Mac 系统目录结构

Mac 系统目录结构

作者: reboot_q | 来源:发表于2018-05-24 16:47 被阅读7次

1. 终端查看 mac文件目录结构

 # man hier

HIER(7) BSD Miscellaneous Information Manual HIER(7)

hier -- layout of filesystems

A historical sketch of the filesystem hierarchy. The modern OS X filesystem is documented in the ``File System Programming Guide'' available on Apple Developer.

 /             root directory of the filesystem

 /bin/         user utilities fundamental to both single-user and multi-user environments

 /dev/         block and character device files

               fd/  file descriptor files; see fd(4)

 /etc/         system configuration files and scripts

 /mach_kernel  kernel executable (the operating system loaded into memory at boot time).

 /sbin/        system programs and administration utilities fundamental to both single-user and multi-user environments

 /tmp/         temporary files

 /usr/         contains the majority of user utilities and applications

               bin/      common utilities, programming tools, and applications
               include/  standard C include files

                         arpa/       C include files for Internet service protocols
                         hfs/        C include files for HFS
                         machine/    machine specific C include files
                         net/        misc network C include files
                         netinet/    C include files for Internet standard protocols; see inet(4)
                         nfs/        C include files for NFS (Network File System)
                         objc/       C include files for Objective-C
                         protocols/  C include files for Berkeley service protocols
                         sys/        system C include files (kernel data structures)
                         ufs/        C include files for UFS

               lib/      archive libraries
               libexec/  system daemons & system utilities (executed by other programs)
               local/    executables, libraries, etc. not included by the basic operating system
               sbin/     system daemons & system utilities (executed by users)
               share/    architecture-independent data files

                         calendar/  a variety of pre-fab calendar files; see calendar(1)
                         dict/      word lists; see look(1)

                                    web2        words from Webster's 2nd International
                                    words       common words

                         man/       manual pages
                         misc/      misc system-wide ascii text files
                         mk/        templates for make; see make(1)
                         skel/      example . (dot) files for new accounts
                         tabset/    tab description files for a variety of terminals; used in the termcap file; see termcap(5)
               lib/      archive libraries
               libexec/  system daemons & system utilities (executed by other programs)
               local/    executables, libraries, etc. not included by the basic operating system
               sbin/     system daemons & system utilities (executed by users)
               share/    architecture-independent data files

                         calendar/  a variety of pre-fab calendar files; see calendar(1)
                         dict/      word lists; see look(1)

                                    web2        words from Webster's 2nd International
                                    words       common words

                         man/       manual pages
                         misc/      misc system-wide ascii text files
                         mk/        templates for make; see make(1)
                         skel/      example . (dot) files for new accounts
                         tabset/    tab description files for a variety of terminals; used in the termcap file; see termcap(5)
                         zoneinfo/  timezone configuration information; see tzfile(5)

 /var/         multi-purpose log, temporary, transient, and spool files

               at/        timed command scheduling files; see at(1)
               backups/   misc. backup files
               db/        misc. automatically generated system-specific database files
               log/       misc. system log files

               mail/      user mailbox files
               run/       system information files describ

2. Unix ToolBox

code description
# uname -a mac系统内核版本信息
# uptime 电脑自上次启动后的运行时间
# hostname 电脑主机名称
# man hier 查看系统目录结构
# last reboot 系统最近一次的启动时间
# dmesg 检测硬件boot 信息
# top 查看cpu进程
# chmod +x xxx.txt 设置文件权限(777)
# df 查看磁盘可用空间
# mount | column -t 格式化显示文件系统
# du -sh filename 查看文件大小
# du -csh 查看所在目录下所有文件大小
# du -ks directPath 按文件大小排序文件
# ls -lSr 列出所在目录下所有文件, 子文件最多的的在最后
# ifconfig | grep "192." 查看 ip
# arp -a 查看系统启动后连接过得 ip
# traceroute destination 路由跟踪
# ssh-keygen -t dsa -N '' cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa. pub | ssh you@host-server "cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2" ssh 秘钥
# find ./ -name "*test" 查询文件
# whereis java 查询文件目录
# history | tail -50 查询最近50条指令
# openssl md5 file.tar.gz md5加密
# openssl sha1 file.tar.gz sha1加密
# openssl rmd160 file.tar.gz RIPEMD-160加密
# convert a.pdf a.png convert image000* -resample 120x120 -compress JPEG -quality 80 images.pdf 格式转换



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    本文标题:Mac 系统目录结构
