

作者: limengzhe | 来源:发表于2021-08-30 19:31 被阅读0次

本文首发于 JS:构造函数总结



但是当一个函数创建好以后,我们并不知道它是不是构造函数(即使函数名的首字母为大写)。只有当它以 new 操作符来调用的时候,我们才能说它是一个构造函数。

// 这是一个通用的默认构造函数类 Car
function Car(make, model, year) {
  this.make = make
  this.model = model
  this.year = year

// 分配给 beetle 的一个新的 Car 对象引用
let beetle = new Car("Volkswagen", "Beetle", 1938)

console.log(beetle.model) // expected output: "Beetle"



上面代码中的 Car() 是一个构造函数,Car 既是它的函数名,也是它的类名。

将构造函数 Car 转换为类声明如下:

class Car {
  constructor(make, model, year) {
    this.make = make
    this.model = model
    this.year = year




// 通过变量加字面量的形式依次进行赋值
let beetle = { make: "Volkswagen", model: "Beetle", year: "1938" }
let porsche911 = { make: "Porsche", model: "Porsche 911", year: "1963" }
let accord = { make: "Accord", model: "Honda", year: "1976" }
// 通过构造函数的形式进行赋值
let beetle = new Car("Volkswagen", "Beetle", 1938)
let porsche911 = new Car("Porsche", "Porsche 911", 1963)
let accord = new Car("Accord", "Honda", 1976)

this 来设置对象内的属性或方法

function Car(make, model, year) {
  this.make = make
  this.model = model
  this.year = year
  this.introduce = function () {
    alert(`I'm the ${model}. I'm from ${make}. I was made in ${year}.`)

通过 new 操作符进行调用

要调用构造函数,请使用 new 操作符将新的对象引用分配给一个变量/常量。

let beetle = new Car("Volkswagen", "Beetle", 1938)


  • 当以 new 操作符调用某一个构造函数时,构造函数会立刻在堆内存中创建一个新的内存空间,并将这个内存空间的地址赋值给 this

  • 执行函数体内的代码,当构造函数执行完毕,会将 this 赋值给一个新的实例 instance,并返回 instance

  • 当调用结束时,instance 就是我们所需要的新的对象。


默认情况下,构造函数的返回值是 this,即新创建的对象。

// 这是一个通用的默认构造函数类 Car
function Car(make, model, year) {
  this.make = make
  this.model = model
  this.year = year

// 分配给 beetle 的一个新的 Car 对象引用
let beetle = new Car("Volkswagen", "Beetle", 1938)

console.log(beetle) // expected output: { make: 'Volkswagen', model: 'Beetle', year: '1938' }


function Car(make, model, year) {
  this.make = make
  this.model = model
  this.year = year
  return {
    name: `${make} ${model} ${year}`,

let beetle = new Car("Volkswagen", "Beetle", 1938)

console.log(beetle) // expected output: { name: 'Volkswagen Beetle 1938' }


通过 callapply 方法

function Car(make, model, year) {
  this.make = make
  this.model = model
  this.year = year

function Wheel(make, model, year) {
  Car.call(this, make, model, year)
  this.wheels = 4

let beetle = new Wheel("Volkswagen", "Beetle", 1938)

console.log(beetle.wheels) // expected output: 4

通过 prototype 属性

function Car(make, model, year) {
  this.make = make
  this.model = model
  this.year = year

function Wheel() {
  this.wheels = 4

// 将 Wheel 的原型对象赋值给 Car 的原型对象
Car.prototype = new Wheel()
// 纠正继承链
Car.prototype.constructor = Car

let beetle = new Car("Volkswagen", "Beetle", 1938)

console.log(beetle.wheels) // expected output: 4


构造函数是一个普通的函数。在 ES6 之前,我们习惯用构造函数去创建一个类。不过后来 ES6 定义了 Class 关键字,它可以理解为是构造函数的一个语法糖,可以让我们更加方便地创建一个类。

class Car {
  constructor(make, model, year) {
    this.make = make
    this.model = model
    this.year = year

类只能使用 new 操作符调用,否则会报错。

class Car {
  constructor(make, model, year) {
    this.make = make
    this.model = model
    this.year = year
// 报错
Car(make, model, year) // typeError: Class constructor Car cannot be invoked without 'new'

class 可以通过 extends 关键字很方便的实现继承

class Car {
  constructor(make, model, year) {
    this.make = make
    this.model = model
    this.year = year

class Beetle extends Car {
  constructor(make, model, year) {
    // super 用于访问和调用一个对象的父对象上的函数
    // 传递给 super 的参数会被传递给父类的构造函数
    super(make, model, year)
    // super() 只能在使用 this 之前调用
    this.wheels = 4

let myBeetle = new Beetle("volkswagen", "beetle", 1967)

console.log(myBeetle) // expected output: Beetle {make: "volkswagen", model: "beetle", year: 1967, wheels: 4}


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