Phenotypic impact of genomic str

Phenotypic impact of genomic str

作者: 小米羊爱学术 | 来源:发表于2019-03-22 11:52 被阅读0次

    Corresponding author: Jan Korbel
    Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit

    Structural variants: classes and formation mechanisms.
    Functional consequences of structural variants.
    a. 正常情况下受调控元件特异性调节的基因
    b. 异常的转录产物 remove part of a coding region or fuse different coding regions after a duplication, resulting in aberrant transcripts
    c. 表达量 deletions or duplications can lead to altered doses of otherwise functionally intact elements
    d. 影响调控元件作用 resulting in altered regulatory input (left) or altered gene copy number (right). Structural variants can also affect the expression of genes outside of the variants (that is, a positional effect)

    1. Structural variants in human disease

    1.1 Mendelian sporadic disorders involving structural variants

    三体、单体、异位、CNV 会导致Smith–Magenis syndrome (SMS), Williams–Beuren syndrome (WBS) and Potocki–Lupski syndrome (PLS) 等疾病。

    Large low-copy-number repeats (also known as segmental duplications片段重复)附近更容易发生NAHR,从而导致recurrent DNA rearrangements. The presence of these characteristic genomic sequence features has prompted the use of such large low-copy-number repeats to identify novel genomic loci that are susceptible to structural variant formation.

    Recurrent structural variants can lead to variable phenotypes, with distinct clinical manifestations. 如22q11区域的部分缺失可以导致DiGeorge syndrome (DGS)或velocardiofacial (VCF) syndrome。有时候一个基因上的SV可以导致多种表型,有时候多种基因SV才会导致表型改变。

    涉及Mb大小的SV会影响several gene loci (either protein-coding or non-protein-coding functional heritable units),更可能是影响了gene dosage作用

    在WBS, SMS and PLS models中,更可能是positional effects在起作用。

    DECIPHER注释,20%疾病由duplications引起, whereas 80%由deletions引起, duplications in the DECIPHER database与更轻的表型有关。而且,deletions can unmask recessive alleles that are present in the remaining copy of the respective region,, and can expose inactive imprinted genes.


    1.2 Complex disease and structural variants.

    GWASs and the construction of population reference sets for structural variants,have helped to uncover many associations between structural variants and such disorders, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

    接下来,要更多发现 rare de novo structural variant formation events.

    Interestingly, structural variants associated with complex phenotypes frequently intersect with Mendelian disease loci.


    1.3 Challenges in interpreting structural variant disease phenotypes.


    2. Molecular consequences of structural variants

    2.1 The impact of gene copy number on mRNA levels

    The impact of gene copy number on mRNA levels CNV会改变mRNA水平
    globally there is indeed an appreciable correlation between mRNA levels and gene copy number

    Notably, however, for individual genes mRNA levels often deviated from the expected levels: that is, they were not halved when one gene copy was deleted, nor increased by a 3:2 ratio in a trisomic state. Further to this, not all genes with altered copy number displayed altered expression, and a small proportion even showed expression changes that were inverse to the copy-number alteration. mRNA水平的改变并不是简单的拷贝数加减。



    2.2 Structural variants and regulatory elements



    2.3 Structural variants and protein expression levels

    particularly in mammals, in which genome-wide no more than 40% of protein abundance can be explained by mRNA abundance.

    Changes in mRNA levels caused by copy-number alterations do not necessarily result in corresponding changes in protein levels, as protein levels are additionally modulated by post-transcriptional regulation, translational control, protein folding and stability, and higher-order regulatory interactions between genes and proteins.

    3. Linking structural variants and phenotypes

    3.1 Ascertaining structural variant breakpoints and allelic status.



    3.2 Mapping minimal critical regions



    3.3 Animal models of structural variants

    鼠 狗 牛都可以作为模式生物。老鼠模型比较常见。

    3.4 Computational approaches

    Recently, advances have been made in two areas: first, in predicting the properties of disease-causing genes within structural variants; and second, in identifying networks and cellular processes that are disrupted in disease.

    鉴定受结构变异影响的关键基因的初步工作集中于haploinsufficient genes(单倍剂量不足:指一个等位基因突变后,另一个等位基因能正常表达,但这只有正常水平50%的蛋白质不足以维持细胞正常的生理功能)。这类基因通常比单倍充足基因更长,并且表现出更高程度的进化保守性

    4. Perspectives and future challenges

    1.Present studies are mostly directed to 'unique' regions of the genome, but are 'blind' towards漠视了 the phenotypic contribution of structural variants in complex, repeat-rich, highly duplicated areas of the genome, which are difficult, or even impossible, to ascertain using current genomics technologies.

    Correct and comparable genotype–phenotype correlation and interpretation is highly dependent on sample quality (which includes standardization of the clinical and phenotypic information of these cohorts), sequencing data production and computational analysis. 大型的测序项目, 如Deciphering Developmental Disorders and UK10K, are specifically devoting efforts to collect such data. 此外,the International Standards for Cytogenomic Arrays (ISCA) Consortium 也启动了一项whole-genome array database, which provides clinicians and researchers free access to a searchable catalogue of ranked disease-associated structural variants and affected genes, thus offering a fast and user-friendly interface to query a locus of interest.

    1.regulatory landscapes and the three-dimensional organization of the genome
    2.ENCODE consortium now provides an unprecedented resource for scrutinizing the phenotypic effects of intergenic structural variants in a tissue-specific setting



          本文标题:Phenotypic impact of genomic str
