1. 建议我去找top university/top lab. She thinks I am worthy of it. 而且, 大实验室有labmate, 可以弥补我现在没有labmate的缺憾.
2. 她自己的找postdoc的经验: 找到她认为她想去的领域的top5, 给他们写信, 和他们说, 1) 我很喜欢你的研究方向, 研究风格; 我想加入到你们中; 2) 我自己做了什么什么, 我觉得我可以做的很好. 她收到了2个offer, 尽管他们之前都不认识她, 也不认识她phd的advisor.
3. Top lab 要自己写写信去争取, 他们不会发advitisements; 找工作的时候, promote myself.
4. 一个实验室的风格, 可以从他们的文章风格看出; postdoc也是学习的机会, 要看看是不是可以学到很多东西.
5. 她觉得我四年前, 来这里面试的时候, 我做的很好: 自信, promote myself, 即使当时她没有funding, 也会bargain;
6. " think about the IL6-mechanism you discovered, how much you help with Miller lab, how you cope with Berhow in Peoria, how you think independently"; " I think you are on your way to be a good scientist, which I didn't tell my other students".
7. "Science is a field, where we get rejected (abstracts, papers, grant proposals), but we still keep trying. The failures are just what we have gone through to get there. "