The Lark Ascending 云雀飞翔

The Lark Ascending 云雀飞翔

作者: CC_piano | 来源:发表于2017-05-15 22:30 被阅读0次


The Lark Ascending is a work by the English composer Vaughan Williams, inspired by George Meredith's 122-line poem of the same name about skylark. He included this portion of Meredith's poem on the flyleaf of the published work. The work was written in two versions: violin and piano, written in 1914; and violin and orchestra, written in 1920. The orchestral version is the one that is almost always heard now. The use of pentatonic scale patterns frees the violin from a tonal center, and shows the impressionistic side of Vaughan Williams' style. It is one of the most popular pieces in the Classical repertoire among British listeners.


  • The Lark Ascending 云雀飞翔


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      本文标题:The Lark Ascending 云雀飞翔
