The Best Birthday

The Best Birthday

作者: 悦读小杰 | 来源:发表于2019-06-04 17:20 被阅读0次

    Carol just celebrated her twemtieth birthday. On the day of her birthday, she went out to lunch with her best friend Tina. Carol had planned to spend a quiet evening at home by herself. She didn't want to have a party ,but Tina talked het into having her friends and parenHer ts over. After lunch ,Carol went back to work.Her boss wished her a happy birthday and gave her a beautiful bouquet of flowers. When she got off work, she called up a few of her friends and invited them over to celebrate .Her father and mother stopped by before all of the other guests were supposed to come. Her mother baked a cake and her father cooked dinner. Carol just sat on her comfortable sofa and watched them. In the end, it was the best Birthday she had ever had.

    The Best Birthday



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