grace - the action of God inside somebody. God's presence in someone's soul.
Baptism - a person becomes a part of the Church, and original sin is washed away from his or her soul.
Reconciliation/ Confession/ Penance - a person confess their sins to a priest, and Jesus forgives their sins through the priest.
The Eucharist/ Holy communion - Jesus' actual, physical body and blood. The bread and wine can only become Jesus' body and blood during Mass by a priest.
Confirmation - a Bishop lays hands on person and prays for the Holy Spirit to come upon the person, and that person receives extra spiritual graces.
Holy Matrumony - a man and woman promise to love and sacrifice for each other, the way Jesus sacrificed His life for the Church, until death. Jesus gives special graces to help the couple do this.
Holy orders - a man's soul is changed and he is ordained a deacon, priest, or bishop. He receives graces to be more like Christ as a leader, and he is now able to celebrate some different sacraments.
Anointing of the Sick - a priest anoints (blesses) a sick or gying person with holy oil. Meant to prepare a person for death and help them get to heaven quicker. Comfort a sick person by giving them a special grace.