前提:已安装 idea 、 jdk 1.8
官方安装文档: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2016.1/cucumber.html?origin=old_help
1 IDEA > File > Setting > Plugins
安装Cucumber for java ; Cucumber for Groovy
2 使用maven新建工程
3 POM文件:
<!-- test support library (page objects, elements, test base, ...) -->
4 目录结构如下:

1 test/ersources下新建feature文件
# Created by Jane.Yao at 2020/5/22
Feature: Add Test
Scenario: Add Test
Given x is 5 and y is 6
When add x and y
Then Result is 11
2 test/java下创建Runner文件,用于执行Cucumber测试
package com.cucumber;
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
@CucumberOptions(plugin = {"pretty","json:target/cucumbr-report.json"})
public class CalculatorTestRunner {
3 feature文件,alt+enter, 创建step,指定step文件存放路径

4 自动生成的step文件内容
package com.cucumber;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Given;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Then;
import cucumber.api.java.en.When;
public class MyStepdefs {
@Given("^xP is (\\d+) and y is (\\d+)$")
public void xpIsAndYIs(int arg0, int arg1) {
@When("^add x and y$")
public void addXAndY() {
@Then("^Result is (\\d+)$")
public void resultIs(int arg0) {
5 填充实际操作code
package com.cucumber;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Given;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Then;
import cucumber.api.java.en.When;
import static org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual.equalTo;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
public class MyStepdefs {
private Calculator calculator;
private int result;
@Given("^xP is (\\d+) and y is (\\d+)$")
public void xpIsAndYIs(int arg0, int arg1) {
this.calculator = new Calculator(arg0, arg1);
@When("^add x and y$")
public void addXAndY() {
result = this.calculator.add();
@Then("^Result is (\\d+)$")
public void resultIs(int arg0) {
assertThat(result, equalTo(arg0));
6 运行runner文件,看与期望结果是否一致

7 附:Calculator文件内容
package com.cucumber;
public class Calculator {
private int x;
private int y;
public Calculator(int x , int y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public int add(){
return this.x + this.y;