Title: 与生俱来
Our ambitions have been ignited by greatness, but everything we know of ourselves points to congenital ineptitude. 我们被伟大的事物激发了野心,但我们又明知自己天性平庸.
- 人生课堂
老人偏袒是再正常也不过的事情了. 然而, 再偏袒也不能把都快60岁的人身体不好归咎到先天不足罢?! 想来我这哥们的老娘在地下没听到这句话, 要不然, 伊是要爬出来理论的.
其实啊, 我老妈都八十多岁了,说什么都算了,没人和她认真计较. 然而,我发现有一些成年人, 都40多50岁了, 还要让原生家庭给自己的人生背锅, 这就真的气人了.
Someone has in-born physical or intellectual prowess over the ordinaries, just like Sheldon-- who is definitely a prodigy as he claimed in Big Bang. You are not, neither am I. We are floundering in the mundane daily lives. But, dreams, goals, and sparkles. Even if such targets are never met, they galvanize effort. AND EFFORT MEANS.