作者: Natasha233 | 来源:发表于2021-01-10 23:14 被阅读0次

Weekend ends, not pretty boring one, I actually did something, like spent 1-2 hrs to clean the room and had a nice long nap after lunch.... why holiday ends soooo quickly... there should be more holidays :(

Recently I have been watching a tv series which I thought could be not attractive enough but lately it comes out that it does become more intersting and attractive...  An american family comedy called Atypical, which bascially talks about a guy named Sam, who has autism and all his families, including sister Casey,mom Elsa and dad Doug, have been worring all the stuff in his life...oh almost forgot one, his temporary girlfriend Paige...

I kinda like the way that people being so chatty in those American TV series, and I really feels that it is good for people to be more chatty in their lives... I've seen so many people here in china being so serious and highlighting athorities, which kinda like putting some bid warns saying  stay away from me in their faces.... And being chatty is really great bacause life is boring enough, and we need something to talk about, share opinions and thoughts, getting to know each other better in this way... or otherwise it just feels like two rocks standing up tightly forever and make no chemistry.....

I love the American culture, but its difficult to live ther I guess, especially I will be worring about guns... I think its also great to live in Canada, where has similar culture but is a safer place and also I can meet many chinese there.... I will be there and get a job and buy a house and live there... I will take my master degree there....And I am figuring out how to  to achieve these goals ... Hope these can be true before I get 28....


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    Weekend ends, not pretty boring one, I actually did somet...

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