1. First, the Earth is becoming too small for us.
2. Global warming is caused by all of us.
3. Nuclear war is still probably the greatest threat to humanity at the present time.
One way or another, I regard it as almost inevitable that either a nuclear confrontation or environmental catastrophe will cripple the Earth at some point in the next 1,000 years.
But, by the time we are shown the future, science, technology and the organisation of society are supposed to have achieved a level of near-perfection. I question this picture and ask if we will ever reach a final steady state of science and technology.
There is no sign that scientific and technological development will dramatically slow down and stop in the near future.
The Star Trek vision of the future in which we achieve an advanced but essentially static level may come true in respect of our knowledge of the basic laws that govern the universe. But I don't think we will ever reach a steady state in the uses we make of these laws. The ultimate theory will place no limit on the complexity of systems that we can produce, and it is in this complexity that I think the most important developments of the next millennium will be.
But now we are at the beginning of a new era in which we will be able to increase the complexity of our DNA without having to wait for the slow process of biological evolution.
Of course, many people will say that genetic engineering on humans should be banned. But I rather doubt that they will be able to prevent it. Genetic engineering on plants and animals will be allowed for economic reasons, and someone is bound to try it on humans.
中国......将精准医疗上升为国家战略,计划在2030年投入600亿元。2017 年 4 月印发《“十三五”生物技术创新专项规划》,点明发展“新一代基因操作技术”。
据中商产业研究院最新报告,2016至2020年全球精准医疗市场规模将以每年15%的速率增长。预计 2020 年全球精准医疗市场规模将破千亿,达到 1050 亿美元,“基因剪刀”将是撬动千亿级大市场的一把钥匙。