- HTTP/1.1:最常见,快 20 年了;在 HTTP/1.1,引入了 keep-alive-mechanism,即长连接(Persistent connections),允许在同一个链接上传输多个请求;HTTP/1.1 还引入了 Chunked Transfer Encoding 这种 Transfer-Encoding (传输编码)方式;
- SPDY/3:Google's first version of the HTTP/2 spec,是 HTTP/2 的基础,为 H2 所替代;SPDYCheck.org;
- H2:H2 表示 HTTP/2,2015 年 5 月发布;旨在提升性能,主要是改进时延和带宽;
- H2C:H2C 表示 HTTP 2 over Cleartext,HTTP/2 when used over a non-encrypted TCP;
- Architecting Websites For The HTTP/2 Era 值得读一下;
- How speedy is SPDY?