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使用 flip-flop 和 gather-take 提取数据块

使用 flip-flop 和 gather-take 提取数据块

作者: 焉知非鱼 | 来源:发表于2018-03-15 19:25 被阅读5次
my $excerpt = q:to/END/;
Here's some unimportant text.
=begin code
    This code block is what we're after.
    We'll use 'ff' to get it.
=end code
More unimportant text.
=begin code
    Today rains heavy.
    Long live AI .
=end code
More unimport text.
=begin code
    Like to go home.
=end code

my @codelines = gather for $excerpt.lines {
    take $_ if "=begin code" ff "=end code"

# this will print four lines, starting with "=begin code" and ending with
# "=end code"
#say @codelines.join("\n");

my @lines = gather {
  my @current;

  for $excerpt.lines {

    if "=begin code" ^ff^ "=end code" {

      # collect the values between matches
      push @current, .trim;

    } else {
      # take the next value between matches

      # don't bother if there wasn't any values matched
      if @current {

        # you must do something so that you aren't
        # returning the same instance of the array
        take @current.List;
        @current = ();

.Str.say for @lines;


This code block is what we're after. We'll use 'ff' to get it.
Today rains heavy. Long live AI . HaHa
Like to go home.



    本文标题:使用 flip-flop 和 gather-take 提取数据块
