酒店入住 5

酒店入住 5

作者: 0c05e63bafa4 | 来源:发表于2017-01-16 10:52 被阅读0次

Good morning! Welcome to Marriott Grand Hotel. What can I do for you?

Good morning! My name is David Qiu. I have a reservation for a single room for 2 nights.

Alright, Mr. Qiu. Let me pull up your reservation. 好的,邱先生,让我把你的预订调出来。

I can't seem to find a record of your booking. Is the reservation under your name? 我好像找不到你预订的记录。预订是在您的名下吗?

Yes, I guess so.   是的,我想是的。

Can I see your driver's license or passport? I want to make sure I input the right name. 我能看一下你的驾照或护照吗?我想确认我把名字输对了。

Sure! Here's my passport.   当然,这是我的护照。

Did you book the room directly through us or did you use a travel agent?


Well, I am not quite sure. Actually my daughter made the reservation for us.


Did you book the room directly through us or did you use a travel agent?

Well, I am not quite sure. Actually my daughter made the reservation for us.

But I have the reservation number if that helps.  不过我有预订号,如果有用的话。

Yes, sure! Can I see that, please?   是对,当然,我可以看看吗?

reservation number  预订号码

if that helps  如果有用(用帮助)的话  (单三)

sure   当然 / 确定的 

see  看见 

Did you book the room directly through us or did you use a travel agent?

Well, I am not quite sure. Actually my daughter made the reservation for us.

But I have the reservation number if that helps.  不过我有预订号,如果有用的话。

Yes, sure! Can I see that, please?   是对,当然,我可以看看吗?


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