Upstar m280a1 Monitor reset - (p

Upstar m280a1 Monitor reset - (p

作者: 番茄晓蛋 | 来源:发表于2016-12-21 02:50 被阅读1924次

Upstar m280a1 Monitor showing sideways logo upon startup and then proceeding to show a black screen
submitted 1 year ago
by PigsNowFly
Hey guys, I bought a new 4k monitor a couple of weeks ago and it got unplugged 2 days ago suddenly, on accident. I don't think that's a huge deal for most monitors, but it kinda seems to have broken this one. Now whenever I turn it on, the Upstar logo shows up sideways and then it just shows a blank (it is lit up with the backlight, however) screen. What do you think could be wrong? It was connected to an Asus R9 290x via displayport.

Just talked to tech support, and got this issue fixed. Basically the monitor just needed to be reset. During the 5 second window that the monitor was powered on I had to push menu>up>menu>up>up>menu.

打电话找客服和官网,官网打不开。电话打不通。 只有通过万能的google来搜索解决方案

原因: 需要把这台显示器复位
办法: 用两个hdmi线连接两台电脑。保证屏幕不要进入睡眠模式。
开机以后,在五秒钟内 快速按 menu>up>menu>up>up>menu. 这样就自动把显示器复位了。 一遍不成,再来一遍就好。

这台显示器是老板发给员工的。 以后自己家里买显示器,还是买大牌把。例如dell。



    本文标题:Upstar m280a1 Monitor reset - (p
