If you love something, give it away.
Never will you attain the good until you spend from that which you love. And whatever you spend - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it.
-From Islamic Thinking
Lead like the Great Conductors--TED TALK From Itay Talgam
Itay Talgam:像大师那样去“指挥”
If we can get to these wonderful point together of doing without doing, How does Itay Talgam tell us from great musician? and What's information deliver us from Orchestra Conductor?
如果我们能够将一些因素结合起来做到真的“无为”吗,Itay Talgam 告诉我们那些伟大的音乐家是怎么做到的?还有哪些信息我们可以从交响乐指挥家身上学到呢?
1. Happiness does not come from only your his story and your joy of the music. The joy is about enabling other people's stories to be heard at the same time.
2. “You're a great conductor. But,we don't want to work with you. Please resign. Why? Because you don't let us develop. You're using us as instruments, not as partners. Please,the whole idea is really to let it happen by itself. Do not interfere. ”
3. The worst damage I can do to my orchestra is to give them a clear instruction. Because that would prevent the ensemble, the listening to each other that is needed for an orchestra.”
4. You know you have no authority to change anything. It's my music. The real music is only in Karajan's head. And you have to guess my mind. So you are under tremendous pressure because I don't give you instruction, and yet, you have to guess my mind. So it's a different kind of, a very spiritual but yet very firm control. Can we do it in another way?
5. I'm opening a space for you to put in another layer of interpretation." That is another story.
“我为你打开一个空间,把另一层演绎放进去” 这就是另外一个故事。
6. Kleiber not only creates a process, but also creates the conditions in the world in which this process takes place.