发件人 Apple
5. 1.2 - Data use & sharing
Please review this information carefully as it impacts your app’s availability on the App Store and requires your immediate action.
We are writing to let you know about new information regarding your app.
Upon re-evaluation, we found that your app is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines. Specifically, we found your app is in violation of the following:
Guideline 5.1.2 - Legal - Privacy - Data Use and Sharing
We found that your app collects user and device information to create a unique identifier for the user's device.
Specifically, through the implementation of instance methods such as setBootTimeInSec:, setCarrierInfo:, setCountryCode:, setDeviceName:, setDisk:, setLanguage:, setMachine:, setMemory:, setModel:, setSysFileTime:, setSystemVersion:, and setTimeZone:, your app uses algorithmically converted device and usage data to create a unique identifier and track the user.
Per 3.3.9 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, neither you nor your app can use any permanent, device-based identifier, or any data derived therefrom, for purposes of uniquely identifying a device.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, remove any functionality from your app that uses algorithmically converted device and usage data to create a unique identifier for the user's device. Additionally, remove any related code that derives data from the device for the purpose of uniquely identifying it.
To ensure there is no interruption of the availability of your app on the App Store, please submit an update within 14 days of the date of this message. If we do not receive an update compliant with the App Store Review Guidelines within 14 days, your app will be removed from sale. Please note, if your app is found to be out of compliance for any reason and rejected after the time period provided has elapsed, your app will be removed from sale until a compliant update is submitted, approved and released to the App Store. If your app is removed from sale, the TestFlight version of this app will also be unavailable for external and internal testing and all public TestFlight links will no longer be functional.
Review Frequently Asked Questions about the new requirements for apps that track users.
In order to return your app to the App Store, you will need to submit an updated version for review which addresses this issue.
If you have any questions about this information, please reply to this message to let us know.
Best regards,
App Store Review
邮件的内容主要在于这一句:We found that your app collects user and device information to create a unique identifier for the user’s device.(我们发现您的应用程序收集用户和设备信息,以便为用户的设备创建唯一标识符。)
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