US President Donald Trump announced Wednesday his official recognition of Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel, and instructed the State Department to begin the process of moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Jerusalem 耶路撒冷 Israel 以色列
State Department 国务院
begin the process 启动进程
US embassy 美国大使馆
Tel Aviv特斯拉夫(以色列一个港口城市)
I am determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel," said Trump, adding he judged "this cause of action to be in the best interests of the United States of America and the pursuit of peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
officially recognize 正式承认
this cause of action 行动方针
in the best interests of the United States of America 符合美国的利益
the pursuit of peace 追求和平
"This is a long overdue step to advance the peace process and to work towards a lasting agreement," Trump said, arguing his announcement is just a "recognition of reality," and is "not intended in any way to reflect a departure" from the US commitment to a lasting peace agreement "acceptable to both sides" of Israel and Palestine.
a long overdue step 早该采取的一步
overdue 过期的,迟到的
advance the peace process 推动和平进程
work towards a lasting agreement 达成长久协议
announcement 承认
recognition of reality 对现实的承认
reflect a departure 反映出背离
not intended in any way 无意以任何方式
commitment to a lasting peace agreement 促进长久和平协议的承诺
acceptable to both sides 双方都可接受
We are not taking a position of any final status issues, including the specific boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem or the resolution of contested borders," he said. "Those questions are up to the parties involved."
not taking a position of 不持立场
final status issues 最终地位问题
specific boundaries 具体边境问题
resolution of contested borders 对有争议边境的决议
up to the parties involved 由双方决定
Earlier, the Palestinian authorities have reiterated their stance that there will be no sovereign state of Palestine without East Jerusalem as its capital
Earlier 此前
Palestinian authorities 巴勒斯坦当局
reiterate their stance 重申立场
sovereign state 主权国家
Speaking of the relocation of the US embassy, Trump said the State Department will immediately begin to hire architects, engineers and planners, so as to make the new embassy "a magnificent tribute to peace" when it is completed.
relocation 迁址
immediately begin to hire architect, engineers and planners, 立刻聘请建筑师,工程师和规划师
magnificent tribute伟大献礼
It will take some time to find a site, to address security concerns, design a new facility, fund a new facility and build it," a senior administration official said.
find a site, to address security concerns, design a new facility, fund a new facility and build it 选址,安保问题,设计,出资和建设
senior administration official 政府高级官员
In a frantic series of calls, the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the European Union, France, Germany and Turkey all warned Trump against the move.
In a frantic series of calls 纷纷致电
frantic 疯狂的
Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯
Jordan约旦 Turkey 土耳其
Anticipating protests, US government officials and their families have been ordered to avoid Jerusalem's Old City and the West Bank.
Anticipating protests 出现抗议在意料之中
been ordered 被要求
Old City and the West Bank旧城和约旦河西岸
"Jerusalem is a unique city, sacred for Jews, Christians and Muslims
sacred for 是……心中的圣地
Jews 犹太人
He added that maintaining Jerusalem's status quo was important "in order to avoid adding new elements of tension to an already volatile world that is wracked by so many cruel conflicts."
status quo 现状
avoid adding new elements of tension 避免制造新的紧张局势
wracked 彻底破坏
British foreign minister Boris Johnson, speaking as he arrived for a NATO meeting in Brussels, said "we view the reports that we have heard with concern, because we think that Jerusalem obviously should be part of the final settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians, a negotiated settlement." Turkey said it risked igniting a "fire" in the Middle East
NATO 北大西洋公约(North Altantic Treaty Organization)
Brussels 布鲁塞尔
view the reports that we have heard with concern 听闻相关报道,我们感到很忧心
final settlement 最终协商
risk igniting a "fire" 恐引发战火
George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, consistently renewed a presidential waiver to delay the relocation out of consideration for national security interests.
Bush 小布什 Clinton克林顿
renew a presidential waiver 等美国前总统放弃
waiver 放弃
for national security interests 出于国家安全利益
Jerusalem has often been a flashpoint.Deadly riots targeting Jewish communities erupted in 1929 over the city's most contentious holy site, known as the Temple Mount to Jews and the Noble Sanctuary to Muslims. Recognizing the religious sensitivities, the United Nations proposed a partition plan in 1947 that created two separate states but called for Jerusalem to be under international control.
flashpoint 闪光点
Jerusalem has often been a flashpoint
Deadly riots targeting Jewish communities 以犹太群体为目标的动乱
contentious holy site 有争议的圣地
Temple Mount 圣殿山
Noble Sanctuary 高贵的避难所
proposed a partition plan提出了分治计划
created two separate states建立两个独立国家
called for 要求
under international control 由联合国管理
The plan was approved, but fighting following Israel's declaration of independence left the city divided. Jordan occupied the east; Israel, the west. It remained this way until the 1967 Six-Day War, when Israel captured the eastern part of the city as well and claimed all of it as its capital. Amid peace negotiations in 2000, Ariel Sharon, then the Israeli opposition leader, visited the Temple Mount/Noble Sanctuary. Palestinians rioted the next day and it turned into a five-year uprising, the Second Intifada.
fighting following 随之而来的战斗
left the city divided 导致城市分裂
captured the eastern part of the city占领了城市东部
claimed all of it as its capital 宣布耶路撒冷为以色列首都
Amid peace negotiations 在和平谈判中
opposition leader 反对领导人
riot 开始起义
turned into a five-year uprising演变为五年起义
Second Intifada.第二次起义
Medieval maps show Jerusalem at the center of the known world, with good reason: Historic Jerusalem encompasses places sacred to the three Abrahamic religions.
Medieval maps 中世纪地图
encompass 包含 此处翻译均位于此
places sacred to the three Abrahamic religions三个亚伯拉罕的宗教圣地
The Jewish temple, destroyed by Rome in A.D. 70, was located on a plateau that is now home to the A.l-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, a centuries-old shrine that Muslims revere as the place where the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven. The Western Wall, located below the plateau, is part of the ancient temple complex and the most sacred site of Jewish prayer. Nearby, according to Christian belief, are the sites of Jesus' Crucifixion, death and Resurrection.
Jewish temple 犹太圣殿
a plateau 高原上
A.l-Aqsa Mosque 阿克萨清真寺
Dome of the Rock 圆顶清真寺
revere centuries-old shrine 尊崇数百年历史的圣殿
Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven 先知穆罕默德升天的地方
ancient temple complex古代宏伟神殿
Jewish prayer 犹太朝圣者
Nearby 不远之处
Jesus' Crucifixion 耶稣受难
death and Resurrection 死而复生
Following Israel's capture of East Jerusalem in 1967, the city's borders were redrawn, tripling its size. Some 200,000 Jewish Israelis have moved to the eastern side of the city, and a small number of Jewish nationalists have established residence within traditionally Arab neighborhoods.
redrawn 重新划定
tripling its size 面积是原先的三倍
established residence 定居
traditionally Arab neighborhoods.阿拉伯人传统聚集地
Just 11 days after the 1967 war, President Lyndon Johnson laid out a five-point plan for peace, which included "territorial integrity for all." Johnson's plan didn't go anywhere, but it established the principle of U.S. presidents trying to broker peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
laid out a five-point plan for peace提出促进巴以和平的五项原则
territorial integrity for all.尊重领土完整
didn't go anywhere 并没有取得实际进展
establish the principle 建立原则
broker peace 促进和平
President Bill Clinton hosted two weeks of talks at Camp David in 2000, the closest the two sides ever came to a deal. Trump is now the 10th U.S. president dealing with the conflict.
the closest the two sides ever came to a deal.双方最有可能达成一致协议的一次巴以会谈
The United States maintains a consulate in Jerusalem, an independent mission that represents the U.S. in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. The U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv does not have responsibility for these areas.
maintains a consulate 设立了领事馆
independent mission 独立的代表团
have responsibility for these areas.覆盖以上地区
The consulate consists of a historic building in West Jerusalem and a much larger new facility built in the south of the city, directly on the so-called Green Line, the 1949 armistice line between Israel and Jordan.
armistice line 停战线