

作者: azim | 来源:发表于2018-07-29 18:27 被阅读649次
    # Implementing Different Layers
    # ---------------------------------------
    # We will illustrate how to use different types
    # of layers in TensorFlow
    # The layers of interest are:
    #  (1) Convolutional Layer卷积层
    #  (2) Activation Layer激活层
    #  (3) Max-Pool Layer池化层
    #  (4) Fully Connected Layer 全连接层
    # We will generate two different data sets for this
    #  script, a 1-D data set (row of data) and
    #  a 2-D data set (similar to picture)
    import tensorflow as tf
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import csv
    import os
    import random
    import numpy as np
    import random
    from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
    # ---------------------------------------------------|
    # -------------------1D-data-------------------------|
    # ---------------------------------------------------|
    # Create graph session 创建初始图结构
    sess = tf.Session()
    # parameters for the run运行参数
    data_size = 25
    conv_size = 5  # 卷积核宽度方向的大小
    maxpool_size = 5  # 池化层核宽度方向上的大小
    stride_size = 1  # 卷积核宽度方向上的步长
    # ensure reproducibility 确保复现性
    seed = 13
    # Generate 1D data 生成一维数据
    data_1d = np.random.normal(size=data_size)
    # Placeholder
    x_input_1d = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[data_size])
    # --------Convolution--------
    def conv_layer_1d(input_1d, my_filter, stride):
        # TensorFlow's 'conv2d()' function only works with 4D arrays:
        # [batch, height, width, channels], we have 1 batch, and
        # width = 1, but height = the length of the input, and 1 channel.
        # So next we create the 4D array by inserting dimension 1's.
        # 关于数据维度的处理十分关键,因为tensorflow中卷积操作只支持四维的张量,
        # 所以要人为的把数据补充为4维数据[1,1,25,1]
        input_2d = tf.expand_dims(input_1d, 0)
        input_3d = tf.expand_dims(input_2d, 0)
        input_4d = tf.expand_dims(input_3d, 3)
        # Perform convolution with stride = 1, if we wanted to increase the stride,
        # to say '2', then strides=[1,1,2,1]
        convolution_output = tf.nn.conv2d(input_4d, filter=my_filter, strides=[1, 1, stride, 1], padding="VALID")
        # Get rid of extra dimensions 去掉多余的层数,只保留数字
        conv_output_1d = tf.squeeze(convolution_output)
        return (conv_output_1d)
    # Create filter for convolution.
    my_filter = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(shape=[1, conv_size, 1, 1]))
    # Create convolution layer
    my_convolution_output = conv_layer_1d(x_input_1d, my_filter, stride=stride_size)
    # --------Activation--------
    def activation(input_1d):
        return (tf.nn.relu(input_1d))
    # Create activation layer
    my_activation_output = activation(my_convolution_output)
    # --------Max Pool--------
    def max_pool(input_1d, width, stride):
        # Just like 'conv2d()' above, max_pool() works with 4D arrays.
        # [batch_size=1, width=1, height=num_input, channels=1]
        # 因为在处理卷积层的结果时,使用squeeze函数对结果输出进行降维,所以此处要将最大池化层的维度提升为4维
        input_2d = tf.expand_dims(input_1d, 0)
        input_3d = tf.expand_dims(input_2d, 0)
        input_4d = tf.expand_dims(input_3d, 3)
        # Perform the max pooling with strides = [1,1,1,1]
        # If we wanted to increase the stride on our data dimension, say by
        # a factor of '2', we put strides = [1, 1, 2, 1]
        # We will also need to specify the width of the max-window ('width')
        pool_output = tf.nn.max_pool(input_4d, ksize=[1, 1, width, 1],
                                     strides=[1, 1, stride, 1],
        # Get rid of extra dimensions
        pool_output_1d = tf.squeeze(pool_output)
        return (pool_output_1d)
    my_maxpool_output = max_pool(my_activation_output, width=maxpool_size, stride=stride_size)
    # --------Fully Connected--------
    def fully_connected(input_layer, num_outputs):
        # First we find the needed shape of the multiplication weight matrix:
        # The dimension will be (length of input) by (num_outputs)
        weight_shape = tf.squeeze(tf.stack([tf.shape(input_layer), [num_outputs]]))
        # squeeze函数用于去掉维度为1的维度。保留数据。
        # Initialize such weight
        # 初始化weight
        weight = tf.random_normal(weight_shape, stddev=0.1)
        # Initialize the bias
        # 初始化bias
        bias = tf.random_normal(shape=[num_outputs])
        # Make the 1D input array into a 2D array for matrix multiplication
        # 将一维的数组添加一维成为2维数组
        input_layer_2d = tf.expand_dims(input_layer, 0)
        # Perform the matrix multiplication and add the bias
        full_output = tf.add(tf.matmul(input_layer_2d, weight), bias)
        # Get rid of extra dimensions
        # 去掉多余的维度只保留数据
        full_output_1d = tf.squeeze(full_output)
        return (full_output_1d)
    my_full_output = fully_connected(my_maxpool_output, 5)
    # Run graph
    # Initialize Variables
    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    feed_dict = {x_input_1d: data_1d}
    print('>>>> 1D Data <<<<')
    # Convolution Output
    print('Input = array of length %d'%(x_input_1d.shape.as_list()[0]))  # 25
    print('Convolution w/ filter, length = %d, stride size = %d, results in an array of length %d:'%
          (conv_size, stride_size, my_convolution_output.shape.as_list()[0]))  # 21
    print(sess.run(my_convolution_output, feed_dict=feed_dict))
    # Activation Output
    print('\nInput = above array of length %d'%(my_convolution_output.shape.as_list()[0]))  # 21
    print('ReLU element wise returns an array of length %d:'%(my_activation_output.shape.as_list()[0]))  # 21
    print(sess.run(my_activation_output, feed_dict=feed_dict))
    # Max Pool Output
    print('\nInput = above array of length %d'%(my_activation_output.shape.as_list()[0]))  # 21
    print('MaxPool, window length = %d, stride size = %d, results in the array of length %d'%
          (maxpool_size, stride_size, my_maxpool_output.shape.as_list()[0]))  # 17
    print(sess.run(my_maxpool_output, feed_dict=feed_dict))
    # Fully Connected Output
    print('\nInput = above array of length %d'%(my_maxpool_output.shape.as_list()[0]))  # 17
    print('Fully connected layer on all 4 rows with %d outputs:'%
          (my_full_output.shape.as_list()[0]))  # 5
    print(sess.run(my_full_output, feed_dict=feed_dict))
    # >>>> 1D Data <<<<
    # Input = array of length 25
    # Convolution w/ filter, length = 5, stride size = 1, results in an array of length 21:
    # [-2.63576341 -1.11550486 -0.95571411 -1.69670296 -0.35699379  0.62266493
    #   4.43316031  2.01364899  1.33044648 -2.30629659 -0.82916248 -2.63594174
    #   0.76669347 -2.46465087 -2.2855041   1.49780679  1.6960566   1.48557389
    #  -2.79799461  1.18149185  1.42146575]
    # Input = above array of length 21
    # ReLU element wise returns an array of length 21:
    # [ 0.          0.          0.          0.          0.          0.62266493
    #   4.43316031  2.01364899  1.33044648  0.          0.          0.
    #   0.76669347  0.          0.          1.49780679  1.6960566   1.48557389
    #   0.          1.18149185  1.42146575]
    # Input = above array of length 21
    # MaxPool, window length = 5, stride size = 1, results in the array of length 17
    # [ 0.          0.62266493  4.43316031  4.43316031  4.43316031  4.43316031
    #   4.43316031  2.01364899  1.33044648  0.76669347  0.76669347  1.49780679
    #   1.6960566   1.6960566   1.6960566   1.6960566   1.6960566 ]
    # Input = above array of length 17
    # Fully connected layer on all 4 rows with 5 outputs:
    # [ 1.71536088 -0.72340977 -1.22485089 -2.5412786  -0.16338299]



