【EOS成神之路】大话DAPP:ITAM Games白皮书执行摘

【EOS成神之路】大话DAPP:ITAM Games白皮书执行摘

作者: 28e6fa955415 | 来源:发表于2019-05-17 09:02 被阅读3次


本来这两天想要切割和圈定的方法剖析一下ITAM GAMES和鲸交所这两个项目,来梳理一下这两个项目的发展逻辑,从而理清两者的价值逻辑。没想到ITAM GAMES发了白皮书,昨天N叔大致略了一遍,干货不少,而且比起N叔对某些信息的推理预测,上了白皮书的发展规划肯定更为靠谱。所以,接下来几天N叔会花心思翻译解读ITAM的白皮书。










ITAM Games的核心价值在于“通过区块链为玩家提供具有真正价值的数字资产,而不仅仅是娱乐”,在过去的一年中,我们确确实实地在不断缩小现实发展与核心价值假设之间的差距。截至2019年5月,我们能够得出结论,项目实施的任何不确定性都得到了解决,因此现在正式宣布该项目。

ITAM Games将通过区块链技术为游戏用户和游戏开发者提供更好的体验和游戏生态系统。


我们将为游戏开发商提供一个公平互利的商店平台。将区块链技术应用于游戏是困难,昂贵和不方便的。现在,而游戏开发商只需将ITAM SDK应用于传统手机游戏,现有游戏就可以成为能够提供更快,更有利可图的结算,并且获取数字资产交易的佣金的区块链游戏。

ITAM Games并没有通过获得仅仅是有意向和鼓励性的资金来启动项目,事实上,我们专注于及时地证明我们的想法。从2019年3月开始,我们一直在对ITAM游戏进行beta测试,通过不断更新,我们将能够确保服务的稳定性和可扩展性。

在“互联网和个人电脑”以及“移动和智能手机”等这些大变革的浪潮中,游戏产业始终处于起步阶段。为了引领被称为“区块链”的大变革浪潮,ITAM Games已经完成并正在开发以下服务和产品,并将继续致力于使ITAM Games成为区块链游戏生态系统中最活跃,最有价值的服务平台。

2. ITAM游戏


ITAM Games是一个区块链游戏平台,利用区块链技术为用户提供真正的数字资产所有权。作为服务提供商,我们认为让用户选择他们希望存储来之不易的数字资产和成就的区块链协议非常重要。

ITAM Games认为每个协议都有自己作为基础公链的独特优势,作为服务提供商,我们认为现在是让用户自己决定他们喜欢哪个协议,并尝试不同公链的好时机。目前,我们已选择EOS 主网作为第一个连接到ITAM Store的公共区块链协议,但在整个服务生命周期内,我们将为用户为用户提供不同的协议。

图解:本图是ITAM GAMES的核心产品架构,由上到下分别是服务层,基础设施曾和协议层,服务层部署终端产品,作为用户使用产品的窗口,基础设施层是ITAM GAMES团队针对协议层开发的技术工具,用于连接服务和公链,协议层是已经存在的公链,可以看到目前已经实现EOS主链的一条龙服务,今后可以针对区块链2、区块链3进行技术工具的开发,从而让用户能够使用自己喜欢的公链来存储数字资产或使用其他功能。


ITAM商店是一种移动应用服务,其UI和UX类似于Google Play商店和Apple App Store,是用户可以查看ITAM游戏提供的区块链游戏列表以及下载游戏的场所。ITAM商店用户可以通过游戏玩法获取和查看他们获得的可靠排名(排行榜),以ITAM NFT(不可替代通证)形式存在的游戏内数字资产的完全所有权,并能够与其他用户交易这些数字资产。ITAM商店为用户提供内置的ITAM钱包。使用ITAM钱包,用户可以访问用户身份验证,查看游戏内容的购买信息,查看拥有的ITAM NFT的信息以及销售或购买数字资产。

3)ITAM NFT和交易/租赁

ITAM NFT是ITAM商店中游戏的标准非伪造令牌(NFT)。它是用户在游戏中获取的标记化数字资产,例如独特的物品,角色,成就,排名等。通过ITAM SDK,用户的数字资产将在获取的同时创建于区块链,其注册,修改和删除的历史都将记录在区块链上,为游戏用户提供不可篡改地、真正的所有权。

ITAM NFT的真正所有权属于游戏用户,可以交易,租借给其他用户或向其他用户租借。

4)ITAM Market和ITAM DADEX(去中心化数字资产交易所)

ITAM Market是ITAM Games的一个基础探索,它基于ITAM团队之前开发EOScanner.io的经验。 ITAM游戏的成就,挑战和排名,ITAM NFT,智能合约等独特数字资产的收购和交易可以被任何人轻松,透明地查看。 (https://itam.market)

ITAM DADEX是一种去中心化服务,允许用户交易或租赁ITAM NFT。来自世界各地的游戏玩家将使用ITAM DADEX作为交换媒介,区块链技术可确保交易所的可靠性,透明度和完整性。


游戏社区是一个为用户提供超越游戏体验的娱乐空间。 ITAM社区将通过添加奖励计划来激活和扩展游戏社区,以便游戏用户自愿创建和分享游戏内容。社区大致分为三个部分,首先所谓“ITAM主社区”,其拥有该平台的所有功能,包括ITAM游戏的新闻,即将进行的游戏的预注册等;其次所谓“官方游戏社区”,其能够提供的公告,事件,更新等,除此之外还有由用户创建和运营的“开放社区”。


ITAM SDK使游戏开发者更容易和方便地进入区块链游戏市场。开发人员可以通过简单地将ITAM SDK应用到他们的游戏中来加入名为ITAM Store的区块链游戏商店,而无需花费大量资源。他们还可以为游戏开发者集成ITAM钱包,设置独特的游戏内数字资产(NFT),可以使用该软件包访问营销支持工具,用户分析系统等。

想要在不加入ITAM Store的情况下使用“数字资产注册和交易”服务的游戏开发商也可以应用不同版本的ITAM SDK来为其游戏用户提供NFT交易服务。

3. ITAM游戏的生态系统和令牌


图解:可以看到ITAM所要建立的生态系统以ITAM Store和DADEX两个产品为核心,两者各自成一个体系,又同属于ITAM旗下。在整个系统中,主要使用ITAM通证或其他合作数字货币(比如EOS、DAI)来进行流通,在ITAM Store中购买游戏,在DADEX支付交易佣金。玩家可以通过参与活动活交易数字资产获益,开发者可以获得游戏费用分红来获取收益,ITAM会将自身收益用于ITAM生态系统的中,进一步提升生态系统的价值。

ITAM Store和DADEX都有基于佣金的模型。

在ITAM商店中,游戏用户可以使用ITAM令牌或ITAM GAMES的合作加密货币在ITAM商店购买优质内容,游戏开发者在14天退款保护期后获得80%的盈利分红。

游戏用户之间进行ITAM NFT交易的费用为5-10%,其中30%分配给ITAM NFT的相应游戏开发商,70%归ITAM Games,后者将用于提升 ITAM生态系统的价值。

ITAM令牌将成为生态系统的通用令牌,用于购买ITAM Games上的某些优质内容,作为数字资产(ITAM NFT)交易的主要货币,ITAM Games参与奖励和活动,租赁ITAM NFT的费用等。但是,为了激励内容购买,各种加密货币将与ITAM Games合作付款。同时,对于使用ITAM令牌付款的用户,将给予折扣,并奖励使用ITAM令牌作为ITAM NFT租赁费和交易数字资产的主要货币的参与者。


ITAM游戏将发行一个称为ITAM TOKEN的令牌。总计发行25亿个ITAM令牌,永不增加。 ITAM令牌将在ITAM游戏服务上具备以下功能:



    -支付ITAM NFT用户之间的租赁费用





图解:本图显示了ITAM Token的分配,顺时针看,投入到ITAM生态系统中的令牌达30%,用于营销宣传的令牌为15%,ITAM团队激励10%,早期支持者和贡献者为5%,令牌售卖为40%。




推出全球首款EOS Chrome扩展电子钱包





ITAM Games自研区块链移动RPG游戏“BlueDawn”


EOS Fullnode









ITAM Games自研区块链移动RPG游戏“BlueDawn”






开放Beta版 v0.9


ITAM Maket服务公测


开发 v0.9版本

开发简单登录,数字资产(ITAM NFT)功能

ITAM Games自研区块链移动RPG游戏“BlueDawn”




发布 v1.0版本



开通数字资产(ITAM NFT)交易服务



数字资产标记化(ITAM NFT),转账功能

ITAM Games自研区块链移动RPG游戏“BlueDawn”







ITAM NFT点对点租赁功能

ITAM Games自研区块链移动RPG游戏“BlueDawn”

在某些地区发布并开放 Beta ver1.0版本



发布ITAM AD服务及新游戏预注册功能



ITAM Games自研区块链移动RPG游戏“BlueDawn”


根据N叔亲测,ITAM Games的发展已经超过了路线图的预期,这是个努力做事并能做成事的团队。


1. The Start

In the year 2018, the global mobile gaming market reached 65 trillion KRW, and is expected to have the greatest growth rate compared to other gaming markets

The reason for its massive market size is because it has advantages over other platforms such as convenience, simplicity, and mobility, which is continuously making the worldwide mobile gaming marketthrive even further. 

However, due to the advantage of being able to play anytime and anywhere, the time, effort, and money invested by the game users increases in relation, and both the users’ characters and digital assets thatenhance with these costs are attributed only within the game and exists only as data on a centralized gameserver. In addition, many of the games that induce users to pay high prices also promotes competitionamongst the game users, and manipulates the data of the centralized server to maliciously destroy the in-game order, which strongly discourages honest gamers.   

Blockchain technology provides a fair and trustless game competition system and gives value to the gameusers' gameplay. Traditional games, such as a single-player puzzle game that did not have ranking servers,can now record high scores and the process of acquiring that high score by incorporating blockchaintechnology, which will add further entertaining elements to the game and have a fair ranking and competitionsystem. Furthermore, digital assets, such as game items that were acquired through time and effortinvestments by the game users via blockchain technology, will grant the user true ownership, which also canbe traded with other users.  

The core value of ITAM Games is to 'provide players digital assets that have true value through blockchain,rather than being merely entertainment,' and we have constantly and firmly reduced the gap between realisticdevelopment and the core value hypothesis over the past year. As of May 2019, we came to the conclusionthat any uncertainties about the implementation of the project were resolved, and thus, are now formallyannouncing the project.

ITAM Games will provide a better experience and gaming ecosystem for both the game users and gamedevelopers with blockchain technology.

We will enhance the gameplay value of users. By on-chaining the leaderboards, achievements, challenges,etc. which were meaningless data before due to data tampering, we will provide a fair competition system.Also, game users will have their digital assets on their own personal wallets instead of on a centralized gameserver. Digital assets will be recorded on the blockchain so that the user can have true ownership of digitalasset(s) and by storing on the blockchain, digital asset become more transparent and the ability to beexchanged among other users within a trustless system becomes possible. Moreover, the creation andtrading history of the digital assets will be trackable by anyone.

We will provide game developers with a fair and mutually beneficial store platform. Currently, applyingblockchain technology to games is difficult, expensive and inconvenient. Simply by applying the ITAM SDK totheir traditional mobile games, existing games can become blockchain games, providing game developers with faster and more profitable settlements, as well as commission fees on digital asset trading.

ITAM Games didn’t start the project by getting funds with mere potential and inspiration, but focused onactually proving our propositions in a timely manner. Starting from March of 2019, we are in the process ofopen beta testing ITAM Games, and through continuous updates, we will ensure the stability and scalabilityof our service.

In the waves of big transformations, such as the 'Internet and PC' and 'mobile and smartphones', the gameindustry has always been at its inception and initiative. In order to lead the wave of the big transformationcalled ‘blockchain,’ ITAM Games has completed and is in development of the following services andproducts, and will continuously work to make ITAM Games the most active and valuable service in the blockchain gaming ecosystem.

2. ITAM Games

1) Multi Blockchain service

ITAM Games is a blockchain gaming platform that utilizes blockchain technology to give true ownership of digital assets to users. As a service provider, we believe that it is important to give users the choice of which blockchain protocol they would like to store their hard-earned digital assets and achievements.  

ITAM Games believe each protocol has its own unique advantages as a chain, and as service provider, we believe it is a great time to experiment with different chains and let the users themselves decide whichprotocol they prefer. Currently, we have chosen the EOS MainNet to be the first public blockchain protocol tobe connected to the ITAM Store, but throughout the service's lifetime we will be implementing differentprotocols for our users.

2) ITAM Store

The ITAM Store is a mobile app service with a UI and UX similar to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store, and is the venue where users can view the list of blockchain games offered by ITAM Games, as well as download the games. ITAM Store users can acquire and view credible rankings (leaderboards) they earn through gameplay, gain full ownership of the acquired in-game digital assets called ITAM NFT (Non-FungibleToken), and trade these digital assets with other users. The ITAM Store has a built-in ITAM Wallet for users. With the ITAM Wallet, users have access to user authentication, view purchase information of game contents, view information of owned ITAM NFT, and sell/buy digital assets.

3) ITAM NFT and Trading/Leasing

ITAM NFT is the standard Non-Fungible Token (NFT) of the games on the ITAM Store. It is a tokenized digital asset, such as unique items, characters, achievements, rankings, etc., acquired by the user in the game.Through the ITAM SDK, the users’ digital assets are created simultaneously as to when it is acquired, and the history of its registration, modification and deletion are all recorded on the blockchain to provide the game users with immutability and true ownership.

True ownership of the ITAM NFTs belongs to the game users, can be traded, and lent or borrowed to other users.

4) ITAM Market and ITAM DADEX (Digital Asset Decentralized Exchange)

ITAM Market is a block explorer of ITAM Games based on developmental experience of EOScanner.io, which the ITAM Team developed previously. Achievements, challenges, and rankings of ITAM Games, acquisition and trading of unique digital assets known as ITAM NFTs, smart contracts, and more can be easily and transparently viewed by anyone. (https://itam.market)

ITAM DADEX is a decentralized service that allows users to trade or lease ITAM NFTs. Gamers from all around the world will be using the ITAM DADEX as the medium of exchange, and its blockchain technology ensures the reliability, transparency, and integrity of the exchanges.

5) ITAM Community

The game community is a space that gives users entertainment beyond gameplay. The ITAM community will activate and expand the gaming community by adding reward programs so that game users will voluntarily create and share game content. The communities are largely divided into three parts, known as the 'ITAM Main Community', which has all the features of the platform, including news of ITAM Games, pre-registration of upcoming games, and more, ‘Official Game Community,’ which provides announcements, events, updates, and more, and the ‘Open Community,' which is created and operated by the users.

6) ITAM for Developers

The ITAM SDK package makes it easier and convenient for game developers to enter the blockchain game market. Developers can join the blockchain game store known as the ITAM Store by simply applying the ITAM SDK package to their games, without having to spend large amounts of resources. They can also integrate the ITAM Wallet for Game Developers, set up unique in-game digital assets (NFT), have access to marketing support tools, user analytics systems, and more with the package. 

Game developers who want to only use the 'digital asset registration and trading’ services without joining the ITAM Store can apply a different version of the ITAM SDK to provide NFT trading services to their game users.

3. ITAM Games’ Ecosystem and Token

1) ITAM Games’ Ecosystem

Both the ITAM Store and DADEX have commission-based models.

On the ITAM Store, game users purchase premium content on the ITAM Store with either the ITAM Token or with one of the partnered cryptocurrencies of ITAM Games, and the game developer receives 80% after the 14-day refund protection period.

The fee for an ITAM NFT trade between game users is 5-10%, of which 30% is allocated to the corresponding game developer of the ITAM NFT, and 70% is attributed to ITAM Games, which will be used to enhance the value of the ITAM ecosystem.

The ITAM Token will be the native token for the ecosystem, such as for purchasing certain premium content on ITAM Games, key currency for unique digital asset (ITAM NFT) trading, ITAM Games participation rewards and events, fees for leasing ITAM NFTs, etc. But in order to activate content purchase, a broad range of various cryptocurrencies will be partnered with ITAM Games as payment. However, discounts will be given to users who pay in ITAM Token; and benefits will be given to participants who use ITAM Token as key currency for ITAM NFT leasing fee and for trading digital assets.

2) ITAM Token

ITAM Games will issue a token, called the ITAM Token. A strict limit of 2.5 billion ITAM Tokens will be created, never to be increased. ITAM Token will have the following functions on ITAM Game services:

 Discount on digital asset trading fees

    Discounts on premium content within the ITAM Store

    Leasing fee between ITAM NFT users

    Game developers may receive deductions in platform fees by staking the ITAM Token

    Certain premium content can only be accessed by purchasing with the ITAM Token

    Gradual token burn in order to activate the ITAM Games ecosystem

The ITAM Token creation and distribution plan is shown in the following figure.

4. ITAM Games Roadmap



ITAM Telegram:https://t.me/itamgames

ITAM 媒体:https://medium.com/itam

ITAM Twitter:https:twitter.com/itamgames



    本文标题:【EOS成神之路】大话DAPP:ITAM Games白皮书执行摘
