

作者: 尘世中一个迷途小书僮 | 来源:发表于2024-12-10 04:40 被阅读0次


    CytoTRACE2是 Newman Lab 开发的用于预测scRNA-seq数据中细胞干性和发育潜能的计算方法。

    CytoTRACE2本质是一种深度学习框架,该模型在涵盖 28 种组织类型和整个发育范围的人类和小鼠 scRNA-seq 数据集的训练和验证(总共31个数据)。利用该模型,CytoTRACE2可以将细胞分类为终末分化(differentiated: 0)和全能细胞(totipotent: 1).


    本文简单介绍CytoTRACE2 R包的基本用法,具体原理可参考他们目前的预印本 https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.19.585637


    devtools::install_github("digitalcytometry/cytotrace2", subdir = "cytotrace2_r") #installing


    CytoTRACE2需要的输入数据包括单细胞表达数据,这里利用一个已发表的胰腺的10X scRNA-seq作为示例 (Bastidas-Ponce et al., 2019


    • 表达数据(expression_data):小鼠胰腺上皮的2280细胞的10X scRNA-seq数据。该数据已经进行归一化处理

    • 注释数据(annotation):表型注释

    # download the .rds file (this will download the file to your working directory)
    download.file("https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1ivi9TBlmzVTDGzNWQrXXeyL68Wug989K", "Pancreas_10x_downsampled.rds")


    运行 cytotrace2() 进行细胞干性推断,函数运行时执行以下操作:

    1. 预处理数据:在每个细胞中对表达数据进行降序排序,使用排序后的秩(rank)进行预测

    2. 预测细胞发育状态:读入模型预训练参数进行预测

          # full model
          parameter_dict <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "parameter_dict_17.rds", package = "CytoTRACE2"))
          # else 
          parameter_dict <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "parameter_dict_5_best.rds", package = "CytoTRACE2"))
    3. 后处理预测结果:利用diffusion方法平滑预测值,并利用kNN和binning的方法重新正则化预测值

    library(CytoTRACE2) #loading
    ## Loading required package: data.table
    ## Loading required package: doParallel
    ## Loading required package: foreach
    ## Loading required package: iterators
    ## Loading required package: parallel
    ## Loading required package: dplyr
    ## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
    ## The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table':
    ##     between, first, last
    ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
    ##     filter, lag
    ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
    ##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
    ## Loading required package: ggplot2
    ## Loading required package: HiClimR
    ## Loading required package: magrittr
    ## Loading required package: Matrix
    ## Loading required package: plyr
    ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## You have loaded plyr after dplyr - this is likely to cause problems.
    ## If you need functions from both plyr and dplyr, please load plyr first, then dplyr:
    ## library(plyr); library(dplyr)
    ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Attaching package: 'plyr'
    ## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
    ##     arrange, count, desc, failwith, id, mutate, rename, summarise,
    ##     summarize
    ## Loading required package: RANN
    ## Loading required package: Rfast
    ## Loading required package: Rcpp
    ## Loading required package: RcppZiggurat
    ## Loading required package: RcppParallel
    ## Attaching package: 'RcppParallel'
    ## The following object is masked from 'package:Rcpp':
    ##     LdFlags
    ## Rfast: 2.1.0
    ##  ___ __ __ __ __    __ __ __ __ __ _             _               __ __ __ __ __     __ __ __ __ __ __   
    ## |  __ __ __ __  |  |  __ __ __ __ _/            / \             |  __ __ __ __ /   /__ __ _   _ __ __\  
    ## | |           | |  | |                         / _ \            | |                        / /          
    ## | |           | |  | |                        / / \ \           | |                       / /          
    ## | |           | |  | |                       / /   \ \          | |                      / /          
    ## | |__ __ __ __| |  | |__ __ __ __           / /     \ \         | |__ __ __ __ _        / /__/\          
    ## |    __ __ __ __|  |  __ __ __ __|         / /__ _ __\ \        |_ __ __ __ _   |      / ___  /           
    ## |   \              | |                    / _ _ _ _ _ _ \                     | |      \/  / /       
    ## | |\ \             | |                   / /           \ \                    | |         / /          
    ## | | \ \            | |                  / /             \ \                   | |        / /          
    ## | |  \ \           | |                 / /               \ \                  | |       / /          
    ## | |   \ \__ __ _   | |                / /                 \ \     _ __ __ __ _| |      / /          
    ## |_|    \__ __ __\  |_|               /_/                   \_\   /_ __ __ __ ___|      \/             team
    ## Attaching package: 'Rfast'
    ## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
    ##     nth
    ## The following object is masked from 'package:data.table':
    ##     transpose
    ## Loading required package: Seurat
    ## Loading required package: SeuratObject
    ## Loading required package: sp
    ## 'SeuratObject' was built under R 4.4.0 but the current version is
    ## 4.4.1; it is recomended that you reinstall 'SeuratObject' as the ABI
    ## for R may have changed
    ## Attaching package: 'SeuratObject'
    ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
    ##     intersect, t
    ## Loading required package: stringr
    ## Warning: replacing previous import 'data.table::first' by 'dplyr::first' when
    ## loading 'CytoTRACE2'
    ## Warning: replacing previous import 'data.table::last' by 'dplyr::last' when
    ## loading 'CytoTRACE2'
    ## Warning: replacing previous import 'data.table::between' by 'dplyr::between'
    ## when loading 'CytoTRACE2'
    # load rds
    scdata <- readRDS("Pancreas_10x_downsampled.rds")
    # extract expression data
    expression_data <- scdata$expression_data
    ## [1] 17326  2280
    # running CytoTRACE 2 main function - cytotrace2 - with default parameters
    cytotrace2_result <- cytotrace2(expression_data, 
                                    species = 'mouse',
                                    is_seurat = F)
    ## cytotrace2: Started loading data
    ## Dataset contains 17326 genes and 2280 cells.
    ## The passed subsample size is greater than the number of cells in dataset.
    ## Now setting subsample size to 2280
    ## cytotrace2: Running on 1 subsample(s) approximately of length 2280
    ## cytotrace2: Started running on subsample(s). This will take a few minutes.
    ## cytotrace2: Started preprocessing.
    ## 13191 input genes mapped to model genes.
    ## cytotrace2: Started prediction.
    ## This section will run using  5 / 11 core(s).
    ## cytotrace2: Started postprocessing.
    ## cytotrace2: Running with fast mode (subsamples are processed in parallel)
    ## This section will run on 2 sub-sample(s) of approximately 1140 cells each using 2 / 11 core(s).
    ## cytotrace2: Finished
    # extract annotation data
    annotation <- scdata$annotation
    ##                        phenotype1 phenotype2        potency
    ## CACCAGGCAGGTGCCT-1-0   Alpha cell      Alpha Differentiated
    ## CCCAGTTAGGGAACGG-1-2   Alpha cell      Alpha Differentiated
    ## CGGACTGCATCTACGA-1-2 Epsilon cell    Epsilon Differentiated
    ## TACCTTAGTTCCAACA-1-2   Alpha cell      Alpha Differentiated
    ## TACTTACCAGACAGGT-1-2   Alpha cell      Alpha Differentiated
    ## ATGAGGGGTGGTACAG-1-3    Beta cell       Beta Differentiated
    ##                      absolute_granular_ordering relative_ordering
    ## CACCAGGCAGGTGCCT-1-0                         23                 6
    ## CCCAGTTAGGGAACGG-1-2                         23                 6
    ## CGGACTGCATCTACGA-1-2                         23                 6
    ## TACCTTAGTTCCAACA-1-2                         23                 6
    ## TACTTACCAGACAGGT-1-2                         23                 6
    ## ATGAGGGGTGGTACAG-1-3                         23                 6
    # generate prediction and phenotype association plots with plotData function
    plots <- plotData(cytotrace2_result = cytotrace2_result, 
                      annotation = annotation,
                      expression_data = expression_data
    ## Preparing input for visualization.
    ## Creating plots.
    ## Done. You can access any plot directly from the returned list by '$' operator (i.e. plots$CytoTRACE2_Potency_UMAP).

    plotData 这一步会运行seurat流程包括Normalization, FindVariableFeatures, PCA, UMAP.

    # pseudocode
    seurat <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = as.matrix(expression_data), project = "nn", min.cells = 3, min.features = 200)
    # Normalization
    seurat <- NormalizeData(seurat, normalization.method = "LogNormalize", scale.factor = 10000) ##defaults
    # Find variable features
    seurat <- FindVariableFeatures(seurat, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000)
    # Scale data
    all.genes <- rownames(seurat)
    seurat <- ScaleData(seurat, features = all.genes)
    # PCA
    seurat <- RunPCA(seurat, features = VariableFeatures(object = seurat))
    # UMAP
    seurat <- RunUMAP(seurat, dims = 1:pc_dims) # default to 30


    • potency_score_umap:UMAP可视化cytoTRACE2预测的细胞潜能打分(CytoTRACE2_Score

    • potency_category_umap:UMAP可视化cytoTRACE2预测的细胞干性分类(CytoTRACE2_Potency

    • rel_order_umap:UMAP可视化cytoTRACE2预测的细胞潜能打分的相对排序值0-1(CytoTRACE2_Relative

    • phenotype_umap:UMAP可视化表型分组,如果有的话。

    • potencyBoxplot_byPheno:每个表型分组的CytoTRACE2_Score分布

    ##                        Alpha cell                         Beta cell 
    ##                               276                               258 
    ##                        Delta cell          Endocrine precursor cell 
    ##                                20                               509 
    ##              Endocrine progenitor                      Epsilon cell 
    ##                               499                                46 
    ##           Immature endocrine cell Multipotent pancreatic progenitor 
    ##                               427                               245
    ## Differentiated      Unipotent    Oligopotent    Multipotent    Pluripotent 
    ##            952            598            501            229              0 
    ##     Totipotent 
    ##              0

    Potency score distribution by phenotype


    Potency category


    Relative order




    Seurat object input

    seu <- CreateSeuratObject(expression_data, meta.data = annotation)
    ## Warning: Data is of class data.frame. Coercing to dgCMatrix.
    ## An object of class Seurat 
    ## 17326 features across 2280 samples within 1 assay 
    ## Active assay: RNA (17326 features, 0 variable features)
    ##  1 layer present: counts

    run cytotrace2

    cytotrace2_result <- cytotrace2(seu, is_seurat = TRUE, slot_type = "counts", species = 'mouse')
    ## cytotrace2: Started loading data
    ## Dataset contains 17326 genes and 2280 cells.
    ## The passed subsample size is greater than the number of cells in dataset.
    ## Now setting subsample size to 2280
    ## cytotrace2: Running on 1 subsample(s) approximately of length 2280
    ## cytotrace2: Started running on subsample(s). This will take a few minutes.
    ## cytotrace2: Started preprocessing.
    ## 13191 input genes mapped to model genes.
    ## cytotrace2: Started prediction.
    ## This section will run using  5 / 11 core(s).
    ## cytotrace2: Started postprocessing.
    ## cytotrace2: Running with fast mode (subsamples are processed in parallel)
    ## This section will run on 2 sub-sample(s) of approximately 1140 cells each using 2 / 11 core(s).
    ## cytotrace2: Finished
    # plotting
    plots <- plotData(cytotrace2_result = cytotrace2_result, 
                      annotation = annotation, 
                      is_seurat = TRUE)
    ## Preparing input for visualization.
    ## Creating plots.
    ## Done. You can access any plot directly from the returned list by '$' operator (i.e. plots$CytoTRACE2_Potency_UMAP).




    # Normalize the data
    cytotrace2_result <- NormalizeData(cytotrace2_result)
    ## Normalizing layer: counts
    # Find variable features
    cytotrace2_result <- FindVariableFeatures(cytotrace2_result, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000)
    ## Finding variable features for layer counts
    all.genes <- rownames(cytotrace2_result)
    # Scale the data
    cytotrace2_result <- ScaleData(cytotrace2_result, features=all.genes)
    ## Centering and scaling data matrix
    # Perform PCA
    cytotrace2_result <- RunPCA(cytotrace2_result, npcs = 30)
    ## PC_ 1 
    ## Positive:  Cpe, Pcsk1n, Pax6, Chga, Fam183b, Hmgn3, Chgb, Scg3, Map1b, Cryba2 
    ##     Isl1, Slc38a5, Neurod1, Prnp, Gnao1, Scgn, Gnas, Gch1, Aplp1, Fev 
    ##     Dbpht2, Pcsk2, Vwa5b2, Pyy, Pam, Pim2, Cnih2, Mafb, Abcc8, Tspan7 
    ## Negative:  H19, Wfdc2, Tead2, Sparc, Smco4, Phgdh, Rbp1, Rpl36a, Cd24a, Mgst1 
    ##     Adamts1, 1700011H14Rik, Gsta3, Stmn1, Ldha, Rpl39, Hmga2, Spp1, Ptn, Rpl12 
    ##     Galk1, Wfdc15b, Cdkn1c, Sox9, Serpinh1, Sox4, Habp2, Hes1, Vim, Rps12 
    ## PC_ 2 
    ## Positive:  Btbd17, Ppp1r14a, Gadd45a, Neurod2, Igfbpl1, Sult2b1, Mfng, Neurog3, Pax4, Tubb3 
    ##     Btg2, Mfap4, Smarcd2, Tmsb4x, Plk3, Cbfa2t3, Cck, Notum, Actg1, Hes6 
    ##     Sulf2, Lynx1, Gfra3, Epb42, Lingo1, Gdpd1, Foxa3, Cdc14b, Hpca, Rcor2 
    ## Negative:  Atp1b1, Rbp4, Tagln2, Tuba1b, Akr1c19, Id2, Gcsh, Fxyd6, Rnase4, Bex4 
    ##     1700011H14Rik, Tmem27, Siva1, Phgdh, Tubb2a, Meis2, Cmtm8, Mgst3, Ociad2, Crip1 
    ##     Adamts1, Parm1, Fkbp2, Fabp3, Id3, Eif4ebp1, Spc25, Sdc4, Cpn1, Cyr61 
    ## PC_ 3 
    ## Positive:  Rpl13a, Rpl14, Rps14, mt-Atp6, Eef1a1, Rpl10, Rpl41, Ftl1, mt-Co3, Rps16 
    ##     Rps18, Rps27a, Rps3a1, Rpl26, mt-Cytb, Rps6, mt-Nd1, Rpl13, Rpl11, Rpl6 
    ##     Rpl9, mt-Co1, Rps5, Rps7, Ppia, Rps2, Rpl17, Rplp0, Rps9, Rpl32 
    ## Negative:  Neurog3, Anxa2, Sparc, Col9a3, Col9a1, Fxyd2, Amotl2, Mpc1, Aurka, Tpx2 
    ##     Cotl1, Ckb, Cenpf, Gpx2, Mia, Spp1, Cd82, Cdk2ap1, Cdc20, Lurap1l 
    ##     Pbk, Gsta3, Racgap1, Hmmr, Cxcl12, Aurkb, Ccnb1, Aldh1b1, Tpm1, Tpm4 
    ## PC_ 4 
    ## Positive:  Cldn4, Runx1t1, Fev, Irf2bpl, Cacna2d1, Hnrnpa1, Pdk3, Slc35d3, Grb10, Gm43861 
    ##     Akr1c19, Jun, 1110012L19Rik, BC023829, Glud1, Vdr, Tm4sf4, Emb, St18, Celf3 
    ##     Pgf, Ids, Pcyt1b, Cited2, Maff, Elavl4, Sulf1, Neurod1, Serpini1, Ddc 
    ## Negative:  Ppp1r1a, Iapp, Pdia6, Scg2, Calr, Ttr, Higd1a, G6pc2, Tmed3, Tmsb15l 
    ##     Papss2, Sdf2l1, Hspa5, Clu, Ins1, Tmem27, Ly6e, Cd82, Slc30a8, Dap 
    ##     Igfbp7, Ins2, Ociad2, Gcg, Ttc28, Qsox1, Bcl2, Gapdh, Irx1, Npy 
    ## PC_ 5 
    ## Positive:  Cxcl12, Pdzk1ip1, Anxa2, Grin3a, Dcdc2a, Krt18, 8430408G22Rik, Pamr1, Anxa5, Bicc1 
    ##     Capg, Muc1, Krt8, Krt7, S100a10, Cldn3, Cystm1, Spp1, Gsta3, Trim47 
    ##     Smoc2, Ppp1r1b, Col9a3, Vim, Ndrg2, Tsc22d1, Cat, Cldn4, Txnip, Nfib 
    ## Negative:  Vtn, 2810417H13Rik, Hist1h2ap, Chst2, Tuba1a, Top2a, P2rx1, Aurkb, Rrm2, Fbxo5 
    ##     Ccna2, Cpn1, Spc25, H2afz, Cenpf, Birc5, Ccnb1, Pbk, Gcat, Smc2 
    ##     Ube2c, Incenp, Mki67, Car14, Rad51ap1, Gc, Cdk1, Plk1, Prc1, Smc4
    # Find neighbors
    cytotrace2_result <- FindNeighbors(cytotrace2_result, dims = 1:20)
    ## Computing nearest neighbor graph
    ## Computing SNN
    # Find clusters
    cytotrace2_result <- FindClusters(cytotrace2_result, resolution = 0.1)
    ## Modularity Optimizer version 1.3.0 by Ludo Waltman and Nees Jan van Eck
    ## Number of nodes: 2280
    ## Number of edges: 73179
    ## Running Louvain algorithm...
    ## Maximum modularity in 10 random starts: 0.9505
    ## Number of communities: 4
    ## Elapsed time: 0 seconds
    # Run UMAP
    cytotrace2_result <- RunUMAP(cytotrace2_result, dims = 1:20)
    ## 14:12:35 UMAP embedding parameters a = 0.9922 b = 1.112
    ## 14:12:35 Read 2280 rows and found 20 numeric columns
    ## 14:12:35 Using Annoy for neighbor search, n_neighbors = 30
    ## 14:12:35 Building Annoy index with metric = cosine, n_trees = 50
    ## 0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
    ## [----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
    ## **************************************************|
    ## 14:12:35 Writing NN index file to temp file /var/folders/yk/896pglhn555drshbgn27f71h0000gn/T//RtmpD9l2F4/file95af46be469e
    ## 14:12:35 Searching Annoy index using 1 thread, search_k = 3000
    ## 14:12:35 Annoy recall = 100%
    ## 14:12:35 Commencing smooth kNN distance calibration using 1 thread with target n_neighbors = 30
    ## 14:12:35 Initializing from normalized Laplacian + noise (using RSpectra)
    ## 14:12:35 Commencing optimization for 500 epochs, with 87006 positive edges
    ## 14:12:37 Optimization finished
    DimPlot(cytotrace2_result, group.by = 'CytoTRACE2_Potency')


    FeaturePlot(cytotrace2_result, features = 'CytoTRACE2_Score')






