应用即兴04-Applied Improvisation: A

应用即兴04-Applied Improvisation: A

作者: 祥祥布鲁斯 | 来源:发表于2021-04-04 08:18 被阅读0次

    Improvisation: the skill of using bodies, space, imagination, objects and all human resources to generate or to reformulate a coherent physical expression of an idea, a situation and a character (even, perhaps, a text); to do this spontaneously, in response to the immediate stimuli of one’s environment, without preconceptions.

                                                          ------------Anthony Frost and Ralph Yarrow (2016: xv)



    Definitions of “improvisation” are largely based on the theories and practices of jazz music and theatre improvisation. We prefer Frost and Yarrow’s definition above because it reinforces that improvisation is first and foremost a “skill” used to respond to one’s environment, putting the focus “inside the box”3 rather than outside. Improvisers are inspired by sources in the room (especially other people) as they give complete sensory attention to the moment unfolding.


    In Improvisation in Drama, Theatre and Performance, Frost and Yarrow reveal the significance of improvisation used in theatre training and rehearsals throughout history and across cultures. Improvisation has been integral to the theatrical process—to develop truthful behavior in text-based performance, to liberate the actor’s body and imagination, to generate material, to build an ensemble, to respond instinctively to the moment—for a long time, as evidenced by Stanislavsky’s use of improvisation in rehearsals in Russia at the turn of the twentieth century. Even as far back as the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries,historians contend commedia dell’arte troupes improvised dialogue and action within preset scenarios. Improvisation as a performance in and of itself became extremely popular in the late 1950s and early 1960s thanks to the groundbreaking work of Keith Johnstone and his Theatre Machine in Europe and to Paul Sills and The Second City, the company he co-founded in Chicago in 1959. Many authors in this anthology trace their personal histories to these pioneers of improvisation.


    One goal of this book is to establish AI as a field of study worthy of independent investigation. Currently, improvisation applied beyond conventional theatre practices and spaces is frequently categorized within the field of Applied Theatre; but just as Applied Theatre has come to mean theatre practice applied outside of conventional mainstream theatre (e.g. in education, community, and political spaces) to bring about positive change, AI, too, has taken on a new meaning, beyond the field of Applied Theatre.


    While schools of business, law, science, and education are increasingly adding AI courses into their programming, surprisingly, the one discipline in academia that has not fully embraced AI is theatre, which seems to be the natural destination for training future AI facilitators. Improvisation classes are often offered in theatre programs and improvisational processes are utilized in acting classrooms and rehearsal spaces, but courses that specifically introduce theatre students—especially students not interested in acting careers—to AI training or to AI facilitation as a potential, viable career path are almost impossible to find.


    Applied Theatre, theatre for/as social change, and community-based theatre courses often incorporate improvisation as part of their methodology, especially the games of Augusto Boal. The main objective of these courses is, generally, to train students to use theatre methods in/with nonprofit organizations and communities to bring about social, political, and restorative change. Within this anthology, at least half of the case studies apply improvisation to prompt similar change; however, Applied Theatre course work often involves creating a performance (sometimes scripted) that addresses the needs of a particular project. AI course work almost never involves creating a theatrical performance, in the traditional sense.The “performance” happens when students successfully function and respond like skilled improvisers, beyond the classroom, in collaborative environments. Furthermore, while AI work does happen in/with nonprofit organizations and communities, most AI work is happening in the private sector (with for-profit organizations), and it is this branch of the work that is not included for study in Applied Theatre courses.


    This is understandable. Applied Theatre, a well-established field that contains numerous theatre approaches and practices, has so much to cover already; and the work, which often engages marginalized communities and tackles systemic problems, can have very different objectives than the work of AI facilitators working with, for example, corporate teams. So, if Applied Theatre courses are not introducing AI to their theatre students, and theatre students are already developing abilities relevant to professional careers in AI facilitation, what needs to be done? Just as schools of law offer courses in both Civil Rights Law and Business Law, and sociology departments prep students for careers as diverse as social work and urban planning, schools of theatre must offer both Applied Theatre and AI courses to better prepare theatre students, entering a very competitive market, for a range of careers.


    Out of the 5,000-plus trainers, facilitators, consultants, executives, educators, scientists, artists, aid workers, therapists, and managers who have joined the Applied Improvisation Network (AIN), we conjecture that only a small percentage earned an undergraduate or graduate degree in theatre. We are optimistic that this percentage will increase once theatre departments begin adding AI courses to their curriculum. While the field has yet to attract theatre graduates, Paul Z. Jackson, president emeritus of AIN, told us, “Many AIN facilitators have been introduced to improvisation via theatre improvisation performances and workshops.”4


    But even if the impro methods adopted by AI facilitators are rooted in theatre improvisation, as we said before, most theatre and theatre improvisation courses and workshops are not teaching students how to apply impro in non-theatre or nonperformance contexts. This brings up one final argument in support of assigning AI a field of its own. The majority of AI facilitators discovered independently, on their own, or through networking, how well impro cross-pollinates with disciplines beyond theatre; and while facilitators can and often do benefit from theatre theory and practice, most often they associate, substantiate, reinforce, and/or augment what they do (theoretically and practically) with leading studies in organizational behavior, strategic management, social science, critical pedagogy, group innovation, creativity, and so on. AI is interdisciplinary, multifaceted, robust, and ready to stand on its own; it is grounded in a theatre context yet deviates enough from Applied Theatre practice to warrant its own field of study. We hope this first collection of AI case studies will be instrumental in making that happen.




          本文标题:应用即兴04-Applied Improvisation: A
