Algorithms Notes (1) - Analysis

Algorithms Notes (1) - Analysis

作者: SilentSummer | 来源:发表于2017-05-05 23:52 被阅读47次


    The note focuses on analyzing the performance of algorithms with the scientific method.

    The note corresponds to Chapter 1.4 of Algorithms, (@Princeton) and Week 1 of Algorithms, Part I, (@Coursera).

    Analysis of Algorithms Introduction

    Scientific method

    Insight. [Knuth 1970s] Use scientific method to understand performance.

    • Scientific method, which is a framework for predicting performance and comparing algorithms.
      • Observe some feature of the natural world.
      • Hypothesize a model that is consistent with the observations.
      • Predict events using the hypothesis.
      • Verify the predictions by making further observations.
      • Validate by repeating until the hypothesis and observations agree.
    • Principles
      • Experiments must be reproducible.
      • Hypotheses must be falsifiable.

    Experimental Algorithmics

    • Run the program for various input sizes and measure running time.

    • Data analysis

      • Standard plot. Plot running time T (N) vs. input size N.
      • Log-log plot. Plot running time T (N) vs. input size N using log-log scale.
    • Regression. Fit straight line through data points

    • Hypothesis. The running time is about XXX seconds

    • Doubling hypothesis. Quick way to estimate b in a power-law relationship. Run program, doubling the size of the input.

    Mathematical Models

    Mathematical models for running time.

    • Total running time: sum of cost × frequency for all operations.
      • Need to analyze program to determine set of operations.
      • Cost depends on machine, compiler.- Frequency depends on algorithm, input data.
    • Simplification 1: cost model
      • Cost model. Use some basic operation as a proxy for running time.
      • cost model = array accesses (we assume compiler/JVM do not optimize array accesses away!)
    • Simplification 2: tilde notation
      • Estimate running time (or memory) as a function of input size N. Ignore lower order terms.

        • when N is large, terms are negligible
        • when N is small, we don't care
      • Technical definition.

    f(N) \sim g(N) \Longleftrightarrow \lim\limits_{N \to \infty }{\frac{f(N)}{g(N)}} =1

    egAlgoegAlgo mathmodelmathmodel

    Order-of-Growth Classifications

    • Determine the order of growth of the running time of a program as a function of the input size.
    • Formulate a hypothesis for the running time of a program as a function of the input size by performing computational experiments.
    class1class1 class2class2

    Binary Search

    Binary search: Java implementation


    Binary search: mathematical analysis


    Binary search application: 3-SUM


    Theory of Algorithms

    • Define tilde and order-of-growth notations.
    typestypes notationnotation designdesign


    • Calculate the amount of memory that a Java program uses a function of the input size.
    basicsbasics memorymemory memory2memory2



          本文标题:Algorithms Notes (1) - Analysis
