20170909 打卡

20170909 打卡

作者: 西坡师妹 | 来源:发表于2017-09-09 06:16 被阅读0次


蚂蚁金服的最后一个障碍是,外国政府也许并不欢迎中国企业在其金融体系中扮演重要角色。美国的 CFIUS 正在审视收购速汇金的交易。出于经济层面的考虑,外国政府应该欢迎蚂蚁金服,这样,臃肿不堪的信用卡行业就能迎来变革。

CFIUS 国家安全审査小组美国外资投资委员会
速汇金 MoneyGram(蚂蚁金服谋求收购经营汇款业务的速汇金)


The last barrier Ant is facing is that foreign governments may not be happy to see a financial system led by Chinese enterprises. CFIUS is overseeing acquisitions of MoneyGram. Out of financial consideration, they should have welcomed Ant Financial for a revolution that cuold be brought to their inflated credit card system.


Ant’s final hurdle is that foreign governments may not like Chinese firms having a big role in their financial systems. America’s national-security review panel, known as CFIUS, is looking at the MoneyGram deal. On economic grounds they should welcome Ant, so that it can disrupt the bloated credit-card industry.


to prevent something from continuing in its usual way by causing problems 扰乱,使混乱:

Traffic was disrupted by a hoax bomb.有人虚报有炸弹,给交通造成了混乱。

Climate change could disrupt the agricultural economy.气候变化会给农业经济带来不良影响。

👉正在审视收购速汇金的交易——is looking at the MoneyGram deal


👉出于经济层面的考虑——On economic grounds


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      本文标题:20170909 打卡
