

作者: 自由的凝视 | 来源:发表于2018-01-14 19:59 被阅读87次

The Two Enemies

Two men,deadly enemies to each other,were sailing in the same ship.

Determined to keep as far apart as possible,

the one seated himself in the back,and the other in the front of  the ship.

There was a huge storm,and with the ship in great danger of sinking,the one in the back asked the captain which end of the ship would go down first.

The captain said that he thought it would probably be the front.

The man in the back said,"Then I will die in peace,if only I can

see my enemy die before me."

Moral:Let go of your hatred,at least before you die.

The Two Frogs

A frog lived in a very small muddy area by the side of a road.

His frog friend,who lived in a large,deep lake with no humans nearby,said to him.

"Why don't you come and live with me?There is more space and more food,and where I live is also much safer."

But the first frog said,"You may be right,but I am too old to change and besides,nothing bad has happened to me yet."

But a few days later,a cart went off the road and he was crushed under its wheels.

Moral:Don't be too lazy to change when change is needed.

The wild Boar and the Fox

A wild boar was sharpening his horns on a tree,when a fox coming by asked why he did so.

"I see no reason why you do that.There is neither hunter nor hound in sight,nor any other danger that I can see."

"True,"replied the boar;

"but when that danger comes,I will have something else to do than to sharpen my weapons."

Moral:Make your preparations early.


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