Alex Zhang
I'm graduated in Nanjing University Of Posts And Telecommunications at June 2011. Now i'm working in the computer security company Trend Micro Inc. at Nanjing China since july 2011.
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Working Experience
1. ScanMail For Exchange (SEG) (2011/07 ~ 2014/06)
- Handle SEG Case for global SMEX product, windows debug ability. Have good communication skill with customer through webex.
- BIF Design for SMEX PP and IMsecurity, BIF is the new feature of trend micro enterprise product for collecting the customer information.
- Troubleshooting the SMEX 11 critical crash case, PP2.1 Hook Critical case. help the L2 with a big deal
- Handle release the SMEX 11 Patch1
- SMEX11 manual scan enhance feature with EWS solution.
2. Linux SkyCare HomeRouter (Dev) (2014/07 ~ 2014/09)
- Customer based project for Home Security.
- Embeded linux development, with c/c++, networking, TCP/IP Protocol.
- Handle the router side application programming, collect the Hook data statistics from DPI kernel engine, send the configuration from cloud UI to DPI engine.
- Troubleshooting the application with GDB.
- Profile the application with gperftools.
3.Mac App Dr. Cleaner (Dev) (2014/10 ~ Now)
- Mac cocoa objective-c programming.
- Feature for the Dr. Cleaner, design the disk clean for some junk items.
- Feature for the Dr. Cleaner, design the smart memory clean feature.
- Performance enhance for the Dr. Cleaner, redesign the memory clean feature, enhance about 50% performance.
1. AlexCompiler (2009/11 ~ 2010/2)
This small, mainly related to the webapp to familiarize yourself with the development of models and ways to do from the end of last year, the project's source code hosted on here. Realize that the main function is the user submit the code such as c, c + +, python, compile server to achieve the interpretation or implementation of the results returned to the user client.
2. Shell-Simulator (2010/07 ~ 2010/09)
Just for C++ learning && Object-Oriented Programming learning purpose.It mainly simulator shell command ,it contains some inline commands and extern commands ,also support multi-platforms(Linux+Win). Visit here.
3. IWSVA-5.1SP1 Based Mini Project (2011/07 ~ 2011/12)
This Mini Project is for our probation project, just use our company's gateway product IWSVA5.1SP1. It's a new feature in the IWSVA5.5, about Time Limit Action for URL Filtering, This policy action sets a time quota for selected URL categories, limiting the amount of Web browsing for that category within Work and Leisure time segments. One-time extensions to quotas can be granted by administrators to handle exception cases.
4. Parental Control Router (2013/07 ~ 2014/02)
A research project, developing parental control router for consumer based group. The main purpose is protecting child with healthy internet environment. It has Web Category filter, time quota managerment, AD filter. The demo router, we choice TP-Link WDR4310, and flash the OpenWRT linux system, use the NFQ hooking the kernel packet, node.js as the router web services. With this personal project, get more fun with linux networking knowledge.
- Blog: Alex Page
- Phone: 15850591455
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