[Nodejs] pm2 的使用

[Nodejs] pm2 的使用

作者: Merz | 来源:发表于2018-04-28 21:54 被阅读0次

1 安装


npm install pm2@latest -g

2 开始一个应用

pm2 start app.js


# Listing

pm2 list               # Display all processes status
pm2 jlist              # Print process list in raw JSON
pm2 prettylist         # Print process list in beautified JSON

pm2 describe 0         # Display all informations about a specific process

pm2 monit              # Monitor all processes

3 日志管理

3.1 日志管理常用命令

# Display option for pm2 logs command
pm2 logs -h

# Display all apps logs
pm2 logs

# Display only logs about process containing "api" in their name
pm2 logs /api/

# It's a regex so you can filter with the normal syntax to filter with OR condition
pm2 logs /server_[12]/

# Display only api app logs
pm2 logs api

# Display X lines of api log file
pm2 logs big-api --lines 1000

# Empty all current application logs managed by PM2:
pm2 flush # Clear all the logs

3.2 日志输出格式


pm2 logs --json


CLI : --log-type json
Process file : "log_type": "json"
   "message": "echo\n",                     // the actual message that has been `console.log`
   "timestamp": "2017-02-06T14:51:38.896Z", // timestamp of the message, can be formated
   "type": "out",                           // the type of logs, can be `err`, `out` or `PM2`
   "process_id": 0,                         // the process id used by PM2
   "app_name": "one-echo"                   // the application name

3.3 日志管理插件


pm2 install pm2-logrotate


pm2 set pm2-logrotate:max_size 1K       # (1KB)
pm2 set pm2-logrotate:compress true    # (compress logs when rotated)
pm2 set pm2-logrotate:rotateInterval '*/1 * * * *'    # (force rotate every minute)

3.4 日志配置

  "script"          : "echo.js",
  "error_file"      : "err.log",
  "out_file"        : "out.log",
  "merge_logs"      : true,
  "log_date_format" : "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z"


  "out_file": "/dev/null",
  "error_file": "/dev/null"

4 启动文件配置


配置文件 app.conf.yaml:

  - script   : ./test_rmq.js
    name     : 'sendmsg1'
    instances: 1
    exec_mode: 'fork'
    error_file: /dev/null 
    out_file : /dev/null
    args     : 'extrainfo1'
  - script   : ./test_rmq.js
    name     : 'sendmsg2'
    instances: 1
    exec_mode: 'fork'
    error_file: /dev/null
    out_file : /dev/null
    args     : 'extrainfo2'


pm2 start app.conf.yaml


pm2 start app.conf.yaml --only sendmsg1

这些只是pm2的简单应用, 具体的api查阅官方文档:http://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/quick-start/


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      本文标题:[Nodejs] pm2 的使用
