

作者: 艾瑞达双鱼 | 来源:发表于2018-08-06 17:09 被阅读2561次


public class USBPrinter {
    public static final String ACTION_USB_PERMISSION = "com.usb.printer.USB_PERMISSION";

    private static USBPrinter mInstance;

    private Context mContext;
    private PendingIntent mPermissionIntent;
    private UsbManager mUsbManager;
    private UsbDeviceConnection mUsbDeviceConnection;

    private UsbEndpoint ep,printerEp;
    private UsbInterface usbInterface;

    private static final int TIME_OUT = 100000;

    public static USBPrinter getInstance() {
        if (mInstance == null) {
            synchronized (USBPrinter.class) {
                if (mInstance == null) {
                    mInstance = new USBPrinter();
        return mInstance;

     * 初始化打印机,需要与destroy对应
     * @param context 上下文
    public static void initPrinter(Context context) {

    private void init(Context context) {
//        list.clear();
        mContext = context;
        mUsbManager = (UsbManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.USB_SERVICE);
        mPermissionIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, new Intent(ACTION_USB_PERMISSION), 0);
        IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(ACTION_USB_PERMISSION);
        mContext.registerReceiver(mUsbDeviceReceiver, filter);

        // 列出所有的USB设备,并且都请求获取USB权限
        HashMap<String, UsbDevice> deviceList = mUsbManager.getDeviceList();

        for (UsbDevice device : deviceList.values()) {
            usbInterface = device.getInterface(0);
            if (usbInterface.getInterfaceClass() == 7) {
                Log.d("device", device.getProductName() + "     " + device.getManufacturerName());
                Log.d("device", device.getVendorId() + "     " + device.getProductId() + "      " + device.getDeviceId());
                Log.d("device", usbInterface.getInterfaceClass() + "");
                if (!mUsbManager.hasPermission(device)) {
                    mUsbManager.requestPermission(device, mPermissionIntent);
                }else {


    private final BroadcastReceiver mUsbDeviceReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            String action = intent.getAction();
            Log.d("action", action);
            UsbDevice mUsbDevice = intent.getParcelableExtra(UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE);
            if (ACTION_USB_PERMISSION.equals(action)) {
                synchronized (this) {
                    if (intent.getBooleanExtra(UsbManager.EXTRA_PERMISSION_GRANTED, false) && mUsbDevice != null) {
                        Log.d("receiver", action);
                    } else {
                        ToastUtil.showShort(context, "USB设备请求被拒绝");
            } else if (UsbManager.ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED.equals(action)) {
                if (mUsbDevice != null) {
                    ToastUtil.showShort(context, "有设备拔出");
            } else if (UsbManager.ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED.equals(action)) {
                ToastUtil.showShort(context, "有设备插入");
                if (mUsbDevice != null) {
                    if (!mUsbManager.hasPermission(mUsbDevice)) {
                        mUsbManager.requestPermission(mUsbDevice, mPermissionIntent);

    public void close() {
        if(mUsbDeviceConnection != null){
            mUsbDeviceConnection = null;
        mContext = null;
        mUsbManager = null;

    private void connectUsbPrinter(UsbDevice mUsbDevice) {
        if (mUsbDevice != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < usbInterface.getEndpointCount(); i++) {
                ep = usbInterface.getEndpoint(i);
                if (ep.getType() == UsbConstants.USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK) {
                    if (ep.getDirection() == UsbConstants.USB_DIR_OUT) {
                        mUsbDeviceConnection = mUsbManager.openDevice(mUsbDevice);
                        printerEp = ep;
                        if (mUsbDeviceConnection != null) {
                            ToastUtil.showShort(mContext, "设备已连接");
                            mUsbDeviceConnection.claimInterface(usbInterface, true);
        } else {
            ToastUtil.showShort(mContext, "未发现可用的打印机");


    private void write(byte[] bytes) {
        if (mUsbDeviceConnection != null) {
            int b = mUsbDeviceConnection.bulkTransfer(printerEp, bytes, bytes.length, TIME_OUT);
            Log.i("Return Status", "b-->" + b);
        } else {

    private Handler handler = new Handler() {
        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            ToastUtil.showShort(mContext, "未发现可用的打印机");

     * 打印文字
     * @param msg
    public void printText(String msg) {
        byte[] bytes = new byte[0];
        try {
            bytes = msg.getBytes("gbk");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

     * 换行打印文字
     * @param msg
    public void printTextNewLine(String msg) {
        byte[] bytes = new byte[0];
        try {
            bytes = msg.getBytes("gbk");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        write(new String("\n").getBytes());

     * 打印空行
     * @param size
    public void printLine(int size) {
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

     * 设置字体大小
     * @param size 0:正常大小 1:两倍高 2:两倍宽 3:两倍大小 4:三倍高 5:三倍宽 6:三倍大 7:四倍高 8:四倍宽 9:四倍大小 10:五倍高 11:五倍宽 12:五倍大小
    public void setTextSize(int size) {

     * 字体加粗
     * @param isBold
    public void bold(boolean isBold) {
        if (isBold) write(ESCUtil.boldOn());
        else write(ESCUtil.boldOff());

     * 打印一维条形码
     * @param data
    public void printBarCode(String data) {
        write(ESCUtil.getPrintBarCode(data, 5, 90, 5, 2));

     * 设置对齐方式
     * @param position
    public void setAlign(int position) {
        byte[] bytes = null;
        switch (position) {
            case 0:
                bytes = ESCUtil.alignLeft();
            case 1:
                bytes = ESCUtil.alignCenter();
            case 2:
                bytes = ESCUtil.alignRight();

     * 切纸
    public void cutPager() {



public class ESCUtil {

    public static final byte ESC = 0x1B;// Escape
    public static final byte FS =  0x1C;// Text delimiter
    public static final byte GS =  0x1D;// Group separator
    public static final byte DLE = 0x10;// data link escape
    public static final byte EOT = 0x04;// End of transmission
    public static final byte ENQ = 0x05;// Enquiry character
    public static final byte SP =  0x20;// Spaces
    public static final byte HT =  0x09;// Horizontal list
    public static final byte LF =  0x0A;//Print and wrap (horizontal orientation)
    public static final byte CR =  0x0D;// Home key
    public static final byte FF =  0x0C;// Carriage control (print and return to the standard mode (in page mode))
    public static final byte CAN = 0x18;// Canceled (cancel print data in page mode)

    public static byte[] init_printer() {
        byte[] result = new byte[2];
        result[0] = ESC;
        result[1] = 0x40;
        return result;

    public static byte[] setPrinterDarkness(int value){
        byte[] result = new byte[9];
        result[0] = GS;
        result[1] = 40;
        result[2] = 69;
        result[3] = 4;
        result[4] = 0;
        result[5] = 5;
        result[6] = 5;
        result[7] = (byte) (value >> 8);
        result[8] = (byte) value;
        return result;

     * 打印单个二维码 sunmi自定义指令
     * @param code:         二维码数据
     * @param modulesize:   二维码块大小(单位:点, 取值 1 至 16 )
     * @param errorlevel:   二维码纠错等级(0 至 3)
     *                0 -- 纠错级别L ( 7%)
     *                1 -- 纠错级别M (15%)
     *                2 -- 纠错级别Q (25%)
     *                3 -- 纠错级别H (30%)
    public static byte[] getPrintQRCode(String code, int modulesize, int errorlevel){
        ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        }catch(Exception e){
        return buffer.toByteArray();

     * 横向两个二维码 sunmi自定义指令
     * @param code1:            二维码数据
     * @param code2:            二维码数据
     * @param modulesize:   二维码块大小(单位:点, 取值 1 至 16 )
     * @param errorlevel:   二维码纠错等级(0 至 3)
     *                0 -- 纠错级别L ( 7%)
     *                1 -- 纠错级别M (15%)
     *                2 -- 纠错级别Q (25%)
     *                3 -- 纠错级别H (30%)
    public static byte[] getPrintDoubleQRCode(String code1, String code2, int modulesize, int errorlevel){
        ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

            buffer.write(new byte[]{0x1B, 0x5C, 0x18, 0x00});

        }catch(Exception e){
        return buffer.toByteArray();

     * 光栅打印二维码
    public static byte[] getPrintQRCode2(String data, int size){
        byte[] bytes1  = new byte[4];
        bytes1[0] = GS;
        bytes1[1] = 0x76;
        bytes1[2] = 0x30;
        bytes1[3] = 0x00;

        byte[] bytes2 = BytesUtil.getZXingQRCode(data, size);
        return BytesUtil.byteMerger(bytes1, bytes2);

     * 打印一维条形码
    public static byte[] getPrintBarCode(String data, int symbology, int height, int width, int textposition){
        if(symbology < 0 || symbology > 10){
            return new byte[]{LF};

        if(width < 2 || width > 6){
            width = 2;

        if(textposition <0 || textposition > 3){
            textposition = 0;

        if(height < 1 || height>255){
            height = 162;

        ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            buffer.write(new byte[]{0x1D,0x66,0x01,0x1D,0x48,(byte)textposition,

            byte[] barcode;
            if(symbology == 10){
                barcode = BytesUtil.getBytesFromDecString(data);
                barcode = data.getBytes("GB18030");

            if(symbology > 7){
                buffer.write(new byte[]{0x1D,0x6B,0x49,(byte)(barcode.length+2),0x7B, (byte) (0x41+symbology-8)});
                buffer.write(new byte[]{0x1D,0x6B,(byte)(symbology + 0x41),(byte)barcode.length});
        }catch(Exception e){
        return buffer.toByteArray();

    public static byte[] printBitmap(Bitmap bitmap){
        byte[] bytes1  = new byte[4];
        bytes1[0] = GS;
        bytes1[1] = 0x76;
        bytes1[2] = 0x30;
        bytes1[3] = 0x00;

        byte[] bytes2 = BytesUtil.getBytesFromBitMap(bitmap);
        return BytesUtil.byteMerger(bytes1, bytes2);

    //光栅位图打印 设置mode
    public static byte[] printBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int mode){
        byte[] bytes1  = new byte[4];
        bytes1[0] = GS;
        bytes1[1] = 0x76;
        bytes1[2] = 0x30;
        bytes1[3] = (byte) mode;

        byte[] bytes2 = BytesUtil.getBytesFromBitMap(bitmap);
        return BytesUtil.byteMerger(bytes1, bytes2);

    public static byte[] printBitmap(byte[] bytes){
        byte[] bytes1  = new byte[4];
        bytes1[0] = GS;
        bytes1[1] = 0x76;
        bytes1[2] = 0x30;
        bytes1[3] = 0x00;

        return BytesUtil.byteMerger(bytes1, bytes);

    *   选择位图指令 设置mode
    *   需要设置1B 33 00将行间距设为0
    public static byte[] selectBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int mode){
        return BytesUtil.byteMerger(BytesUtil.byteMerger(new byte[]{0x1B, 0x33, 0x00}, BytesUtil.getBytesFromBitMap(bitmap, mode)), new byte[]{0x0A, 0x1B, 0x32});

     * 跳指定行数
    public static byte[] nextLine(int lineNum) {
        byte[] result = new byte[lineNum];
        for (int i = 0; i < lineNum; i++) {
            result[i] = LF;

        return result;

    // ------------------------underline-----------------------------
    public static byte[] underlineWithOneDotWidthOn() {
        byte[] result = new byte[3];
        result[0] = ESC;
        result[1] = 45;
        result[2] = 1;
        return result;

    public static byte[] underlineWithTwoDotWidthOn() {
        byte[] result = new byte[3];
        result[0] = ESC;
        result[1] = 45;
        result[2] = 2;
        return result;

    public static byte[] underlineOff() {
        byte[] result = new byte[3];
        result[0] = ESC;
        result[1] = 45;
        result[2] = 0;
        return result;

    // ------------------------bold-----------------------------
     * 字体加粗
    public static byte[] boldOn() {
        byte[] result = new byte[3];
        result[0] = ESC;
        result[1] = 69;
        result[2] = 0xF;
        return result;

     * 取消字体加粗
    public static byte[] boldOff() {
        byte[] result = new byte[3];
        result[0] = ESC;
        result[1] = 69;
        result[2] = 0;
        return result;

    // ------------------------character-----------------------------
    public static byte[] singleByte(){
        byte[] result = new byte[2];
        result[0] = FS;
        result[1] = 0x2E;
        return result;

    public static byte[] singleByteOff(){
        byte[] result = new byte[2];
        result[0] = FS;
        result[1] = 0x26;
        return result;

     * 设置单字节字符集
    public static byte[] setCodeSystemSingle(byte charset){
        byte[] result = new byte[3];
        result[0] = ESC;
        result[1] = 0x74;
        result[2] = charset;
        return result;

     * 设置多字节字符集
    public static byte[] setCodeSystem(byte charset){
        byte[] result = new byte[3];
        result[0] = FS;
        result[1] = 0x43;
        result[2] = charset;
        return result;

    // ------------------------Align-----------------------------

     * 居左
    public static byte[] alignLeft() {
        byte[] result = new byte[3];
        result[0] = ESC;
        result[1] = 97;
        result[2] = 0;
        return result;

     * 居中对齐
    public static byte[] alignCenter() {
        byte[] result = new byte[3];
        result[0] = ESC;
        result[1] = 97;
        result[2] = 1;
        return result;

     * 居右
    public static byte[] alignRight() {
        byte[] result = new byte[3];
        result[0] = ESC;
        result[1] = 97;
        result[2] = 2;
        return result;

    public static byte[] cutter() {
        byte[] data = new byte[]{0x1d, 0x56, 0x01};
        return data;

    public static byte[] gogogo(){
        byte[] data = new byte[]{0x1C, 0x28, 0x4C, 0x02, 0x00, 0x42, 0x31};
        return data;

    //////////////////////////          private                /////////////////////////
    private static byte[] setQRCodeSize(int modulesize){
        byte[] dtmp = new byte[8];
        dtmp[0] = GS;
        dtmp[1] = 0x28;
        dtmp[2] = 0x6B;
        dtmp[3] = 0x03;
        dtmp[4] = 0x00;
        dtmp[5] = 0x31;
        dtmp[6] = 0x43;
        dtmp[7] = (byte)modulesize;
        return dtmp;

    private static byte[] setQRCodeErrorLevel(int errorlevel){
        byte[] dtmp = new byte[8];
        dtmp[0] = GS;
        dtmp[1] = 0x28;
        dtmp[2] = 0x6B;
        dtmp[3] = 0x03;
        dtmp[4] = 0x00;
        dtmp[5] = 0x31;
        dtmp[6] = 0x45;
        dtmp[7] = (byte)(48+errorlevel);
        return dtmp;

    private static byte[] getBytesForPrintQRCode(boolean single){
        byte[] dtmp;
        if(single){     //同一行只打印一个QRCode, 后面加换行
            dtmp = new byte[9];
            dtmp[8] = 0x0A;
            dtmp = new byte[8];
        dtmp[0] = 0x1D;
        dtmp[1] = 0x28;
        dtmp[2] = 0x6B;
        dtmp[3] = 0x03;
        dtmp[4] = 0x00;
        dtmp[5] = 0x31;
        dtmp[6] = 0x51;
        dtmp[7] = 0x30;
        return dtmp;

    private static byte[] getQCodeBytes(String code) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        try {
            byte[] d = code.getBytes("GB18030");
            int len = d.length + 3;
            if (len > 7092) len = 7092;
            buffer.write((byte) 0x1D);
            buffer.write((byte) 0x28);
            buffer.write((byte) 0x6B);
            buffer.write((byte) len);
            buffer.write((byte) (len >> 8));
            buffer.write((byte) 0x31);
            buffer.write((byte) 0x50);
            buffer.write((byte) 0x30);
            for (int i = 0; i < d.length && i < len; i++) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return buffer.toByteArray();

     * 设置字体大小

    public static byte[] setTextSize(int size) {
        byte[] bytes = CMD_FontSize(size).getBytes();
        return bytes;

    // 字体的大小
    // 0:正常大小 1:两倍高 2:两倍宽 3:两倍大小 4:三倍高 5:三倍宽 6:三倍大小
    // 7:四倍高 8:四倍宽 9:四倍大小 10:五倍高 11:五倍宽 12:五倍大小
    public static String CMD_FontSize(int nfontsize) {
        String _cmdstr = "";
        // 设置字体大小
        switch (nfontsize) {
            case -1:
                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33)
                        .append((char) 0).toString();// 29 33

            case 0:
                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33)
                        .append((char) 0).toString();// 29 33

            case 1:
                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33)
                        .append((char) 1).toString();

            case 2:
                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33)
                        .append((char) 16).toString();

            case 3:
                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33)
                        .append((char) 17).toString();

            case 4:
                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33)
                        .append((char) 2).toString();

            case 5:
                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33)
                        .append((char) 32).toString();

            case 6:
                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33)
                        .append((char) 34).toString();

            case 7:
                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33)
                        .append((char) 3).toString();

            case 8:
                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33)
                        .append((char) 48).toString();

            case 9:
                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33)
                        .append((char) 51).toString();

            case 10:
                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33)
                        .append((char) 4).toString();

            case 11:
                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33)
                        .append((char) 64).toString();

            case 12:
                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33)
                        .append((char) 68).toString();

        return _cmdstr;


public class BytesUtil {

    public static String getHexStringFromBytes(byte[] data) {
        if (data == null || data.length <= 0) {
            return null;
        String hexString = "0123456789ABCDEF";
        int size = data.length * 2;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(size);
        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            sb.append(hexString.charAt((data[i] & 0xF0) >> 4));
            sb.append(hexString.charAt((data[i] & 0x0F) >> 0));
        return sb.toString();

    private static byte charToByte(char c) {
        return (byte) "0123456789ABCDEF".indexOf(c);

    public static byte[] getBytesFromHexString(String hexstring){
        if(hexstring == null || hexstring.equals("")){
            return null;
        hexstring = hexstring.replace(" ", "");
        hexstring = hexstring.toUpperCase();
        int size = hexstring.length()/2;
        char[] hexarray = hexstring.toCharArray();
        byte[] rv = new byte[size];
        for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
            int pos = i * 2;
            rv[i] = (byte) (charToByte(hexarray[pos]) << 4 | charToByte(hexarray[pos + 1]));
        return rv;

    public static byte[] getBytesFromDecString(String decstring){
        if(decstring == null || decstring.equals("")){
            return null;
        decstring = decstring.replace(" ", "");
        int size = decstring.length()/2;
        char[] decarray = decstring.toCharArray();
        byte[] rv = new byte[size];
        for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
            int pos = i * 2;
            rv[i] = (byte) (charToByte(decarray[pos])*10 + charToByte(decarray[pos + 1]));
        return rv;

    public static byte[] byteMerger(byte[] byte_1, byte[] byte_2) {
        byte[] byte_3 = new byte[byte_1.length + byte_2.length];
        System.arraycopy(byte_1, 0, byte_3, 0, byte_1.length);
        System.arraycopy(byte_2, 0, byte_3, byte_1.length, byte_2.length);
        return byte_3;

    public static byte[] byteMerger(byte[][] byteList) {

        int length = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < byteList.length; i++) {
            length += byteList[i].length;
        byte[] result = new byte[length];

        int index = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < byteList.length; i++) {
            byte[] nowByte = byteList[i];
            for (int k = 0; k < byteList[i].length; k++) {
                result[index] = nowByte[k];
        for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
            // CommonUtils.LogWuwei("", "result[" + i + "] is " + result[i]);
        return result;

    public static byte[] initTable(int h, int w){
        int hh = h * 32;
        int ww = w * 4;

        byte[] data = new byte[ hh * ww + 5];

        data[0] = (byte)ww;//xL
        data[1] = (byte)(ww >> 8);//xH
        data[2] = (byte)hh;
        data[3] = (byte)(hh >> 8);

        int k = 4;
        int m = 31;
        for(int i=0; i<h; i++){
            for(int j=0; j<w; j++){
                data[k++] = (byte)0xFF;
                data[k++] = (byte)0xFF;
                data[k++] = (byte)0xFF;
                data[k++] = (byte)0xFF;
            if(i == h-1) m =30;
            for(int t=0; t< m; t++){
                for(int j=0; j<w-1; j++){
                    data[k++] = (byte)0x80;
                    data[k++] = (byte)0;
                    data[k++] = (byte)0;
                    data[k++] = (byte)0;
                data[k++] = (byte)0x80;
                data[k++] = (byte)0;
                data[k++] = (byte)0;
                data[k++] = (byte)0x01;
        for(int j=0; j<w; j++){
            data[k++] = (byte)0xFF;
            data[k++] = (byte)0xFF;
            data[k++] = (byte)0xFF;
            data[k++] = (byte)0xFF;
        data[k++] = 0x0A;
        return data;

     * 生成二维码字节流
     * @param data
     * @param size
     * @return
    public static byte[] getZXingQRCode(String data, int size) {
        try {
            Hashtable<EncodeHintType, String> hints = new Hashtable<EncodeHintType, String>();
            hints.put(EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, "utf-8");
            BitMatrix bitMatrix = new QRCodeWriter().encode(data, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, size, size, hints);
            //System.out.println("bitmatrix height:" + bitMatrix.getHeight() + " width:" + bitMatrix.getWidth());
            return getBytesFromBitMatrix(bitMatrix);
        } catch (WriterException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return null;

    public static byte[] getBytesFromBitMatrix(BitMatrix bits) {
        if (bits == null) return null;

        int h = bits.getHeight();
        int w = (bits.getWidth() + 7) / 8;
        byte[] rv = new byte[h * w + 4];

        rv[0] = (byte) w;//xL
        rv[1] = (byte) (w >> 8);//xH
        rv[2] = (byte) h;
        rv[3] = (byte) (h >> 8);

        int k = 4;
        for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) {
                for (int n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
                    byte b = getBitMatrixColor(bits, j * 8 + n, i);
                    rv[k] += rv[k] + b;
        return rv;

    private static byte getBitMatrixColor(BitMatrix bits, int x, int y) {
        int width = bits.getWidth();
        int height = bits.getHeight();
        if (x >= width || y >= height || x < 0 || y < 0) return 0;
        if (bits.get(x, y)) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;

     * 将bitmap图转换为头四位有宽高的光栅位图
    public static byte[] getBytesFromBitMap(Bitmap bitmap) {
        int width = bitmap.getWidth();
        int height = bitmap.getHeight();
        int bw = (width - 1) / 8 + 1;

        byte[] rv = new byte[height * bw + 4];
        rv[0] = (byte) bw;//xL
        rv[1] = (byte) (bw >> 8);//xH
        rv[2] = (byte) height;
        rv[3] = (byte) (height >> 8);

        int[] pixels = new int[width * height];
        bitmap.getPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);

        for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                int clr = pixels[width * i + j];
                int red = (clr & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
                int green = (clr & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
                int blue = clr & 0x000000ff;
                byte gray = (RGB2Gray(red, green, blue));
                rv[(width * i + j) / 8 + 4] = (byte) (rv[(width * i + j) / 8 + 4] | (gray << (7 - ((width * i + j) % 8))));

        return rv;

     * 将bitmap转成按mode指定的N点行数据
    public static byte[] getBytesFromBitMap(Bitmap bitmap, int mode) {
        int width = bitmap.getWidth();
        int height = bitmap.getHeight();
        int[] pixels = new int[width*height];
        if(mode == 0 || mode == 1){
            byte[] res = new byte[width*height/8 + 5*height/8];
            bitmap.getPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
            for(int i = 0; i < height/8; i++){
                res[0 + i*(width+5)] = 0x1b;
                res[1 + i*(width+5)] = 0x2a;
                res[2 + i*(width+5)] = (byte) mode;
                res[3 + i*(width+5)] = (byte) (width%256);
                res[4 + i*(width+5)] = (byte) (width/256);
                for(int j = 0; j < width; j++){
                    byte gray = 0;
                    for(int m = 0; m < 8; m++){
                        int clr = pixels[j + width*(i*8+m)];
                        int red = (clr & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
                        int green = (clr & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
                        int blue = clr & 0x000000ff;
                        gray = (byte) ((RGB2Gray(red, green, blue)<<(7-m))|gray);
                    res[5 + j + i*(width+5)] = gray;
            return res;
        }else if(mode == 32 || mode == 33){
            byte[] res = new byte[width*height/8 + 5*height/24];
            bitmap.getPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
            for(int i = 0; i < height/24; i++){
                res[0 + i*(width*3+5)] = 0x1b;
                res[1 + i*(width*3+5)] = 0x2a;
                res[2 + i*(width*3+5)] = (byte) mode;
                res[3 + i*(width*3+5)] = (byte) (width%256);
                res[4 + i*(width*3+5)] = (byte) (width/256);
                for(int j = 0; j < width; j++){
                    for(int n = 0; n < 3; n++){
                        byte gray = 0;
                        for(int m = 0; m < 8; m++){
                            int clr = pixels[j + width*(i*24 + m + n*8)];
                            int red = (clr & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
                            int green = (clr & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
                            int blue = clr & 0x000000ff;
                            gray = (byte) ((RGB2Gray(red, green, blue)<<(7-m))|gray);
                        res[5 + j*3 + i*(width*3+5) + n] = gray;
            return res;
            return new byte[]{0x0A};


    private static byte RGB2Gray(int r, int g, int b) {
        return (false ? ((int) (0.29900 * r + 0.58700 * g + 0.11400 * b) > 200)
                : ((int) (0.29900 * r + 0.58700 * g + 0.11400 * b) < 200)) ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0;

     * 生成间断性黑块数据
     * @param w : 打印纸宽度, 单位点
     * @return
    public static byte[] initBlackBlock(int w){
        int ww = (w + 7)/8 ;
        int n = (ww + 11)/12;
        int hh = n * 24;
        byte[] data = new byte[ hh * ww + 5];

        data[0] = (byte)ww;//xL
        data[1] = (byte)(ww >> 8);//xH
        data[2] = (byte)hh;
        data[3] = (byte)(hh >> 8);

        int k = 4;
        for(int i=0; i < n; i++){
            for(int j=0; j<24; j++){
                for(int m =0; m<ww; m++){
                    if(m/12 == i){
                        data[k++] = (byte)0xFF;
                        data[k++] = 0;
        data[k++] = 0x0A;
        return data;

     * 生成一大块黑块数据
     * @param h : 黑块高度, 单位点
     * @param w : 黑块宽度, 单位点, 8的倍数
     * @return
    public static byte[] initBlackBlock(int h, int w){
        int hh = h;
        int ww = (w - 1)/8 + 1;
        byte[] data = new byte[ hh * ww + 6];

        data[0] = (byte)ww;//xL
        data[1] = (byte)(ww >> 8);//xH
        data[2] = (byte)hh;
        data[3] = (byte)(hh >> 8);

        int k = 4;
        for(int i=0; i<hh; i++){
            for(int j=0; j<ww; j++){
                data[k++] = (byte)0xFF;
        data[k++] = 0x00;data[k++] = 0x00;
        return data;

    public static byte[] customData(){
        byte[] rv = new byte[]{
                (byte) 0xB4, (byte) 0xF2, (byte) 0xD3, (byte) 0xA1, (byte) 0xBB, (byte) 0xFA, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xD4, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xEC, 0x0A,
                0x1F, 0X1B, 0x1F, 0x53,
                0x1B, 0x40,
                0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x0A,
                (byte) 0xB8, (byte) 0xC4, (byte) 0xB1, (byte) 0xE4, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xE4, (byte) 0xBE, (byte) 0xE0,0x0A,
                0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x0A,
                0x30,0x2E, 0x30, 0x3A,(byte) 0xB2, (byte) 0xE2, (byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xD4, (byte) 0xB2, (byte) 0xE2, (byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xD4, (byte) 0xB2, (byte) 0xE2, (byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xD4, 0x0A,
                0x30,0x2E, 0x35, 0x3A, 0x1B, 0x20, 0x0C,(byte) 0xB2, (byte) 0xE2, (byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xD4, (byte) 0xB2, (byte) 0xE2, (byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xD4, (byte) 0xB2, (byte) 0xE2, (byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xD4, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x20, 0x00,
                0x31,0x2E, 0x30, 0x3A, 0x1B, 0x20, 0x18, (byte) 0xB2, (byte) 0xE2, (byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xD4, (byte) 0xB2, (byte) 0xE2, (byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xD4, (byte) 0xB2, (byte) 0xE2, (byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xD4, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x20, 0x00,
                0x32,0x2E, 0x30, 0x3A, 0x1B, 0x20, 0x30, (byte) 0xB2, (byte) 0xE2, (byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xD4, (byte) 0xB2, (byte) 0xE2, (byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xD4, (byte) 0xB2, (byte) 0xE2, (byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xD4, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x20, 0x00,
                0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x0A,
                (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xE5, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xA7, (byte) 0xB9, (byte) 0xFB, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, 0x0A,
                0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x0A,
                //字体效果 商米科技
                0x1B, 0x21, 0x08, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xD3, (byte) 0xB4, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x21, 0x00,
                0x1B, 0x45, 0x01, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xD3, (byte) 0xB4, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x45, 0x00,
                0x1B, 0x21, 0x10, (byte) 0xB1, (byte) 0xB6, (byte) 0xB8, (byte) 0xDF, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x21, 0x20, (byte) 0xB1, (byte) 0xB6, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xED, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x21, 0x11, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC,
                0x1D, 0x21, 0x22, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x21, 0x00,
                0x1B, 0x21, (byte) 0x80, (byte) 0xCF, (byte) 0xC2, (byte) 0xBB, (byte) 0xAE, (byte) 0xCF, (byte) 0xDF, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x21, 0x00,
                0x1B, 0x2D, 0x01, (byte) 0xCF, (byte) 0xC2, (byte) 0xBB, (byte) 0xAE, (byte) 0xCF, (byte) 0xDF, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x2D, 0x00,
                0x1D, 0x42, 0x01,0x1B, 0x21, 0x08, (byte) 0xB7, (byte) 0xB4, (byte) 0xB0, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x42, 0x00,0x1B, 0x21, 0x00,
                0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x0A,
                (byte) 0xC5, (byte) 0xC5, (byte) 0xB0, (byte) 0xE6, (byte) 0xCE, (byte) 0xBB, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xC3, 0x0A,
                0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x0A,
                (byte) 0xD5, (byte) 0xE2, (byte) 0xBE, (byte) 0xE4, (byte) 0xBB, (byte) 0xB0, (byte) 0xB4, (byte) 0xD3, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xAA, (byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xBC, 0x0A,
                (byte) 0xBE, (byte) 0xF8, (byte) 0xB6, (byte) 0xD4, (byte) 0xCE, (byte) 0xBB, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xC3, 0x1B, 0x24, (byte) 0xC0, 0x00, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xAB, (byte) 0xD2, (byte) 0xC6, 0x38, (byte) 0xB8, (byte) 0xF6, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xD6, 0x0A,
                (byte) 0xCF, (byte) 0xE0, (byte) 0xB6, (byte) 0xD4, (byte) 0xCE, (byte) 0xBB, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xC3, 0x1B, 0x5C, 0x30, 0x00, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xAB, (byte) 0xD2, (byte) 0xC6, 0x32, (byte) 0xB8, (byte) 0xF6, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xD6, 0x0A,
                (byte) 0xBE, (byte) 0xD3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xF3, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x01, (byte) 0xBE, (byte) 0xD3, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xD0, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x02, (byte) 0xBE, (byte) 0xD3, (byte) 0xD3, (byte) 0xD2, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x00,
                0x1D, 0x4C, 0x30, 0x00,
                (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xE8, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xF3, (byte) 0xB1, (byte) 0xDF, (byte) 0xBE, (byte) 0xE0, 0x34, 0x38, (byte) 0xCF, (byte) 0xF1, (byte) 0xCB, (byte) 0xD8, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x57, (byte) 0xF0, 0x00,
                (byte) 0xB8, (byte) 0xC4, (byte) 0xB1, (byte) 0xE4, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xB4, (byte) 0xF2, (byte) 0xD3, (byte) 0xA1, (byte) 0xC7, (byte) 0xF8, (byte) 0xD3, (byte) 0xF2, (byte) 0xCE, (byte) 0xAA, 0x32, 0x34, 0x30, (byte) 0xCF, (byte) 0xF1, (byte) 0xCB, (byte) 0xD8, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x4C, 0x60, 0x00,
                (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xE8, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xF3, (byte) 0xB1, (byte) 0xDF, (byte) 0xBE, (byte) 0xE0, 0x39, 0x36, (byte) 0xCF, (byte) 0xF1, (byte) 0xCB, (byte) 0xD8, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x57, (byte) 0x78, 0x00,
                (byte) 0xB8, (byte) 0xC4, (byte) 0xB1, (byte) 0xE4, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xB4, (byte) 0xF2, (byte) 0xD3, (byte) 0xA1, (byte) 0xC7, (byte) 0xF8, (byte) 0xD3, (byte) 0xF2, (byte) 0xCE, (byte) 0xAA, 0x31, 0x32, 0x30, (byte) 0xCF, (byte) 0xF1, (byte) 0xCB, (byte) 0xD8, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x4C, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x1D, 0x57, (byte) 0x80, 0x01,
                (byte) 0xC4, (byte) 0xAC, 0x09, (byte) 0xC8, (byte) 0xCF, 0x09, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xF8, 0x09, (byte) 0xB8, (byte) 0xF1, 0x09, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x44, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x00,
                (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xD4, 0x09, (byte) 0xB6, (byte) 0xA8, 0x09, (byte) 0xD2, (byte) 0xE5, 0x09, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xF8, 0x09, (byte) 0xB8, (byte) 0xF1, 0x09, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x33, 0x60, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xE8, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xB8, (byte) 0xDF, 0x3A, 0x39, 0x36, (byte) 0xB5, (byte) 0xE3, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xD0, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x33, 0x40, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xE8, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xB8, (byte) 0xDF, 0x3A, 0x36, 0x34, (byte) 0xB5, (byte) 0xE3, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xD0, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x33, 0x00, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xE8, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xB8, (byte) 0xDF, 0x3A, 0x30, (byte) 0xB5, (byte) 0xE3, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xD0, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x32, (byte) 0xC4, (byte) 0xAC, (byte) 0xC8, (byte) 0xCF, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xB8, (byte) 0xDF, 0x0A,
                0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x0A,
                (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xAE, (byte) 0xBA, (byte) 0xF3, (byte) 0xBD, (byte) 0xAB, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xDF, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xBD, 0x0A,
                0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x4A, 0x40, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xDF, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xBD, 0x36, 0x34, (byte) 0xB5, (byte) 0xE3, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xD0, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x4A, 0x60, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xDF, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xBD, 0x39, 0x36, (byte) 0xB5, (byte) 0xE3, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xD0, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x64, 0x0A, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xDF, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xBD, 0x31, 0x30, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xD0, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x64, 0x01, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xDF, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xBD, 0x31, (byte) 0xD0, (byte) 0xD0, 0x0A,
                0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x0A,
                (byte) 0xB4, (byte) 0xF2, (byte) 0xD3, (byte) 0xA1, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xF5, (byte) 0xC2, (byte) 0xEB, 0x0A,
                0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x48, 0x02,
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x00, 0x1D, 0x68, 0x20, 0x1D, 0x77, 0x02,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x41, 0x0c, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x00, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x00, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x01, 0x1D, 0x68, 0x40, 0x1D, 0x77, 0x04,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x42, 0x08, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x01, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x00, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x02, 0x1D, 0x68, 0x60, 0x1D, 0x77, 0x02,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x43, 0x0D, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x02, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x00, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x00, 0x1D, 0x68, (byte) 0x80, 0x1D, 0x77, 0x05,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x44, 0x08, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x03, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x00, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x01, 0x1D, 0x68, (byte) 0xA0, 0x1D, 0x77, 0x02,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x45, 0x0A, 0x33, 0x36, 0x39, 0x53, 0x55, 0x4E, 0x4D, 0x49, 0x25, 0x24, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x04, 0x33, 0x36, 0x39, 0x53, 0x55, 0x4E, 0x4D, 0x49, 0x25, 0x24, 0x00, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x02, 0x1D, 0x68, (byte) 0xC0, 0x1D, 0x77, 0x03,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x46, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x30, 0x31, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x05, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x30, 0x31, 0x00, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x00, 0x1D, 0x68, (byte) 0xE0, 0x1D, 0x77, 0x03,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x47, 0x0A, 0x41, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x41, 0x0A,
                //0x1D, 0x6B, 0x06, 0x41, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x41, 0x00, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x01, 0x1D, 0x68, (byte) 0xFF, 0x1D, 0x77, 0x02,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x48, 0x0C, 0x53, 0x55, 0x4E, 0x4D, 0x49, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x00, 0x1D, 0x68, (byte) 0xB0, 0x1D, 0x77, 0x02,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x49, 0x0A, 0x7B, 0x41, 0x53, 0x55, 0x4E, 0x4D, 0x49, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x49, 0x0C, 0x7B, 0x42, 0x53, 0x55, 0x4E, 0x4D, 0x49, 0x73, 0x75, 0x6E, 0x6D, 0x69, 0x0A,
                0x1D, 0x6B, 0x49, 0x0B, 0x7B, 0x43, 0x01, 0xc, 0x17, 0x22, 0x2d, 0x38, 0x4e, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x0A,
                0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x0A,
                (byte) 0xB4, (byte) 0xF2, (byte) 0xD3, (byte) 0xA1, (byte) 0xB6, (byte) 0xFE, (byte) 0xCE, (byte) 0xAC, (byte) 0xC2, (byte) 0xEB, 0x0A,
                0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x01,
                0x1D, 0x28, 0x6B, 0x03, 0x00, 0x31, 0x43, 0x09,
                0x1D, 0x28, 0x6B, 0x03, 0x00, 0x31, 0x45, 0x32,
                0x1D, 0x28, 0x6B, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x31, 0x50, 0x30, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCC, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xBF, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xBC,
                0x1D, 0x28, 0x6B, 0x03, 0x00, 0x31, 0x51, 0x30, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x00,
                //分割线---      (之后将实现打印光栅位图的方法,再次之前使用1b 61 01 居中)
                0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x0A,
                (byte) 0xB4, (byte) 0xF2, (byte) 0xD3, (byte) 0xA1, (byte) 0xB9, (byte) 0xE2, (byte) 0xD5, (byte) 0xA4, (byte) 0xCD, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xCF, (byte) 0xF1, 0x0A,
                0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D,0x2D, 0x0A,
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x01,
        return rv;

    public static byte[] wordData(){
        byte rv[] = new byte[]{
                0x1B, 0x61, 0x00,
                0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x0A,
                (byte) 0xD7, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xB7, (byte) 0xFB, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xAF, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xE8, (byte) 0xD6, (byte) 0xC3, 0x0A,
                0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D,0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x0A,
                0x1C, 0x26, 0x1C, 0x43, 0x00,
        return rv;


USBPrinter usbPrinter = USBPrinter.getInstance();




